Apple1234 Member


  • I need to buckle down and get back at losing weight again too! We have similar goals :) add me :)
  • I weighed today as my starting weight for the month (1st time im trying not to weight for a long period of time). Ill still join you in not weighing till dec 1st if that still counts :smile:
  • I just became a nurse and have started working 2 days 2 nights 12 hour shifts. I was so confused when to eat and what to eat since im not used to eating in the night (or staying up all night) I pack foods that are quick to grab like veggies and hummus, whole wheat wrap with cheese and veggies, crackers and flavoured tempeh…
  • I used to HATE avocados...I think it was a texture thing. But my favourite way to eat it is on a thin slice of sourdough toast with 0.5 table spoon of cream cheese then chopped avocado then salt & cajun seasoning. It sounds weird but the flavours are amazing...the salt really goes well with avocado!!!
  • My long term goal is to lose 120 pounds! I lost 60 pounds fell off track after a vacation and have gained 10 -15 back :( I need more friends for motivation and accountability. I would love to be your friend and we can keep each other on track!
  • Hi! Id like to join the group :) I need little bit more motivation to shed these pounds! Since joining mfp I lost 60 pounds and gained back 11 :( My fav exercise is doing insanity and running! Thanks for starting this group I look forward to losing some weight by spring even if its not 20 pounds :)
  • I just got all mine out under general cause out of no where they were infected hurting the nerve and doing all sort of sideways nonsense. I wont tell you about me experience or how im feeling now cause I didnt have just the regular surgery I needed facial surgery also because of them Yesterday I had a milkshake with a…
  • I started insanity last monday its been hard but awesome! I def need additional support and motivation to get through it. Ive done the 30 day shred a few times before this but thought I wanna push myself and dig deeper! Good luck everyone :)
  • I just did my fit test this evening!! I cant wait to improve :) Im so excited and scared all at once! Good luck to everyone doing it!
  • I want to join please I def need motivation to lose more weight ive been stuck since march and I havent lost a pound since :(
  • I have done the 30 day shred multiple times over the past year the first time I did all 30 days (10 days at each level) consecutively and wanted to die but made it through. I had amazing progress but that was the only exercise I was doing, I lot tons of inches but no weight. This time around I decided id do the 30 day…
  • I dont know if this is helpful, sorry if its not, but I didnt feel it on my body until I lost 50 pounds and a pants size. I think for me when I lose clothing sizes I feel it in my body and can see it otherwise I feel like I havent changed a bit even if the scale says I have. Keep up the awesome work! Sometimes it takes the…
  • Im a little late posting but count me in!!! SW: 240.0 CW:192.0 GW:187 for the month UGW: 120.0 Weigh in Dates: 7/1: 192.0 7/8: 192.0 7/15 7/22 7/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)
  • I started my journey last year and lost 60 pounds total as my 1 year anniversary came up for weight loss I went on a vacation to mexico and I guess never got back on track eating wise again :( ive gained 15 pounds back since march even though ive been working out. For me if I dont eat right nothing goes well :( Slowly by…
  • Just did day two today and I died through it :( So excited to have this extra support through working out! Great job everyone lets keep on going! :)
  • I got amazing results inches wise round 1 I lost 18 inches over my entire body going from a size 22 to an 18. Round two the following month I lost 6 inches and into a size 16. And round 3 in april I lost 1.5 inches but am now comfy in a 14. While I worked out I ate 1500 calories plus exercise calories back and did lots of…
  • Count me in!!! Ive done this dvd completely through 3 times within the last year and its amazing!!! I like to do it every day for 30 days also cause im usually sitting on my butt all day at school :) cant wait to begin!
  • i've been at this for 2 months now and lost 10 lbs the first month and 10 lbs this month! keep working at it and you'll lose tons in no time :D