Ideas for Night Shifts and Eating

I just started working nights at my local hospital. Any suggestions as to what to bring for "dinner"? I work 7p-7a. Subway is open in the Hospital until 2am but it is costly. I just feel like this is bad for trying to lose weight since I am sometimes up for 24hrs(1st day @ work). Any suggestions appreciated. I just don't want to gain weight bc of being up so much and if I can plan better that would help! I usually eat around 1am. :) Dinner the night before at 5pm. And skip breakfast the next day and sometimes lunch if my kiddos actually let me sleep more than 5 hrs!


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I also work nights. What I have been doing is treating each 24 hour period as a stand alone unit. I wear a fitbit flex and track food from midnight to midnight to sync up with my fitbit. So far it has been working wonderfully and I don't have to worry when a "new day" starts after I go to sleep, if that makes sense.

    As for things I bring: I pack a cooler everyday. I usually bring some sort of chicken (chicken burgers, chopped chicken meat, cut up chicken), Greek yogurt, cut apples and cheese, a vegetable and extra snacks incase the night is really busy. I eat what is left on my tracker until midnight. After midnight, if I am hungry or burning more calories from work, I eat. I have such severe food allergies that I can't eat out at all, so if it is not in my cooler, I can't eat it.
  • MyLovesMyLife
    MyLovesMyLife Posts: 424 Member
    Great idea. I need a cooler. Its hard to fit anything into the break room fridge bc the nurses use it as well. Thanks! Ya I wasnt thinking of a 24hr period as one period and counting the next day. It just feels like im overeating when I am not really.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I thought the same thing at first, but then after 2 weeks it felt normal. As someone said to me, the key is consistently. So what ever method you chose to count a "day" make sure you use the same method everyday.
  • MyLovesMyLife
    MyLovesMyLife Posts: 424 Member
    TY! :)
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Paramedic here and I work 24 hour shifts (sometimes longer!) I pack a cooler and if it isn't in that cooler, I don't eat it. I pre-log so that I know what to pack. If, by chance, I don't eat something, I just delete it! It's been working for me. If I leave it to chance, I tend to not make such good choices....pre-planning/pre-packing is key! Best of luck to you and congrats on the new job!
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Ohh...I got a great soft side cooler at walmart for <$20. It's "great" because it fits the tall 1 liter bottles in it and keeps stuff cold forever!
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    I used to bring my own salad "kits"- usually chicken or smoked salmon, cut up fruit to go into the salad, some cheese of choice. Sometimes fruits and cheese- nuts to snack on, that sort of thing. I had to do a lot of flip floping so it got to the point that I'd wake up during the day or night hungry when I was trying to sleep. Consistant timing is your friend.
  • MyLovesMyLife
    MyLovesMyLife Posts: 424 Member
    Ya its hard getting used to and with six kids I am not getting much sleep to help w/weight loss. I will look at coolers next time im at Walmart.
  • Apple1234
    Apple1234 Posts: 20 Member
    I just became a nurse and have started working 2 days 2 nights 12 hour shifts. I was so confused when to eat and what to eat since im not used to eating in the night (or staying up all night) I pack foods that are quick to grab like veggies and hummus, whole wheat wrap with cheese and veggies, crackers and flavoured tempeh and a granola bar just in case im starving and need something more and of course tons and tons of water. I only have 1 coffee at the start of my shift or I wont be able to sleep when im home. Im still trying to figure out nightshift and when to eat. I like the idea of a cooler that others have mentioned :)
  • kaseasteele
    kaseasteele Posts: 86 Member
    I work nights as well, sometimes 24+ hours (military). I just take what I'm going to have for every meal in containers and eat like I would normally eat during the day, except it's night time. I also log everything I eat from midnight to midnight, so even though I start work at 1615, I'll eat THAT day's dinner at 2000, then I'll eat my breakfast for the next day at 0130 or 0200, if that makes sense. I treat every day as it is. Get home, sleep, eat lunch, and repeat my day.