

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    HI to all my buddies here~ I had a great birthday. We went to one of my favorite restaurants…Johnny’s…it’s been here since 1922 and has the best steaks ever! Needless to say I wasn’t good on calories with a drink, a glass of wine, an appetizer, etc. But I did cut my steak and au gratin potatoes in half and only had the bleu cheese crumbles on my salad instead of a dressing. We had cake on a pink table cloth with pink cups, forks, and plates, and then my DH opened the blinds so I could see my new windchimes and garden “pretty”. I don’t know what to call it. It has a spike with a cup thing on top. Another pole is balanced in the cup and on one end is a bunch of leaves and on the other end is a dog and cat hugging. It’s really cute but I’m not sure I described it well.
    Happy belated birthday Meg. Love the cat and mouse story! x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies,
    I am up and staggering. I got the stomach bug:sick:
    been doing so well. Ive been up since about 4 with trips to the bathroom every few minutes, unfortunatly that is how I have lost the weight.
    not up for the gym today.. and seriously thinking of not going to work...But I dont want to leave them short handed.one girl is on vacation, and we have 2 Dr's with patient's today which means they need 2 assistants..
    I dont want to get anyone else ill either.. could have been the nacho's too. who knows...
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hope this fabulous Friday finds everyone happy and healthy! I`ve got a busy day today and then next week I get to play:bigsmile: ! Of course I`ll probably be playing in the closet, I would love to finish it!!!!

    I very much enjoyed all the cat and mouse stories:laugh: ! Great way to start the day off with laughter!!!

    Rori:smile: Have a fantastic time on your island vacation!!!! I`m just a bit jealous:embarassed: :love: !

    Joy:smile: Your hubby sounds like a jewel!!! Get better so you can enjoy that cruise!!! So glad for you the MIL is leaving tomorrow!!!!

    Have a great day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful sunny NC where it`s supposed to be 80 degrees today:bigsmile: :glasses:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hi all :heart:
    Went to the doctor this morning for a routine blood and urine test. I told the health care assistant that I thought the practice didn't do enough to encourage people to lose weight. She just looked blank. I wish my doctor had put more emphasis on the health benefits to me last year, but nobody said anything and I only saw the 'obese' written on my chart by accident. I said, 'why don't you mention it at your next meeting' , she said 'I'm only a healthcare assistant and dont go to meetings' !! Not good management practice I think. :grumble: I'm afraid I've got to be a bit of a missionary now.
    Had ANOTHER power cut last night for 2 hours.:explode: Right at the start of DH' s important play off match he was watching on the laptop. They lost. :frown:
    I missed my current favourite programme, Secret Eaters. I will have to catch up on the laptop today. Am I obsessed? I think so. :laugh: :laugh:
    I'm cooking the delicious Easy Crustless Spinach and Feta Pie from skinnytaste.com today. I love it and it's great cold so lunch tomorrow is also sorted! :bigsmile:
    Bye now, lunch is calling. :heart:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Sadly, I got word that I was not chosen to be interviewed in person for the position I was being considered for. Tried not to get my hopes up for it, but the position couldn’t have been a more perfect fit for my skills and experience based on the phone interview. That’s the first response to my 1000’s (literally) of applications I’ve had in a year. Uber-depresssing. Oh well, must just keep calm and carry on :angry:

    Barbie – I will now think of you and your “salad” dogs each time Dillon rolls in the leaves and grass:happy:

    M. – Have a great time in NYC, hope you have wonderful weather to enjoy the city

    Sue in SD – How great that your Dr. is going to go to bat for you to get the MRI. Hope you have a great visit with DD.

    Jeri / Luckyinlove2 – Welcome! Congratulations on getting on the path to health. You’ve set some great goals. Come back here often for laughs and support on your journey.

    Robin – how cool that you can get gym membership via your work, maybe that helps (a little) in putting up with “the queen” :bigsmile:

    Connie – what a lucky gal you are, having a husband who cooks for you each night

    Katla – Glad you have gotten some clarity re: DH’s diagnosis, it sounds as though this doctor is one of the goods ones and will be on top of his condition

    Lucy – My cat used to bring me lizards (or often just their tails). He once left one perfectly placed in the middle of my bed pillow as a token of his affection :laugh:

    Meg – So glad you had a terrific birthday and that you’re done with classes too! Yay for Bennie being healed

    YannieJannie – I LOVED that book!!!!!!!! I laughed, I cried, I told everyone I know about it too.

