

  • I haven't been running since this summer, so what do I do? Register for a half marathon in June! Duh! I'm excited though. I've done a few 5k's in the past and I feel like a new challenge will help motivate me and kick start me out of the plateau I've been in since July.
  • I've had pretty regular pre-hypertensive blood pressure readings recently myself and have at least 30 more pounds to lose. So I'll friend you and hope the exercise and weight loss will prevent my needing medication. I'm a 31 year old mom of a 3 year old and a 1year old. :-)
  • Thank you so much! I'm excited to get started. By the way, how do you track it in MFP? I tried entering it under "Strength" but it didn't record any calories burned. Is there a way to do that properly?
  • That's a really good idea! Whenever I see that projection, I get totally psyched. It would be a good motivator to write down the number to compare with the actual outcome...
  • Maybe get checked for PCOS? Also, mix it up! You said you eat the same thing every night for dinner? Put some time into adding some variety. Our bodies are masters of efficiency: if you're eating the same things every day, it will learn how to function on that amount of food. And maybe you should set your base calorie line…
  • This will sound really weird but I have gluten free waffle, a tablespoon of peanut butter and a cup of plain (though I do add some Stevia) nonfat Greek yogurt. Really filling and tasty.
  • It increase my level 9 POINTS!!! It feels good though. Overall I'm really happy with the program.
  • I started Curves Complete on January 7th and I've lost 5.1 pounds... not a bad start for my first 3 weeks. :-)
  • That's what I think it is - a tendon issue from the 30DS. My run was pretty normal last night, and I use POSE running so that's less impact on my knees anyway. And the 30DS is fairly new to the routine... I think it's the combination of the 2. And I really have not held back when doing that workout. So I'll do like you…
  • I'm so glad to see I'm not completely crazy! I tried it for the first time today and it was an absolute success. I set the alarmfor 4:30 (I admit I snoozed it until 4:45) but then I was out on the road by 5am. And I'm RIDICULOUSLY energized today and excited that I don't need to do anything but soak in my little family…
  • You can do it! They're only one part of the whole circuit... believe me I was just complaining about the sequence of jumping jacks into jumping rope into jumping jacks into jumping rope. That's actually the most difficult part for me. But the good news is she won't repeat it on the other two workouts.
  • How do you record the 30 Day Shred in your Exercise log on MFP?
  • I think what you'll want to do first is enter all your info onto your profile here. Then when you've entered the foods you've eaten as well as your exercises the website automatically tells you and you get a pretty good idea for what you're doing. And the basis for the calorie deficit thing: basically your body only needs…