gatorgirly413 Member


  • I'm on week 6, but probably will do it for another week as I'm about to go on vacation and may not get a ton of "traditional" workouts in (we'll be hiking, swimming, and walking a lot though). Feel free to add me - I have started the program three times and this is the farthest I've gotten so I'm pretty excited for 7 and 8.
  • I know I'm a little late to this thread but how are you liking Rockin' Body? I just got the set this past weekend and plan to start after work tonight. I needed something to do on my non-running days, but live in a tiny apartment with neighbors below me, so I didn't want something with a lot of jumping.
  • Guys, I am the worst! I decided that since I'm working longer hours for the next couple of weeks, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to try and commit to a new program. I'm out of the house about 13 hours a day now, so I'm going to stick with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution for strength, and running on cardio days. I'm…
  • I'm sorry, but that's just something you don't ask...ever. I don't care if the woman is a toothpick who is visibly 8.5 months pregnant. You just never know.
  • Workout 5 does. I'll let you know about Workout 6 after I do it tonight. I'm assuming they're all four circuits.
  • A dress that I wore on my first day of work in May 2009, right before I developed thyroid disease - which is a big part of the reason I'm so overweight. So the short answer is almost four years!
  • Oh no! I know how you feel because I've been sidelined from running and the cardio workouts due to severe shin splints in both legs. I have to bike instead. Bummed because I start Phase 2 today and was looking forward to Cardio 2 on Wednesday, but we'll see what my PT says. Definitely keep icing after your workouts and…
  • That's awesome! I did it last night and used 8s for everything except tree - used 5s for that. My shoulders just aren't that strong without help from my lower body.
  • I'm 5'0" even without shoes. I have a long way to go (thank you thyroid) but would like to be around 130 just to get out of the danger zone. I'll set a new goal once I get there.
  • It's better than crying right? I have yet to cry during a JMBR workout, but I know it'd be a different tale if she were actually standing there in my basement with me.
  • I used 8lbs only for all of Workout 4 yesterday. I will do 8lbs only for Workout 3 tomorrow. Previously I had been alternating between 5lbs and 8lbs. I need heavier weights (but don't have them yet) for the backward and forward lunges, weighted step-ups, and single-leg dead lifts. Since I'm moving onto Phase 2 next week,…
  • I bring my lunch 18-19 out of 20 days of the month. I usually bring leftovers from the previous night for my protein (chicken or beef, or seafood that can be eaten cold since I don't like to stink up the office nuking fish) and a big bowl of spinach with some feta, chopped almonds or walnuts, and a light dressing. Some…
  • I decided to keep doing Workouts 3 and 4 for another week. I am banned from doing Cardio 1, running, or using the elliptical until my shins heal a bit. My physical therapist wants me to stop doing anything but walking, but he knows I won't listen, so we agreed to doing only JMBR strength workouts plus biking for cardio.…
  • Lost 1" in my waist. I knew I did - because I've had to go down two pants sizes since starting! This makes me feel a little better about the scale not moving.
  • I personally find Workout 4 easier than 3. I know my legs are a lot stronger than my arms are, so that's probably why.
  • I attempted Workout 5 last night. I got through the yoga and then balked at the pushup plankouts or whatever they're called. I wimped out and went back to Workout 3 and plan to do Workout 4 today. Now I wish I had stuck it out. I'm traveling Thursday-Sunday so I'm not sure what to do!
  • I finished Phase 1 this weekend and only lost the 7lbs that I lost during the first 10 days of JMBR. I found out I am hypothyroid again (I have had thyroid problems for three years) so it makes sense, but it's still frustrating. I decided to do an extra week of Phase 1 - Workouts 3, 4, and Cardio 1. I do plan to take my…
  • Absolutely. Eating 1,200 calories of donuts (about four) and 1,200 of lean protein, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, etc., are not even comparable. I did a 48-hour juice fast once and was eating way more calories than I normally would but still lost weight.
  • You are not eating enough. At the VERY least, you need to be netting 1,200 calories a day. You'd be better off using BMR and TDEE calculations to find out how you someone your size needs to be consuming in order to A. stay alive B. maintain your current weight and C. lose gradually (the right way). Eating well and eating…
  • or Amazon.
  • I'm really cheap so I spent as little as possible while still realizing I needed a HRM with a chest strap in order to track accurately. I purchased a Pyle Sports Heart Rate Monitor Watch PHRM38PN. The watch is kinda big and awkward, but it works and is accurate. The chest strap fits comfortably under the bottom lip of my…
  • The brand doesn't matter as much as the type of shoe. You should be using cross trainers for this type of workout. My running shoes (Mizuno Wave Riders) are awesome for running and biking but my feet kill if I wear them for JMBR or any other "in-place" workout. I wear New Balance WX871 Conditioning Shoes for all of my…
  • If I work out in the morning, I get up around 5-5:15, walk my dog, and usually hit play around 5:45. I shower, then eat.
  • I don't. I eat healthy all but two meals per week. I aim for 1650 calories a day, and I don't eat back calories burned since the 1650 is based on 80% of my TDEE.
  • I use aerobics, high intensity, but I adjust the calories accordingly since I wear a HRM. That's really the only way to be accurate since everyone burns a different number of calories, and a lot of factors come into play. I can burn 350 calories doing Workout 1 one day, and 250 doing the same workout later in the week.
  • Hi Richard! Changing your habits is hard for anyone, so don't look at it as sabotaging yourself but taking baby steps to get to a healthy place. You've taken a bunch of steps in the right direction - working with a trainer, buying JMBR and starting it, and at least thinking about eating right. My dietitian told me thinking…
  • Did you actually sprain it or did you tweak it? If you sprained it, that is a serious injury and should be seen by a doctor. They will tell you sprains take longer to heal than breaks, and might even brace or splint your ankle or give you crutches. If you tweaked it, then I'm sure it's probably still quite painful, but…
  • So far, I've lost 6.8 pounds but I'm not done with Phase 1 yet. I still have two more workouts to complete. I'll post my final results this weekend along with measurement changes. For what it's worth, I am NOT following her meal plan. I was sticking to 1,200 calories (not eating back calories burned) but that isn't enough…
  • I read on here that someone was using aerobics high impact. That's how I log it but since I wear a HRM, I adjust the calories accordingly. I burn between 240 and 400 calories per workout. Some days are wildly different from the next, so a HRM is ideal.
  • Erin, let me know what you decide. I might repeat Phase 1 for an extra week, too. Last night's workout (P1C1) was just as difficult as the previous night's (P1W2) was despite the previous week being manageable. And then this morning I woke up with a horribly sore throat so now it's all making sense. I'm not going to skip a…