Insanity workout



  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Starting week 3 today with the FitTest. Feel free to add me!!

    I tried to "prepare" myself for Insanity when I started. I was running and doing strength training 6 days a week. Turns out...that doesn't matter hahahaha. However, I' ve never had so much fun working out than with Insanity! I love Shaun T.

    Good luck! Have fun!!!
  • What an amazing group! Love all the support and encouragement. The entire INSANITY Workout Series is very challenging. But Support is a key element in your 4 Pillars of Success! Fitness + Nutrition + Support + Rewards = Results - Let me know if I can help! Love helping others Dig Deeper to the results you deserve!
  • Coach Jimmy, you are one of my favourite cast members from Insanity! Along with Chris doing his power push ups in Max Plyo. Now that is hot! I am starting my final two weeks next week. I found the first week of month two the most challenging and had several times I wanted to give was tough! But the body is amazing and adapts quickly and now I love doing Insanity...almost like an addiction! I think I even prefer the month two workouts to month one. My question is, what to do after insanity? Should one take it down a notch or continue with the same level of intensity? Is it okay on the body? I am 5ft (153cm) and 113 lbs so where I want to be weight wise, particularly after having two kids, don't want to get too stick like! I guess I did insanity for the mental challenge more than anything else because I was struggling to push myself. I think I have come a long way with that. So what next for someone at their goal weight and what sort of new challenges should I be setting myself?
  • mrs_a_parrill
    mrs_a_parrill Posts: 4 Member
    I am restarting the insanity workout today. Kind of been slacking. But just the week that I was doing it before I could really feel the difference. It was a challenge and it pushed me harder than I even knew I had in me but it was well worth it and I can't wait to start again.
  • KL_24
    KL_24 Posts: 28 Member
    does anyone else feel guilty when they cant make it through a full workout without a break or two? I was doing pure cardio today and had to take a few ten second breaks during some of the workouts. Is that a normal thing?
  • Hi I am new to my fitness pal and will be starting insanity today would love to have a workout buddy to keep me motivated
  • Divamc
    Divamc Posts: 21
    This is my third time trying to get through Insanity. Even though I didn't make it through the first two times, I learned something each time. The first and maybe most important thing I learned is: you have to have a recovery drink. Trust me. I found out the hard way. The first time I tried the program, I was so sore I couldn't lift my arms. I know the program pushes Shakeology, but due to my budget and my diabetes I can't do it. I have found that Isopure is GREAT. Another thing I learned is: it is okay to take breaks. The people doing the video have gone through the program and even they have to take breaks. This time, i'm trying really hard to eat clean and stick with it.
  • I am interested in it but I don't think I can afford it! Is it all available on Youtube or do you need accessories?
  • Heavyd2g
    Heavyd2g Posts: 61 Member
    I am on the Recovery Week at the moment and the sessions are still very tough. I am getting good results though. Good luck and feel free to add me !

    @Natasha - No accessories needed for the workouts. You can try youtube or this link to the japanese site,
    the only video that's missing is the fit test but you could find that on you tube. I can email you the Insanity Calendar if you like so you know what to do on what days.
  • I am on the Recovery Week at the moment and the sessions are still very tough. I am getting good results though. Good luck and feel free to add me !

    @Natasha - No accessories needed for the workouts. You can try youtube or this link to the japanese site,
    the only video that's missing is the fit test but you could find that on you tube. I can email you the Insanity Calendar if you like so you know what to do on what days.

    That would be amazing! Thank you so much :D
  • I bought insanity off of Amazon. I got it for 90$ Not to bad for the exercise you get from it.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    Starting it in the morning:) Is anyone eating clean with it?
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    I am starting the insanity workout on Monday. Is there anyone out there that is doing it now? Or starting it? It would be super cool to find someone to do it together. Then we can stay motivated together.

    I'm Starting next monday? I've done it once before
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    does anyone else feel guilty when they cant make it through a full workout without a break or two? I was doing pure cardio today and had to take a few ten second breaks during some of the workouts. Is that a normal thing?

    I don't...I know alot of people that can't finish the whole fact I had a girlfriend who never finished any of the workouts and still looked amazing once she was done with the 60 days
  • I am starting it wednesday! Waiting on the mail to bring it tomorrow. I have been doing the elliptical for 50 mins a day for the past three weeks trying to get prepared for it. I am not sure what i have taken on but i am ready to get the weight off. So we shall see. Lets keep up with each others progress to see if we have any results. THe diet is a big part I know. I have to cut out all the sugar. thats my weakness
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    starting next monday, found out about the free video link late last night and so excited but I'm too ocd to start on a not-monday haha.
    I am really going to try to do everything in the workouts; I should finish around the end of winter break and would love to go back to campus visibly bettered =]
  • jayessica
    jayessica Posts: 12 Member
    I started and finished Insanity right before summer hit and it is ridiculous and awesome! I had a six pack and after 2 kids that is amazing! You really have to make yourself stick with it the first month and you will start to see amazing results especially if you watch your calories too. I started the program again on saturday and I go to the gym 3 times a week and my calves are on fire still from saturday. Stick with it and you won't regret it at all :)
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    I am starting it wednesday! Waiting on the mail to bring it tomorrow. I have been doing the elliptical for 50 mins a day for the past three weeks trying to get prepared for it. I am not sure what i have taken on but i am ready to get the weight off. So we shall see. Lets keep up with each others progress to see if we have any results. THe diet is a big part I know. I have to cut out all the sugar. thats my weakness

    I started back in August and lost around 20 lbs before I started Insanity. I was doing around 4 miles a night on the treadmill at a pretty decent pace and I was getting pretty comfortable that I was going to be "in shape" enough to handle Insanity.

    No matter how "prepared" you are, the point of Insanity is to push you beyond that level, so even if you're in great shape starting out, you'll work yourself harder and get better results.

    I'm closing in on recovery week and have put on a couple of pounds, but my pants are looser, I'm seeing some definition in my abs that hasn't been there since I was swimmer in high school (almost 20 years ago). Push yourself as hard as you can, don't watch the scale, focus on how much better you feel during and after the workouts and pay attention to how you look and how tight your body is as a measure of results.
  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    I have went through Insanity before, It did me great. I started at 205 and it dropped me down to 192. I had already lost about 50 lbs prior to starting insanity. But I toned up alot, and gained strengh. I am going to restart it as soon as I can find my stuff after my move... Insanity freinds are good to have feel free to add me...