    Rori – Aloha! Hope you have a restful, rejuvenating vacation

    Joy – Glad your hubby has a clear understanding of all you’ve been putting up with. He sounds like a keeper, booking a cruise for just the two of you. :heart: Hoping you heal rapidly so you can fully enjoy it

    DeeDee – I can just picture you and Noel dripping wet with you carrying her. I had to carry mine last weekend about ¼ way around the lake, he’d picked up a thorn that I could feel but not see - - wanted to log it as “extra” in my exercise diary but they don’t seem to have that particular exercise in the database:bigsmile:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Want something you’ve never had? Try something you’ve never done!”
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Have a great day!!!
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Hello Ladies...
    I haven't been in touch with you guys for a month or better so thought I would correct that. I have read some of the latest posts and got a real good chuckle over the mouse in the suitcase story.:laugh: :laugh:
    A lot has happened in my life since I last posted here. In mid-April we sold our town house and started a big ball rolling down hill at neck break speed!! We have until June 10 to move out of this house and to get the farm house ready to move in to. So the first thing we did was buy a big storage shed to move all of our nonessential things into. We have emptied out our 3 upstairs bedrooms, the basement, and the garage already. We are now working on the main floor. We take a load with us everyday as we go out to work on the house. The farm house is coming along. We have still to run a water line from the meter to the house (1/8 of a mile) but needs to dry a bit in order to do that. Our 10 inch SNOW storm and no electricity for 2 1/2 days during May 3-6...(never have seen snow in Northern Missouri in May in my entire lifetime of nearly 60 years!!!!)...has put us a bit behind schedule. However, if the rain will stop soon, we will be able to get the digging done in a day or so after it dries a bit. We still have plumbing in the bathrooms and kitchen to do and put down the flooring. A couple weeks or three should get us in the house, if the weather would cooperate!!! I don't have internet at the farm yet, so I don't know how long it will be before I can contact you once we move. I will let you know when we are leaving the town house and eventually I will get back to let you know how we are enjoying our brand new house!!!:happy: Everyone stay safe and happy!!
    June from North Central Missouri where is seems to not know that enough rain is ENOUGH!!
    P.S. I forgot to mention that my weight loss is still slowing coming down. I made it to ONEderland during the month of April as well as losing my 100th pound. I continue to lose about a pound per week and hope to be in or near the 180's by the end of May.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    well it must have been a touch of something.. not feeling 100%,but well enough to go to work.. took a shower and got dressed, will be taking saltines and crystalized ginger with me to work.. then have the weekend off.
    Wishing all my vitamin F friends a wonderful Mother's day.. it is the best job in the world:wink:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi! Happy Fabulous Friday!:happy: Sunny again here in Portland, and it's going to be a warm one, ahhhhhh!:glasses:

    I've been the busiest bee lately, haven't had time for much reading or writing! But all's well, gardens are growing like mad and the yard is already full of beautiful perennial flowers, some have bloomed a month earlier than usual. This morning I'll plant the rest of the annuals I've grown from seed, there are 2 full flats yet. Such a hopeless flower girl :laugh: but I just can't help myself! :flowerforyou:

    Another recording session today, I've been helping a student get some of her original music recorded in my home studio. It's painstaking work but I'm happy to be back in the studio since it spurs me on to get back to working on my own songs. I spend all this time on other people's music and my own projects are left on the back burner! :ohwell: I've recorded 2 full-length CDs of my songs over the years, and have enough new songs for another one - just need to find the Start button! :tongue:

    On the weight-loss front, I looked back at my notes yesterday, and do you know, I've lost a full half-pound since last May. :laugh: But yay, I'm maintaining! Still want to duck out of a few more pounds but I'm feeling darn good. :bigsmile:

    Everyone have a wonderful day and weekend! I'd better scoot!

    :smile: jb
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi Ladies, I really haven't been around here very much. Just a note on the mice stories. I had gone down to do laundry several years ago, when perched in front of my dryer was a teeny baby mouse with the biggest ears. It looked terrified and froze. I yelled for my husband, "MOUSSSSSSSSE" and my husband came down armed with a garden tool (one of those little hand shovel things). He took one look at it, laughed, picked it up by its tail and placed it in the backyard. I have another mouse story, but will save it for a later time. It isn't as cute as this one.

    Although I joined MFP I think around two years ago, I only became active here in February, 2013, because of a particular goal I had: Running the Broad Street Run 10-miler.

    Well, I did it last Sunday, May 5, 2013 with a pace a full 1'30" faster than my goal pace. I had a ball (although the last few miles felt awful). My fastest 1/2 mile was the last one at 10'23" pace--I just wanted to finish. I didn't even want to walk to pick up my medal so I yelled to the guy, "Throw it to me." He didn't find it funny. I finished all ten miles in under two hours, even with a port-a-pot break at the 8th mile.

