

  • The Ultimate Collection DVD sounds like a good one to try! I also have a 2 mile walk/jog good for those "lazy" days when 45 min is just too much :-)
  • Has anyone actually lost 20 pounds in 30 days using this DVD? I am doing walking/jogging intervals (using Leslie Sansone Walk Fit: 4 Fast Miles) and I want to go to every other day and do the shred on the days I'm not doing intervals.
  • Yes, I do the whole DVD and right now I'm doing this Mon-Fri. I plan on doing this for a couple of weeks to boost the weight loss then go to every other day with some strength training in between. I don't workout on the weekends because that is my time with the kids so I have to make the most of the weekdays.
  • I'm using Walk Slim: 4 Fast Miles..you walk & jog! I love it and I am actually seeing great results. From what I can find, it burns close to 500 calories for my weight!!! It wears me out and it's a bit annoying but the results are certainly worth it! Good luck.
  • I started using the Wii fit scale and it seems to be the most accurate! It tracks even the slightest weight loss and that keeps me motivated!
  • I'm curious to find out what others think about this too. I've done Weight Watchers (with much success) using the points system. This is the first time I'm following the calorie goals instead and I'm curious to see if the weight comes off as easily. I also often had points left then woke up starving. I couldn't afford to…
  • Thank you all for the encouragement! I will check back often and post results. I am looking forward to a new and better body. :happy: