C21x Member


  • Marinara is quite a bit lower in calories then an Alfredo. I always try to have broccoli and cauliflower that will reduce the amount of pasta. A whole wheat pasta will satisfy you better then white. I have also done a vegan Cashew sauce that is really good and good for you. You can find these recipes on the net.
  • If i understand correctly it is about slow burning carbohydrates and to assess this we look at the GI index. Oatmeal is 55 and Barley is 28 by those standards i would think Barley would be better. Although Barley has more fiber then Oatmeal and i think its the starchy carbohydrates that we need not fiber before a ride. Any…
  • Take measurements as well. it really helps to see inches come off. Also it is really important to eat your excercise calories every time.
  • My wife will put in 550 calories worth of running everyday in the exercise section. She put a lot of time and research into getting that data. So I hope it’s right :)
  • The scary part is fast food and or eating out...I track mine and usually I do good unless I go out and then bam in one meal I will have 1. 5 times the daily amount. Try eating more potassium then sodium not easy to do. But much better for you
  • yes i caved and ordered the chocolate thunder from down under from outback and then when i got back WHAM!!! 1900 calories right from outbacks website!!!!!!! good thing i didnt eat all of it...i have learned to just plan on what to order before i go..... i have been told that there is an app for blackberry but i havent…
  • i have found that if you can decide what you are going to order before you get there with the nutritional facts then you can make better choices...i ordered a cup of baked potato soup from outback the other day and then when i logged it i notice that the broccolii and cheese was half the calories...trust me the baked…
  • my wife adds 1 hour of running everyday it equals about 550 calories which with the research that we have done that is what you burn every day with nursing good luck
  • yes that is exactly what that means....that is the good part about this if you have a snack or go out to eat its ok as long as you burn it off