

  • I'm 5'6 also and my heaviest non-pregnancy weight was 280 (give or take a few). I lost weight through the basic premise of eating less, making healthier choices, portion control, accountability and exercise/activity I enjoy. I, too, qualified for gastric procedures based on my "morbidly obese" status. I am so thankful I…
  • My indoor trainer was worth every penny! Love it! (I got mine at the end of the season on clearance, too). Biking is not the same as running as far as a "10%" rule or something like that. You should have a progression but it can be more aggressive than running. I follow a training plan from a coach I hired (who is a repeat…
  • Should we now refer to you as "TravisLifts"? ;)
  • I'm a WW LT member (-125) and also doing more with BF% these days. you can ready my profile (I think?) and send a friend request if you life! always looking for new friends in similar situations! :)
  • misinformation? maybe, maybe not! in my case I can tell you in no uncertain terms that minimalist shoes or barefoot running would NOT have been a positive form of treatment for my PF but I do agree that the calves need to be stretched, use deep tissue massage and given attention.
  • you may want to read up on PF to get an idea of what might have caused it so you can avoid it happening again.
  • Sorry, no time right now to read the other posts but here is my experience: I had PF in both feet, worse in my left and was in a boot for 3 months. STOP DOING THE EXERCISES THAT HURT like running, etc. You can damage it further, including complete rupture of the fasciitis and you will be in a serious world of hurt! Get in…
  • In my case, I received a substantial "living inheritance" gift (like an early inheritance instead of after they die) to pay for about 75% otherwise, I wouldn't be able to pay for it until I was about 45! I don't know how many people visit profiles, but I'm not having a tummy tuck/lift after losing 5 pounds. :) I've lost a…
  • thanks, ladies! I like hearing what other people have been through... so much more helpful than before/after pics online. I have enough tissue to lift and have a full C/small D cup so I'm not really interested in the implants. As far as cost, the tummy tuck alone is $9,000-12,000 depending on the surgeon I've seen and…
  • You say: "Now, I'm not going to rant on Weight Watchers. It helped me to lose 40 lbs, and definitely set me on the right course. I learned to make much better choices, and started weighing and "tracking" my food intake. However, it also set me on the path of a very damaging relationship with food. During the week, I was…
  • Bump... I have a few new friends but there is always room for more! :)
  • I get what you are saying, Ravenhood, and for the most part, I agree... but this is life and sometimes it's ok to make other choices. As an example, I abstained from cake and ice cream at my niece's 2nd birthday party recently but if my children make or pick out a special cake or treat for me on mother's day or a birthday…
  • So to become healthy after having been unhealthy you have to continue to be unhealthy until you're healthy? Hmmmmmm... I've lost 125 pounds and was morbidly obese so I think I can say with some certainty I've had a huge lifestyle switch from binge/severe over eating and sedentary lifestyle to generally healthy eating and…
  • Hi! I am new to this group... my 9 year old daughter won a 3 month pass to a Kenpo Karate studio near our home. Now that it is done we have joined as a family and my 5 and 11 year old daughters and I started classes last week. I am having so much fun! It is WAAAAY more "hands on" than I anticipated. Having people sit on…
  • I'm a big believer in the 80% rule or "aim for B+" mentality... you can't be perfect. You set yourself up for failure. I like "clean but realistic" :)
  • I guess we can't be friends since some days I don't net 1200... but I have lost 125 pounds (and kept it off for 7.5 years) eating well and getting active with a variety of athletic pursuits. I have 3 kids (2 with mild special needs), a puppy, I'm starting home school for the first time with 2 kids and I have a ton of…
  • Me, too!!! If you become friends with Vanessairene, consider me, too, please! :)