Detox & Cleanse



  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Yes, please go see a doctor.
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I felt stupid, I signed up for shakeology cleanse. Not too bad, but $50! I miss my am oatmeal, that and my coffee were amazing! just finished day 2! Good thing I like salad and chicken for supper and a apples for a snack. Oh, I can tolerate green tea more than I thought too.

    So far, nothing! I don't even have to pee more than usual?

    We will see how day 3 goes, I haven't cheated and am down very little.
  • filletminyon
    There's an easier way to detox minus the price of an "actual" detoxing agent. Try regular herbal teas. There are tons of detoxifying teas. One of them is called "Every Day Detox Tea". But the tea has Chicory, schisandra and lycium which have shown significant antioxidant and liver detoxification activity. Schisandra fruit contains all five tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and salty. The good news is that it works, and its actually affordable at Wal-Mart. Your liver plays an important role when it comes to detoxification, as it used in the body as the figurative "garbage disposal". So keeping your liver clean, keeps your body clean, and will give you more energy everyday, drink it once or twice daily.
  • rncrebecca
    rncrebecca Posts: 5 Member
    I actually do like cleansing. I think it is a great way to realy clear the body off the negitive material left behind from years of self abusive eatting habbits. I just use these supplements. Milk thistle, magnisum oxide, castor oil, and psyllium husk (a fiber therapy pill) this doesn't fill your body with chemicals and removes the caked on stool from your intestines, which helps with absorbtion. I do it once a week for four weeks and then once every other month; just to keep things cleared out. Ps. you'll feel super funny for a while then spend three minutes in the bathroom and life will go on. P.S.S the castor oil is really gross, but is natural so i prefer it too other laxitives.
  • andrewlazenby
    I actually do like cleansing. I think it is a great way to realy clear the body off the negitive material left behind from years of self abusive eatting habbits. I just use these supplements. Milk thistle, magnisum oxide, castor oil, and psyllium husk (a fiber therapy pill) this doesn't fill your body with chemicals and removes the caked on stool from your intestines, which helps with absorbtion. I do it once a week for four weeks and then once every other month; just to keep things cleared out. Ps. you'll feel super funny for a while then spend three minutes in the bathroom and life will go on. P.S.S the castor oil is really gross, but is natural so i prefer it too other laxitives.

    Just for the record, and speaking as some one with two degrees in biology... I can say without a doubt that there is no caked on stool in your colon. If crapping is your thing, more power to you....just don't do it and blame it on some crappy (pun intended) science.
  • rncrebecca
    rncrebecca Posts: 5 Member
    "Dont 'blame' it on science"... hummmm I wasn't blaming anyone. It is however proven that stool layers up in the intestines. I don't know when you got your degrees but you may be a little behind in the times. I'm not claiming to be a doctor or waving around biology degrees acting like a human nutritionist, I'm telling someone what I found helpful in aiding my weight loss... That is why were all here, No? :)
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Proven? I've never seen anything that suggests that your stool layers up in your intestines. If so, you'd die of malnutrition as nutrients are absorbed from the walls of the intestines.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Unless you have medical issues with your liver and kidneys, send it back. These are your NATURAL DETOX AND CLEANSE.

    True that.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    But the tea has Chicory, schisandra and lycium which have shown significant antioxidant and liver detoxification activity.

    What is the "liver detoxification activity" by these ingredients?
  • johned64
    johned64 Posts: 13
    You may really want to go see a doctor. Sound like some type of intestinal blockage. Some over the counter cleanse probably will not help
  • fat_assassin
    Why is mostly everyone being rude as hell? This person asked for advice, not for you tell tell them they got ripped off. Hahaha some inspiration and help you all are. If you are going to be rude at least say WHY you think the person got ripped off.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I didnt pay that much..It was on sale at CVS for 19.95. When I got up to the cash register I was only charged 9.99 and had a 5 dollar coupon..I feel I got off lucky since the advice I am getting is not worh even the 5 dollars:)))) Thanks all

    I'm glad that you were open to hearing what everyone had to say :) If you ever have questions about other products, this is a great place to ask before you buy
  • deborah0123
    I want to thank everyone for the help and information..I see my dr every month, but just havent brought up this.. but this month I will talk to her about it..hubby has been on me for ages..I kept telling him everyone is different..well I think now this is to different..still taking all the stuff. still not working..gained 3 lbs.. but I am definitely talking to my dr..I know I take a lot of meds..and know they can mess you up..
  • andrewlazenby
    "Dont 'blame' it on science"... hummmm I wasn't blaming anyone. It is however proven that stool layers up in the intestines. I don't know when you got your degrees but you may be a little behind in the times. I'm not claiming to be a doctor or waving around biology degrees acting like a human nutritionist, I'm telling someone what I found helpful in aiding my weight loss... That is why were all here, No? :)

    A couple things....

    Anytime someone says something was "Proven" by science I assume they are a moron. In fact, I pretty much do not have to assume because they have already in that statement demonstrated such an utter lack of understanding of what science is and how it works it is pretty much as waste to continue with them...

    But since you want to assume I am behind the times. the mechanics of the colon do not allow for a buildup of anything in your colon besides a normal flora of intestinal bacteria that is needed for normal functioning and health. Normal peristalsis, along with natural oils that lubricate your digestive tract allow any bolus of material to move out of your body in an efficient manner. Furthermore, if your body did in fact build up these toxin bearing plaques, you would indeed be facing a severe shock to you system that would require medical attention pronto to keep your body from going into toxic shock. Since I have not seen an increase in the number of individuals that are going into shock due to this, I have to say that the science behind this one is crap.... Oh, about that flora. You will do far more damage to your system in the long run if you wipe out our biological colonies living inside you. You need them. In fact, it has been estimated based on sampling an research that there are more cells in your body that are not you, than cells that are you (contain your DNA)

    I am not waving around my degree for any reason other than to maybe imply to the OP that unlike the average person who will drink anything "natural" to 'cleanse' their colon, I have a basic understanding of biology and how the human body works. THey can take my advice or leave it.....

    What I do not get is the reason that folks who want to cleanse their colon simply do not take a round of the solution that is given prior to a colonoscopy. It will clean you out and most of them are "natural"...

    Wait.... I just realized in am in a battle of wits with a 19 year old. I knew everything at that age too...