When dining out, you really can't get all the nutritional facts that you could when buying your own groceries. So it's really hard to decide what is healthier. In terms of sodium, EVERYTHING has sodium lol. You really can't avoid it. Cutting down, is probably key. When I dine out, I choose lots of vegetable rich entree's,…
There's an easier way to detox minus the price of an "actual" detoxing agent. Try regular herbal teas. There are tons of detoxifying teas. One of them is called "Every Day Detox Tea". But the tea has Chicory, schisandra and lycium which have shown significant antioxidant and liver detoxification activity. Schisandra fruit…
try drinking a hot cup of chamomile tea. It really helps to settle stomach issues. Especially when it's a hunger issue, and you know ate already, or feel you haven't eaten enough, just drink the tea, and it actually helps not only digest food that you eat, but it helps to make you more full because of the extra water in…
I recommend that you try eating less "red meat" when consuming proteins and focus more on veggies, and "soy" protein. I've found that any vegetarian selection can help with the protein issue. At most grocery stores, they carry a product called "Morning Star" and some of the best things come in those boxes :) Riblets,…
Diet pills for the most part, CAN work, but I myself, don't recommend them to anyone serious about losing weight and getting in shape, here's a little tweak, what you can do to help aid weight loss, is to improve your digestion. Doesn't matter what you eat. And I've found that drinking a hot cup of chamomile tea helps with…
Do you take vitamins daily? That is a crucial addition to losing weight and staying in shape. Also what are your eating habits? I have a few dieting secrets that may help you.
I wouldn't want to be all skeletal lol. I think that is considered "underweight" and could be unhealthy. I think the perfect body is aberage really. You're not too muscular, your not fat, and radiant skin is a must, which fruit can benefit in that case :)