Lunch ideas



  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    I prepare all of my lunches at home. Mostly I eat salad. I have to have two prep sessions a week so it stays fresh. I have to be at work really early so I pack breakfast too. With my lunch salad I have something delicious with it. This week it is cabbage rolls. Last week it was stuffed shells. Next week I'm thinking about crab cakes. I do spend some time in the kitcken on Sunday and have to remember everything in the morning. I find that the more I prepare and plan the easier this whole process is.

    I know this is not what you asked but it is the best answer I can give. Eating out is one of the big enemies of being healthy.

    If most people really wanted to eat healthy then this would be a good business opportunity. :)
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I like to make 3 days' worth of salad on Sunday to take to work along with either chicken or tuna, or just sunflower seeds. When I run out of salad, I might take a can of Prgresso soup or dinner leftovers. I can't remember the last time I bought lunch. I come to work to make money, not spend it.
  • hubbaLaruie
    hubbaLaruie Posts: 6 Member
    I bring different kinds of soups-all canned not homemade. They're easy and quick to heat up too. Although I am wanting to branch out a bit. Someone said taco soup-I was wondering if you had a recipe that you could share? I like the idea of leftovers and wrapping it up seperate the night before when cleaning up.
  • I pack my lunch 9/10. It's usually a wrap and some yogurt and fruit or a bento box, which is: usually 1/2 rice, 1/4 protein (and egg or some meat usually), and a little salad of a nutritious green like spinach or kale (screw iceberg lettuce, that is the vegetable of failures) with some cherry tomatoes and raisins thrown in. I'll usually also bring some instant soup along with it, just to fill me up- Kikkomon's miso is only 15 calories or something like that.

    Learn more about bento boxes here:

    If I'm going out, I'll get a soup and salad lunch. If I'm in a real rush, I swing by McD's and get their grilled chicken snack wrap and fruit parfait, or Sonic's grilled chicken sandwich. Both of those are under 500 calories.

    I always ALWAYS have my water bottle, some fruit, a diet coke, and a can of soup in my bag in case of super-hunger-emergency.
  • coleeli
    coleeli Posts: 40 Member
    Someone already posted a link to a recipe. All of the recipes there are really great!

    I usually bring tuna, chicken, or shrimp. I have a few different go-to combos such as chicken, black beans, corn, and salsa on a wrap. I make the chicken mixture over the weekend and bring that to work. Or an arugula salad with sweet potato and shrimp. Sandwiches if I run out of time in the morning. I always bring fruit and yogurt with granola to snack on. I am honestly constantly eating at work, lol.

    I also bought a set of tupperware with a built in ice pack and it's really helpful!
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    I pretty much eat anything for lunch, mostly its leftover dinner or will buy soup and salad at work and just grab some fruit with it.
    If I am running short of time with make a PB&J sandwich or a protein bar.
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    I have 2 go-to lunch out meals; naked taco salad from Qdoba (hold the dairy) and a #12 Unwich from Jimmy John's. I think you would have some luck with just checking out the nutrition calculators for places near you and writing a detailed list of "approved" lunches you can grab anytime
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    A neighborhood deli sells frozen soups, so I stock up on the weekend and have those with a sandwich or salad.
    Left-overs with a salad
    Frozen veggies mixed with pre-grilled chicken (cubed).
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i always bring my lunch. usually it's left overs from the previous night. buying lunch every day adds up and we just don't have that kind of money to throw out.
  • PamGeirng
    PamGeirng Posts: 165 Member
    A gal posted one yesterday and I tried it and it is good.
    1 can black beans drained and rinsed well
    1 can whole kernel corn drained
    1 can diced tomatoes such as Rotel
    1 can fat free refried beans
    1 can fat free chicken broth.
    Place all ingredients in a pan and heat completely through. The ff beans melt down and make it a nice consistency.

    A two cup serving is only 78 calories 16 carbs 0 fat 4 protein

    I used a tablespoon of low fat sour cream and 1/4 cup Kraft 2% Cheese to top it off and it was great!!
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    I'm assuming this person is asking about eating out or on the go, so...

    Qdoba or Chipotle Crispy (not soft) Tacos (any meat) lettuce and cheese only - salsa is FULL of sodium - just like most of subway meats! You can also remove the shells and dump it all into a pile and eat like a salad to reduce carbs.

    1 Steak taco is:

    180 calories
    9 carbs
    11 fat
    14 protein
    185 sodium

    You can also find chicken in the deli sections of local grocery stores, usually an 8 piece for about $6.99 (baked, bbq, fried - remove skin) or KFC Grilled chicken or Popeyes (remove skin).

    a Burger King hamburger patty by itself - no bun or condiments is:

    90 calories
    0 carbs
    7 fat
    7 protein
    30 sodium

    Your best bet is of course making your own food so you know what you are getting.
  • I usually have a can of lemon and dill tuna, some cut up veggies with 2 tbs. of hummus and a greek yogurt. stands at around 320 calories and very filling because of all the protein!!
  • gatorgirly413
    gatorgirly413 Posts: 38 Member
    I bring my lunch 18-19 out of 20 days of the month. I usually bring leftovers from the previous night for my protein (chicken or beef, or seafood that can be eaten cold since I don't like to stink up the office nuking fish) and a big bowl of spinach with some feta, chopped almonds or walnuts, and a light dressing. Some days I bring homemade soup, sometimes I need to microwave a veggie burger or some frozen veggies, and very rarely do I eat at the cafeteria - I work at a private college with a really yummy but dangerous dining hall and Starbucks. We do have a Subway down the street but it's also dangerous with the smell of freshly baked cookies, so I try to avoid unless I forget my lunch or have to drive off-campus for an unexpected meeting.

    I also bring lots of snacks - Fiber One bars, Greek yogurt, fruit, nuts, and the occasional piece of dark chocolate for "emergencies." Once I have my morning coffee (made at home with almond milk and cane sugar), I have a timer on my computer called FocusBooster that helps me drink 8oz every 30 minutes.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I bring mine 99% of the time for weight loss and money reasons. Lately it's been a wrap or sandwich with some string cheese or greek yogurt. If I have to go out I'll get something from Panera or a turkey burger from Hardee's, maybe a flatbread sandwich from DD.
  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    Does "rowerdc" mean you're in the District? Me too. My spots include Subway like you said, Roti (chicken kabob, not chicken roti salad), Chopt' where you can make your own salad and I often add a lean protien (be careful though, it gets pricey fast!), and Corner Bakery has a ton of combos that are under 600cal, though I often make mods to get it even further under that. The Daily Grill has a great under 600 cal menu, and over on L is a place called Energy Kitchen. Haven't been, but everything is baked, steamed, or grilled, and under 500 cals each. Want to try it soon. I also do salads at Quiznos and Sweetgreen, the Cosi hummus/veggie sandwich is good, and I do the "skinnys" at Potbelly. I'm personally 'eh" about Chipotle, but if you get a salad with meat veggies and salsa, it's not too bad, and the cheese doesn't kill it, either.

    Of course if you're not in DC, my bad, but most of those are chain-y. ;).
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I make a big crock pot full of soup or stew on Sundays and parse it out over the week for lunch. I alternate, 3 days of soup/stew, 2 days at Subway.