
  • Great Job! A wonderful feeling, isn't it?
  • Set a new goal! Be it running a mile in a certain amount of time or benching/squatting a certain level of weight for a set amount of reps. Don't quit, just strive for something new! Great job reaching your FIRST goal!
  • Great job! I think it is great and important to teach our kids at a young age that fitness and healthy eating can be fun! I was told at my daughter's 4 year check-up that her BMI is too high and that we need to watch her fat intake. My daughter is taller than most kids her age. She looks like a 6 or 7 year old. I hated…
  • I am 4'11" and presently weigh 118 - 120. My ultimate goal is 103-105, but I will be ecstatic if I can reach 110. It is SO hard to love this weight! What are you ladies doing to lose the weight (exercise wise?)
  • Today will be day 5 of level one for me. So far so good. Like many others, I am incorporating this into my existing workout routine. My plan for when the 30 days is up is to do it again with a higher dumb bell weight. Good luck everyone!
  • 1oz of breastmilk is approximately 20 calories burned. Figure out how many ounces you are producing a day and you have a rough estimate of the calories you burned nursing. I added nursing 1 OZ = 20 calories to my personal exercises and while I was nursing, I still logged all of my food and my nursing or pumping sessions.…
  • The most effective and best way to lose weight and KEEP it off is to modify and make realistic changes to your diet and exercise. Change your mind set from lose weight to healthy life. This way, you lose the weight and you set yourself up for success in the long haul. Completely depriving yourself of your favorite foods…
  • Burning the fat will help to slim you down, but training your muscles is JUST as important. Getting your core strong will benefit your posture, your health and it can reduce/eliminate back pain. I would say that all forms of strength training are important no matter how much fat you have to lose. Building your muscles…
  • I am 4'11 with 19 ish pounds to lose. I am at 124 now and hope to reach 105. Although I will be ecstatic if I reach 110 and can maintain it. I am already noticing so much of a difference in the way things fit. I only wish I had started this WHILE I was nursing so I would have had that extra boost to help burn the calories…
  • sometimes headaches can be an indicator of blood pressure issues. I would check with your doc if it has been going on for 2 weeks. Good luck!
  • I am on week 4 (should be5 but I did week 2 twice). I have never been a runner. I must say that I am really enjoying it. I have not missed a run yet, which for me and my track record for sticking with things is VERY remarkable! Just take it one run at a time. Don't be ashamed if you need to step it back and do some of the…
  • Thanks everyone! My hubby and I don't see eye to eye. He thinks I should avoid it altogether until I reach my goal. He calls it a slippery slope. oh well, moderation is key and if I teach myself to indulge in moderation, I think I am that much farther to my goal than before. :) NSV for today - I fit into a pair of jeans I…
  • You could marinate the chicken breasts over night in a spicy marinade and then grill them. Or you could seaosn them with onion powder, garlic powder, cayene pepper and sea salt and grill that way...
  • I would consider it circuit training...
  • I am totally with you guys here. I do quite well during the week and then on the weekends I completely go off course. GRRR. Baby steps is what I keep telling myself and i tell myself take it one meal at a time. If I blow it at one meal, I try not to beat myself up, i just try to get back on track. As far as exercise, it…
  • Thanks All!! Day one is going well... except I am WAY over on protein. I still have 151 calories left for an evening snack!!
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