P90X or Insanity

I'm debating on order P90X or Insanity...but,I don't know which would be better for me. I'm extremely out of shape, but I used to be an athlete and in the Navy (6years ago) so I know it's in there somewhere...


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  • rhia575
    rhia575 Posts: 212 Member
    Depends what you are trying to achieve. By what i've read insanity is more cardio based - so if you are looking to loose more weight it's a better option. where as p90x does have cardio but there's more of a focus on strength. I'm doing p90x and i love it, and if you're out of shape doesn't matter just modify it and do what you can(: good luck
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    See, I disagree with the above poster.

    I have completed both programs and lost way more weight using P90x than Insanity. I like both but P90x is my go-to program. I am currently doing a round of Body Beast with P90x cardio added...

    It really depends what your desired results are and what kind of coaching you like as to what program would suit you best.
  • I have experience with both. Insanity is just that! A lot of calesthetics (jumping, push ups, lateral movement, squats). It is hardcore cardio. I had trouble getting through the warm up without stopping a few times. I would do Insanity if I was looking to punish myself. The people in the video have to stop every now and then. P90X is more focused on lifting, so my assessment was that it was more for toning. I would find myself laying on the floor, out of breathe through Insanity...I would find myself a little bored with P90X. Like another poster said, it really depends on what your goal is.
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    hello, Air Force vet here!! I have to say I tried both. Actually finished a round of P90X a few summers ago. I have to say it's more strength based so I didn't lose a lot of weight, but to my friends and family it looked like I lost more than I did. The Hubby, also and Air Force vet, really like it. He tried to do what Tony was doing where I just tried to keep up with the others, LOL! We both tried Insanity and didn't get past the first work out. I personally didn't care for it. A little too much repetition for me and the format just didn't appeal to me. and it's definitely INSANE! Trying to keep up with the video, I liked to hurt myself, J/K!! But it was a little too much for me. I'm more of Jillian Michaels kind of girl. Things have been so crazy this summer with me moving ans starting a new job at the same time, that working out and taken a backseat. But once we're in the new house, we plan on starting P90X again to get back on track and tighten up. Hope this is helpful. Feel free to friend me!
  • So it sounds like insanity is more for those that already are in prime cardio condition...am I wrong?
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Pretty much!
  • hellykill
    hellykill Posts: 59 Member
    I'd start off with P90X and definitely work my way up to Insanity. I just taught my first Insanity class last week and although I can give modified moves the DVD's on Insanity really don't offer that. I think P90x would get you started and Insanity would be a great finish. I love Insanity - it really changes your body!
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I've done both programs and both are very effective.

    I prefer doing P90X because it is more strength training centric.

    You're going to get a lot of opinions on this and it comes down to your personal fitness goals compared to what these programs offer.
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm in month 2 of Insanity and I love it.
  • I know plenty of people who are NOT in prime cardio condition that completed Insanity - so no, you do not have to be in tiptop shape to do it.

    I'm currently on month 2 of Insanity and I love it. I can't keep up with the fast pace, but as Shaun T says in all the workouts, go as fast at YOU can go. As you improve, your speed/turnover with increase. You're going to going to be slower than the people on the DVD and you're going to stop and take extra breaks, but your stamina will improve as you go through the program, just like with any exercise program.
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Im on the 5th workout of insanity and i do think anyone can get to the end of it as its about how hard you can go.

    I love insanity, (cant say that in the middle of the workout) and its making me eat better.

    but its about finding what motivates you and you enjoy
  • syed110
    syed110 Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve done both P90x and Insanity. I found that I made more gains in terms of definition with p90x..
    However with Insanity my fitness level improved loads.
    If you’re aiming for weight loss and fat burn I’d suggest Insanity because of the high intensity Interval training. I struggled for motivation for month 2 of insanity mind you! Good luck :smile:
  • fitbugfreak
    fitbugfreak Posts: 86 Member
    I did 3 rounds of P90X and 1-1/2 of instanity and much preferred P90X. Insanity is too much repetition for me and I was bored and only really completed 1-1/2 rounds of it.
  • kareeta
    kareeta Posts: 27 Member
    I have done both, I too am in Month 2 of Insanity (two and a half weeks to go!) and by no means am I in peak cardio condition but I have definitely improved over the last few weeks, you can't not improve really!

    I am going to do P90X again when I finish this, I found the yoga x incredibly boring, ridiculously long and repetitive , but apart from that I loved it. I used the bands instead of weights too

    Feel free to add me
  • alloh1
    alloh1 Posts: 3 Member
    I have many of the Beachbody DVDs, and P90X is still the fave. You can keep making it harder and harder as you go along. :heart:
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    So it sounds like insanity is more for those that already are in prime cardio condition...am I wrong?

    I don't think so.. I did my first round starting at 160 and I've lost about 20 lbs about half way through my second round. I'm 43 years old. You push yourself but you go at your own pace. If you do the best you can do with good form you'll be fine. But it is hard. Really hard.

    Two things: Insanity is a little over 2 months; P90X is three months I think. Insanity requires no equipment (although I recommend good cross trainers, not runners) I think P90X has equipment. I don't know how long the videos run or for how many days in P90X, but in the first month of insanity they are about 40 min and they are about an hour in month two, all 6 days a week.
  • If you're pretty out of shape you can start with Power 90, it's what was out before p90x. There's only 4 total workouts, 2 for phase 1 and 2 for phase 2, compared to the 12 in Insanity and P90x, but it helped me get into much better shape and I lost about 30 pounds with it. After that I completed Insanity, and am about to start P90x on Sunday! Power 90 gets pretty repetitive but it's definitely a great way to get you into shape before doing Insanity or P90x. All you need for it is resistance bands and a chair. Starting with Insanity might be kind of a shock, but if you do start with that just go at your own pace and try your best to stick it out. Hope that helps a little bit!