    After the run, I was stuck on a bus for an hour to go one mile. All of our legs were cramping (there had been a horrific traffic snarl) and I had a charlie horse in my hamstring. One of the men on the bus yelled to let us off. We got off--and stopped at McFadden's bar, which is at the Phillies ballpark. The bar was filled with runners in their bibs and medals! So I spent around three hours in there with them "waiting for traffic to clear," yeah right, lol. I also never knew beer tasted so good when your body was depleted of glycogen and water.

    Anyway, not wanting to be goal'less, I immediately signed up for the Rock'n'Roll half marathon on 9/15/13 in Philly.

    I lost 18 pounds since I started in February to train for the race. I was unable to lose anything for quite a while when my focus was on losing weight. I highly recommend working toward a goal, even a 5k walk. At least that's what worked for me--I need tangible goals and not the nebulous "I want to lose 18 pounds."

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Well, I FINALLY started cleaning my closet and am happy to report that I'm halfway done!:smile: At least I have all the clothes together (over 2 bags worth) for the clothing drive tomorrow. Unfortunately, my side of the closet is pretty bare now. :grumble: Even the tops that are still there are mostly too big so hopefully I'll hit the thrift stores soon. My new favorite pair of jeans are from Salvation Army and only cost $5! My mother kept journals most of her adult life and one neat find was the journal from the year I was born. It was mixed in a bag with old pictures and I didn't even realize I had that one. It was really cool to read about my birth, didn't even know I was a breech baby. Then in the middle of the same journal was an entry about my brother's grade school graduation and how proud my mother was when it was announced he received a scholarship for high school. I immediately called my brother to share (we talk once or twice a month) and we talked for about an hour, so thanks Mom!

    Loved reading all the cat and mouse stories! :laugh: I remember living in an apt. with my ex, pre kids, and having our cats being so proud that they could present us with their trophy mouse. It also brings to mind waking up to what we thought was a mouse making noise, but turned out a stray dog we had taken in was giving birth to 6 puppies!! She was soooo skiiny and always hungry but we had no idea she was pregnant! So when we heard the mewling in the dark, we almost bopped the puppies in the head thinking they were mice!!! Our landlord was none too pleased but let us keep them until we could find them all homes.

    YannieJannie - I too am an avid bookworm, also mostly mystery stuff. I will have to check out the Art of Racing In the Rain. Just recently discover Jodi Picoult and read The Storyteller which was fantastic! Can't wait to read more of her books!

    Ok, what to do first? Back to the closet or off to run errands and grocery store? Guess a good start would be putting down this laptop and getting dressed! Skipped water aerobics today because knee is still not happy but maybe a short walk with my dogs will be the first order of business, now that it's stopped raining.


  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hello lovely May flowers!

    Happy Mothers' Day to all the women who have raised two and four footed kids!

    I am very far behind on this thread, so I will just say hi, and try to catch up or start afresh on Monday!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

    BJ, SWOnt
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    jmkmomm: DH has an advantage plan, too. So far it has been pretty good. I expect them to deny because they’ve done it in the past on a medication for diabetes. They came through after the appeal then, and I’m hoping they’ll come through again. On another note, I didn’t know that flying squirrels are marsupials. Loved the story.:bigsmile:

    jodios: I’m a long way from maintenance but I put time into thinking about it because I don’t want to turn into a yoyo. Been there, done that. :grumble: Barbie and Amanda are proof it can be done. I wonder how they found their ways to stable positions.:huh: :flowerforyou:

    Meg: Good job managing the celebratory meals. I LOVE your cat and mouse story. :laugh: :laugh: THANK YOU!:bigsmile:

    Barbie: I laughed out loud at the kitty’s going away gift. I hope the girls didn’t’ have bad dreams about it. :laugh:

    Michele: Thanks for the good wishes on the anticipated future appeal. :flowerforyou:

    Joy: Your DH sounds like a great guy. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Enjoy your closet. I couldn’t spend that much time in mine without developing a severe case of closetstraphobia.:wink: Mine is too small.:ohwell:

    cityjane: Obesity is often the pink elephant in the room at doctors offices in my experience. I think they don’t mention it because their patients get huffy and find another practice, and also because they have no idea how to help people lose weight without surgery or some kind of medication.:noway: :tongue: :wink:

    Brooke: I’m so sorry about your disappointment. I wasn’t chosen for a job long ago, and the one who was chosen quit after a few months. Then I got the job. Actually, I volunteered my way in. The rest of the staff wanted me all along since I was volunteering many hours, knew the job well and got along with everyone. The person in charge of hiring liked her credentials better. She did have more experience. The strategy worked for me and I worked there over 25 years.:flowerforyou:

    junerbooner: Congratulations on all of your achievements. I hope you get into your new place soon.:flowerforyou:

    jb: Congratulations on keeping it off for a whole year! :flowerforyou: I’d love to know more about your music. Vocal? Instrumental? What genre?:huh:

    Jackie: Congratulations on meeting your goal and doing it with a personal best. WTG!:flowerforyou:

    Our DIL is here for the weekend. I enjoy her company very much. Our son has been away for work, and won’t be home for a few more weeks. Having her here is a pleasure. I’ve been the only one up for a couple of hours, and we’ll plan our day when more people make an appearance.

