Tired of all the "real dieters"



  • Hi everyone , this is my first day on MFP.. let me see if I get it wright we are suppose to eat up to 1200 calories a day and be active like work out , but only eat that many calories and no more and thats how you loose the wieght?
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Reading this thread as I eat my nightly ice cream hehe
  • Chrisswa
    Chrisswa Posts: 71
    The way i think of MFP is its a food tracker and as long as you are having a caloric deficit then your body will shed weight. I am actually amazed at how much i get to eat and how i can incorporate everything into my day. I am a gym junkie and love a great workout and wear a Polar FT7 to keep track of of calories burnt etc. I am overweight (but that will change over time) but i also know i am pretty fit. When did food become our enemy (love that saying on the WW ad). I have dieted way too many times to know DIETS dont work. :) Every day eating does work as long as you know what and how much is going in and what is going out etc.
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    Totally agree with you! Sustainable for a lifetime is how I aim to eat and exercise. Yes I want to be thin, strong and healthy, but I also want to enjoy pizza and cupcakes sometimes too.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I would love to see one of you guys post a success story showing what you really eat and do. It would be very inspirational for someone like me whose just starting out. I'm doing my best to not starve myself and eat right and it does make a big difference. I can't imagine going hungry if my body needs it. Either way, would love to see a success story by someone who eats lots and exercises too. :happy:

    This isn't MY success story, but it's a good one.

  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Totally agree with you! Sustainable for a lifetime is how I aim to eat and exercise. Yes I want to be thin, strong and healthy, but I also want to enjoy pizza and cupcakes sometimes too.
    making cupcakes for my sons birthday this year instead of going on a two day cake making frenzy. Do I do chocolate filled with a light chocolate mousse or is there something more outside the box and better?
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    many people on here are just learning to take care of themselves, and if you have a weight problem there is a good chance you always have had one and you have experienced varying degrees of eating disorders. i don't find it productive to get angry at people who are "doing it wrong", people have enough emotional distress surrounding food as it is.

    we should be encouraging people to eat more vegetables, nutrients and whole foods not obsessing over their caloric intake.

    Many people don't even understand how to feed themselves properly, and have never gotten used to eating good food.

    my brother refused to eat a single vegetable until he was 27, yet dieted off and on. I didn't yell at him or berate him, just made suggestions. It just took him a little longer to figure it out on his own, and now he eats salad all the time.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    You know what I hate reading on MFP? Angry, condescending posts my like you.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I like to take the thinking out of it and just eat below TDEE daily.
    I cut maybe 15-20% off every day except lift days.

    The fat comes off as the strength goes up.

    You look great BTW!

    For others who dont like the 1200cal bird food challenge, try this on for size!
  • I guess we can't be friends since some days I don't net 1200... but I have lost 125 pounds (and kept it off for 7.5 years) eating well and getting active with a variety of athletic pursuits. I have 3 kids (2 with mild special needs), a puppy, I'm starting home school for the first time with 2 kids and I have a ton of doctor/therapy/counseling appts I take kids to not to mention running a house, taking care of my own needs, a husband and everything else that comes with "life"... so yeah, some days (like today) I don't net 1200... but that's ok with me and thankfully, its ok with the people who have made me their friend in the past 10 days since starting MFP.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    How do you feel about people eating 4,000 calories everyday trying to gain weight, and then they complain that they lost 2 pounds over the weekend?

  • I am right there with you. While yes, eating fruits and veggies are great for you. You are allowed to have fast food and pizza! Just don't have it everyday! Go workout and have fun! This is a fun process, long but fun!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing people on MFP talking about how they are trying really hard to lose weight "HEALTHILY" or they are so tired of yoyo dieting but then you look at their diaries and you see:

    A) they're eating 1200 (or fewer) calories and working out intensely

    B) eating rabbit food everyday and then complaining that they can't fit in more than 1200 calories

    C) haven't changed their eating habits at all. Still eating copious amounts of food with little to no redeeming qualities

    D) they neglect physically activity and complain that they don't like their body after reaching goal (because they've likely lost or failed to maintain LBM throughout the process)

    I want to be strong, fit, and healthy. To me this means that YES you can have dessert..fast food..starbucks..whatever your vice is but you have it with moderation. This means that you fuel your body properly and not attempt to starve the weight off.

    Most importantly it means that YOU DO NOT "DIET" ...you learn how to make changes that will stick with you for a lifetime. You find activities you love, food that tastes great but isn't detrimental to your progress, and you incorporate treats occasionally. Food is not to be feared and progress is not to be rushed.

    good points.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    If you are so tired of seeing people like this, you have a choice to not look at/ignore/delete/avoid them.
    Everyone learns what is good for them after a whole lot of trials and errors. Most people are at different stages of finding out what works for them.
    Please don't be judgemental of people that don't follow YOUR plan.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    If you are so tired of seeing people like this, you have a choice to not look at/ignore/delete/avoid them.
    Everyone learns what is good for them after a whole lot of trials and errors. Most people are at different stages of finding out what works for them.
    Please don't be judgemental of people that don't follow YOUR plan.

  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    I never quite get the point of posts like this. I understand the concern but not the attitude and not-so-subtle hostility and condescension behind it. Everyone isn't starting at the same place. I joined MFP clueless about just about everything related to fitness but I've learned a lot over time. I assume others do the same.

    Also, you're 23. I'm almost twice your age and can tell you it gets tougher with age so maybe you'd want to consider other variables at play aside from just food diaries. :flowerforyou:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I started off here at 1200 MFP made that one for me. In 6 months I've gone from 95kg to 68kg & I will be lucky on some days to want to eat more than what is suggested for me. YES you CAN get full on under 1200. It does happen. I also workout every single day without fail....hard as well. I run, Zumba & dance my little heart out. 7 days a week for a minimum of 40 mins now..... or if I'm feeling so damn good...over 500 cals burn on a really energetic day (almost every day for the past week or so )
    Wonder why it's such a problem for some people if others DO get full on that amount or less. Depending on what you eat then it is very easy. 1 banana & 2 whole eggs make a banana pancake (yep mash & mix & cook) and that is only 247 cals...will fill me up for 5 hours no problem. See depending on what you eat.

    Remember......not everyone is the same. Please remember that before you start hating on people who are able to sustain on so little. I know I can.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Truth. Truth. And more truth.

    Bump for more posts. I'm just gonna sit in the peanut gallery so I dont stir up trouble ;)
  • PiggySweet
    PiggySweet Posts: 60 Member
    1200 cal is normal for me, though considering my super final goal is to have a bmi of 20, that puts me between 100-105lbs (i'm very short) so i end with a bmr of 1155-1178cal per day. under 1200. I have no idea how i'm going to reach that goal weight without going into starvation mode... for now i'm just setting my goal at 120lbs, which is a bit high for someone just under 5 feet, but it'll do for now. I exercise everyday so that i can eat more than 1200. if i'm every hungry, i'll usually eat 1300 in a day.
  • t1dude
    t1dude Posts: 11 Member
    I agree. I just started MFP 5 weeks ago and have lost 17 lbs on 1800 cal/day. I have totally NOT deprived myself. I have eaten BBQ, Tex Mex, cookies, and lots of other "non-diet" foods. The biggest thing I realized about my diet after using MFP is what kinds of foods have lots of calories and how to limit portion size when I want some of those items. I also learned that when I over indulge, I need to exercise to counter-balance the calories. Lastly, I learned that MFP was teaching me a sustainable lifestyle and not how to diet.