

  • A unitard might be the answer. The bellie can't roll because it's one piece.
  • I have experience with both. Insanity is just that! A lot of calesthetics (jumping, push ups, lateral movement, squats). It is hardcore cardio. I had trouble getting through the warm up without stopping a few times. I would do Insanity if I was looking to punish myself. The people in the video have to stop every now and…
  • If this is a chronic issue, you should have a doctor check it. I had been having problems with my wrists during exercising for a while. After they started hurting really bad, I had them checked and found out that I have bilateral carpal tunnel syndrom. When you feel pain, that is your body telling you that something is…
  • I have used a 20lb weighted vest with success. When I'm really on my cardio game, the vest helps drop A LOT of weight. I've used it on my runs and on the elliptical. I don't know how many calories I was burning on the runs, but I can tell you that I can only run at a slow, pokey pace. It didn't matter...I still got what I…
  • When you can't sleep cause your endorphines are still racing. Seriously, I've been up past 12 the past two nights.
  • I did a class last night. I was a moderate intensity and I modified some of the moves. The total hour (that included 5 minute stretch) clocked in at 617 burned.
  • I was sore the first time I did insanity. I'm talking "could barely move" sore. I found out the hard way that it is ESSENTIAL to have a recovery formula. It doesn't have to be the ones that beachbody pushes. I use Isopure.
    in Insanity Comment by Divamc November 2012
  • I've started and restarted insanity so many times I'm embarrassed to say. I managed to get to the rest week once, but was so freaked out about month 2 that I gave up. I restarted this week and I am motivated to finish it this time. I have found that it is essential to have a recovery formula. The first time I attempted, I…
    in Insanity Comment by Divamc November 2012
  • I cook my greens in a crock pot. A few very important tips: Cut the stem out, inspect the leaves, after cutting leaves... wash them thoroughly. I simmer my green in low sodium chicken broth with a smoked turkey part. I love vinegar in my greens. Some garlic powder, onion powder, and low sodium lawry's is good. Add a little…
  • i'm not a fan of pumpkin. I'll probably make it with sweet potatoe instead.
  • I think it depends on your body frame and how much muscle you carry. I'm 5'8.5" and I look good at 190. When I get down to 180-170, I start to look a little sickly. I build muscle pretty quickly, so even though the number in the scale says one thing, my body looks another. My goal is to get down to a healthy weight/BMI.…
  • I started on my third try yesterday. I've gotten as far as the recovery week in the past, but have always been too afraid of month 2 to progress. Now, I'm just taking it one day at a time. For everyone just starting out...I learned the hard way the first time that it is essential to drink a recovery drink after these…
    in Insanity Comment by Divamc November 2012
  • This is my third time trying to get through Insanity. Even though I didn't make it through the first two times, I learned something each time. The first and maybe most important thing I learned is: you have to have a recovery drink. Trust me. I found out the hard way. The first time I tried the program, I was so sore I…
  • To cut down on the fat, you can remove the skin before you cook it.
  • I love Zumba. It is hard to take it seriously because it's so fun, but it does get me to the target heartrate. I like the classroom environment. I used to be a slave to step aerobics and I find that I'm more motivated in a group class. Even though I feel like a bull in a china shop some times, I don't let it bother me. I…
  • I LIVE for watermelon. I have to get some more today. Fills you up without weighing you down. Yummmm
  • To the OP...I know exactly what you mean. I developed a deep seated hatred for the scale during my military days. Even after I got out, I would stand on the scale backwards and forbid the nurse from saying the number out loud. I knew I was a little bigger than before, but I figured I was handling it ok. I didn't think it…
  • @Ashleydv7...You and I are almost twins! I started at 272 and now I'm 243. I got the serious apple action going on. I'm top heavy with wide shoulders. I have never had an indented waist. I have no hips, thighs, or butt. When I work out, my legs get really muscular. I have a "tumble over" tummy. At my largest, I looked to…
  • Woman lose inches before they lose pounds. That's one of the reasons I don't feel bad when the scale falls slowly. I build muscles really fast and I know that smaller muscles weight just as much as bigger fat. I set a goal of what I would like my weight to be, but if I get to the size that I want to be and the scale…
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