Looking to motivate and be motivated!

shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
Hi All,

I have been lurking for a while, and finally thought it was time to start talking. My long story... as short as I can make it. :)

I am a 33-year-old working, married, mother of one 6-year-old. I have gained and lost weight a few times in my life but finally got on track with Weight Watchers a few years ago, and have maintained around a 70 lb loss for two years. I credit WW with helping me learn to get my trainwreck eating habits back in check, but after meeting my weight goal I still have a high body fat percentage and I believe I have become skinny fat (5'4, 130 lbs, BF is hanging around 30%). I have a pretty good feeling this is probably because I spent more time power walking than lifting as I was losing the weight.

I am always looking for ways to tweak my new healthier lifestyle since I believe there is always room for improvement in anything I do. As I spend more time on the MFP forums I'm discovering lots of ways to improve - I am adding in more fitness (even got a FitBit!) and have started doing the Simply Shredded workout at home (I am starting week 2).

I think a huge part of success is having people in your corner to cheer you on, discuss ideas, etc. Most of the people in my personal life are disinterested in talking about fitness and health, so I am now finding myself alone on this path and am turning to MFP to find friends to keep me motivated - and I will do my best to motivate others. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to add me. :)


  • Welcome to the party! You'll do great here. Feel free to add me.
  • Doing it alone can be tough. Please feel free to add me. I would love to help you meet your goals.
  • Welcome sen an invite anyone that is in need of friends can add me
  • I'm a WW LT member (-125) and also doing more with BF% these days. you can ready my profile (I think?) and send a friend request if you life! always looking for new friends in similar situations! :)
  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks for all the adds, everyone! :)