    Have a great day.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    Hi all....
    Popping in on a break at work to say hi. :yawn: Had a long night at the Lapidary (Rock) club last night.... they were having a rock auction and I get up at 4am for work.... so am sleepy!

    Michele... Lapidary club is actually Grand Junction Gem and Mineral Club.... but since that is a mouth full I usually say Lapidary or Rock Club. DH was the president last year, and he teaches Intarsia jewelry making classes, plus others if needed. Now that we have moved to a bigger home our 2 car garage now houses our rock shop. We make jewelry of all kinds and plan on stockpiling it and selling it at Rock Shows and Fairs to supplement our income down the road soon. It is lots of fun and a dream of ours to retire this way.

    M: Have tons of fun in NYC!

    Lucy: Not only will our cat NOT catch a mouse.... she will meow real loud and chase any bug that comes in the house but will not dispose of it.... LOL that apparently that is Mom and Dad's job.

    Grandmallie - Hope you are better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Brooke: Sorry about your bummer news on the job search. I know that it makes it hard to Keep trying.... but do, your breathrough may just be around the corner. My Daughter was hired this spring for Arapahoe Department of Health Services. SIL though is a truck driver and works part time due to lack of work. Have 2 other SIL's here on the western slope that one does not have work right now (steel worker) and the second also does not have enough work. Praying Colorado snaps back soon! Hang in there!

    I am very excited as I have the weekend off. We will probably work on the raised bed veggie gardens some... DH increased the cinder blocks , and our beds will be bigger.... 100 Blocks in the back yard as we speak... LOL. We will be having dinner with old friends on Saturday. Have not seen them since the 80's sooo there will be alot of catchin up to do.:laugh:

    Hope everyone has a blessed weekend and you all are treated as the special women you are on Mother's Day. :flowerforyou:

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back form the Y and have a question to all of you intelligent women. Is it better if I ride my recumbant bike a longer distance but a lower intensity or shorter distance and higher intensity. On a combination of levels 1 and 2 I was riding a little over 6 miles. On a level 4 I can only get 5 miles in an I am bushed. I am on a pretty big dose of Beta Blocker so my heart rate does not go high. I run in the 40's and low 50's. Today on the bike I got to 87!

    Tired, but got to get a shower Joyce in Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Joyce, I am not a fitness expert, but as I understand it it is better to push yourself to the highest intensity. That way you will gradually increase your stamina. If you keep within your easy competence you will not improve. Raised heart rate is good and proof you are getting there.
    Well done for pushing yourself and making such a great effort. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Just got back form the Y and have a question to all of you intelligent women. Is it better if I ride my recumbant bike a longer distance but a lower intensity or shorter distance and higher intensity. On a combination of levels 1 and 2 I was riding a little over 6 miles. On a level 4 I can only get 5 miles in an I am bushed. I am on a pretty big dose of Beta Blocker so my heart rate does not go high. I run in the 40's and low 50's. Today on the bike I got to 87!

    Tired, but got to get a shower Joyce in Indiana

    Wahoo! You rock, Joyce! Verify with your doctor, but I think it is better to go for stamina and endurance with longer duration at lower intensity. When you're ready, you could spice it up with some speed bursts.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    made it through work fine..had some dry cherrios for dinner, and had a sliver of chocolate cake at work for my friends birthday..
    way under my calorie count today,but that is alright with me....
    did keep hydrated..
    Got some exciting news this morning. My DB finally got engaged to his girlfriend.. they have only been together for like 13 yrs lol.and they aint getting any younger.... this will be a second marriage for both. and im sure there are no concrete wedding plans yet...
    we have the town wide tag sales tomorrow in town. it rives the DH nuts because on the main st they aren't supposed to park on both sides of the street but they do and there are people running across the street,and he usually starts swearing at them:laugh:
    I hope everyone enjoys there mother's day weekend.I propbably wont hear from either of mine :noway:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    To All The Beautiful Vitamin F Ladies
    a wish for this week-end......


    Lin in Central Iowa

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    DeeDee :flowerforyou: - maintenance is going well at this point. Thanks for asking.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Lin in Central Iowa
