

  • 1. The concept that "bigger" people will always have a higher alcohol tolerance is a bit of an oversimplification. It is true that a large, fit/muscular man will have to drink more to get drunk than a slender, small fit man but when we talk about size there is a difference between a big fit man and a big fat man. Here is…
    in Alcohol. Comment by sandryc July 2014
  • I have a great Dr. She is kind and really listens. She orders blood work and does a physical each year. She never came right out and said "You are fat", but she has started to discuss my weight in relation to the declining health shown in the blood work. Last annual check up I had a net gain of about 15lbs from the prior…
  • I do have PCOS and insulin resistance like many obese people. I don't eat "low carb" but I do eat foods that are low glycemic index. Every time I eat a small amount of carbs (mostly from fruit/whole grains? I make sure the meal includes a little bit of protein to lower the overall gi of the meal. I also eat very small…
  • Other than brown rice I get my carbs from: Whole wheat breads Quinoa Multigrain Crackers with a lot of whole grains like (sea salt and black sesame wild rice works crisps) Steal cut oatmeal (or regular oatmeal if you don't like the chewiness of steel cut) Barley Millet (I make these delicious millet cakes pan fried in some…
  • I don't log my gummy vitamins (10 calories a day) I often drink *much* more water than I give myself credit for on MFP. I tend to just forget about it, or constantly drink/refill through the day and lose track of how many refills I have gone through.
  • It depends on what "count as water" means. All non-alcoholic beverages and many foods contribute to your daily hydration. So yes, some mia in your water or an unsweetened ice tea or diet pop "count as water". Water doesn't need to be tracked, other beverages with calories do. Other beverages may contain surprise sodium or…
    in Water Comment by sandryc July 2014
  • Recent research has shown that moderate egg consumption—up to one a day—does not increase heart disease risk in healthy individuals and can be part of a healthy diet. Decent article:
  • You need to just ignore it. Ultimately your diet choices are yours to live with and it doesn't matter what strangers on the internet say about it. Convincing people who are so invested in their own point of view that they feel motivated to belittle others isn't possible on an online forum. For some people this message…
  • Cheese... thankfully I can work that into my foods for the day. For lunch I just had 1oz of delicious aged Gouda. YUM
    in Honey Comment by sandryc July 2014
  • I was in weight watchers not too long ago. My first week I tracked *meticulously*, I weighed all my foods and ate really healthy food. When I went in for my weigh in I discovered I had gained .2 lbs. I sat there quietly the whole meeting trying not to sob. Every success story, every health tip felt like a personal…
  • It is really common at the start of a diet to eat less than your daily calories. You feel super motivated, you are probably eating healthier more filling foods. Don't worry too much about it. "Starvation mode" is mostly a myth, or at least highly misunderstood. If you are eating too little and you are not very overweight…
  • If you are losing 5-8 and then regaining only 3-5 you are doing pretty well with a 2-3lb monthly loss. Weight loss is never a strait line and there can be incredibly frequent fluctuation just due to water weight. I say keep up what you are doing and switch yourself to 1 x per month weigh ins. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • Very interesting and varied responses to this. Nice to hear from all the people who make alcohol and budgeted part of their normal weight loss routine.
  • Getting physical activity in the morning is a great idea. Also what you say about the dip in weight from dehydration makes sense.
  • This response made me giggle. :) Nice suggestion about the seltzer water too. That would also help more with dehydration. (I always drink a bottle of gatoraide-zero too on the 2-3 times a year I drink "hard".)
  • I have to watch my blood sugar so this has been a concern for me. You can talk to your Dr about the natural sugars but most diabetic/pre=diabetic diets are focused on glycemic index. So not the amount of sugar, but how does it impact your blood sugar. It can depend on the fruit. Berries, cherries, grapefruit, apples,…
  • To me this seems like a success story. Just keep doing what you are doing already and try to set aside your expectations. As someone who has struggled with an eating disorder I think nothing sabotages my progress as much as setting weight loss time lines for myself. You lost a lb, you lost an inch. That is progress and it…
  • Once a week is good for me. I can get really frustrated by the fluctuations on the scale. I have to keep telling myself that success over a long term is important and the number on the scale today doesn't matter if a eat healthy and maintain an average calorie deficit I *will* lose weight. So I try to not to emphasize even…
  • ((Some motivation: This: )) That is a really interesting article, thanks for the good read. :)
  • It can be hard to give advice on the best practice for you because everyone is an individual and what works best for me might not be suitable for you. A really good book on doing a low carb, moderate protein/fat is The Insulin-Resistance Diet--Revised and Updated: How to Turn Off Your Body's Fat-Making Machine. I find the…
  • That is *so* awesome. Great idea to take the progress pictures from the beginning too. As someone with 100+ lbs to lose I find it inspiring.
  • If you think often about what people think about you then people probably think about you much less often than you think. :)
  • I think it is really difficult for other people to tell you that. I depends so much on you and how your body feels. I have been having success eating really balanced small meals very frequently. I will have a yogurt for breakfast, 2 hours later some high protein granola, at lunch a couple oz of turkey and oz of cheese and…
  • Yeah, I had a cold this week and have been having the same problem. I am eating very healthy but have a really hard time eating enough food when I don't feel well.
  • Sometimes our own image of what our body is can be incredibly inaccurate. I would suggest going to a Dr for a physical first. They can evaluate you. Strength training is generally not a bad idea at all but I would make sure to get a professional opinion to verify if your goal is reasonable for your body.
  • For most people what/how they eat directly impacts how they feel through the day. Sure, you could lose weight eating white bread, doughnuts and onion rings if your portions were small enough to keep you at a calorie deficit. However, most people won't be able to keep eating that way long term because it would keep you…