daisyterp Member


  • I was going to suggest coffee for the caffeine and get yourself a SodaStream and make your own fizzy water. I like fizzy water with just a splash of juice now, instead of soda.
  • I picked this up at my local Sam's club, it was only 9.98, how could I say no?
  • I took it easy for 2 days and I am now modifying ab work for myself, basically not doing real crunches and working on my abs in other ways, I have read about the Tupler method to help repair distasis and I am doing some of those exercises on my own.) my abs have always been my problem area, even pre babies.
  • I am obsessed with this stuff- and I love their green multipurpose cleaning spray- I must have like 3 containers of both of these items at all times! TJs has a lot of great chicken sausages that are relatively healthy. Also some of their ready-to-go salads are great. I like their canned wild salmon.
  • My center is having it on 5/10. As a class manager I get to go for free and I will be going! I don't know about out after in my sweaty gear.
  • Yes, recently a few active posters have taken to critiquing her a lot. It is interesting since one of those posters has another group that isn't just about TA where she posts a lot of the same stuff. I get it that TAM isn't for everyone but right now her MS work is what I want/need. I don't want to be bigger, I want to be…
  • I would keep logging it in- unless you are down to just 1 or 2 sessions a day. Edited to add- congrats on Bf'ing for over a year! That is awesome!
  • This group is very quiet. If you are looking for support w/ TAM there is a facebook group of TA fans- https://www.facebook.com/groups/53916864953/ I mainly do the mat workout and get my cardio from Jazzercise. I really need to ramp it up, do the 30 day DVD and then start the ab-centric meta I bought.
  • I do better when I workout outside of my house. I started with Stroller Strides w/ my 2 kids in a double jogging stroller. Now my goal is to go to jazzercise 4x a week and they have childcare for one class a day that my kids do fine in. A lot of gyms have daycares as well. I do try to do workout DVDs/on-demand but if my…
  • This would be awesome. I just friended a class manager from the jazzercise center I go to, and she said she logs a jazzercise class in as only 45 minutes. I would love a more "accurate" way to track jazzercise.
  • I got a pair of Ryka Studio D from 6pm.com (clearance site for zappos) for $47.99, which I thought was a great deal. I was wearing my mizunos but they were too bulky/clunky.
    in Shoes Comment by daisyterp April 2013
  • Google stroller workouts- there are couple different ones out there that are similar to the stroller strides classes. I like classes- I need the social pressure, but you can do more than just run w/ a stroller- you can do a mix of walking and running, lunges, skipping, etc. Also you can find spots at playgrounds, in your…
  • I don't know if there is one near you, but I really like Stroller Strides- you can work out with your daughter. I got back into working out doing Stroller Strides- I have a 5 yr old DD and a soon to be 3 yr old DS, and I thought it was great for them to see me working out, and they got to make new friends as well- as…
  • Hi! I just started the mat video, I was wanting to try a TA workout and there it was at Sam's Club for $10 so I couldn't say no. I started doing Jazzercise maybe 2 weeks ago, so that is cardio with some strengthening but I know I need more so I hope the mat workout helps and is good for those days I can't make it to a…
  • I put it in as Pilates or calethstinics. Sometimes I break it up based on how sweaty I get, vigorous vs. light.
  • It is definitely my time for myself. My son has a stomach bug right now so I wasn't able to go this morning and probably won't be able to make it tomorrow am ( he just threw up again, poor guy!) but I have been doing other workout DVDs at home. They don't make me sweat like Jazzercise does though, and I am one of those…
  • Look at what is in baby formula. It is gross. Huge link there. Not getting the right enzymes and bacteria in the gut immediately after birth.