Tired of all the "real dieters"



  • It seems like a lot of 1200 per day people gained a lot of their weight back after reaching their goal weight and returning to a "normal" amount of calories eaten per day. I was at 1200 calories per day for about 2 months (due to not knowing any better) but I burnt out and plateaued. Now I'm eating correctly, I have SO much more energy. If I'm going to lose weight, I need to do it in a sustainable way that I can keep up with for the rest of my life. For me, 1200 calories just didn't fit the bill.

    Wow, my calories are set to 1200 a day and I thought that's how it had to be to lose weight, but after reading this it makes sense that if I'm doing this for life it has to be sustainable. Guess I was more concerned with how quickly I could lose the weight, but that's clearly not the right attitude. I'll be upping my limit methinks! Thanks for enlightening me :-)
  • cbd2212
    cbd2212 Posts: 1
    I guess I'm a little confused. I read all the comments to the post... but I guess I'm learning how to take care of myself, so I have some questions. I am currently at my most heaviest weight. I've always ate terrible foods, but I guess it finally caught up with me. I want to stop it, learn how to do it right, and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. But I do need to lose the weight, not maintain what I am now. When I started earlier today, it told me my intake should be 1200 cal.

    I guess my main question is... is 1200 calories really too low? After reading this thread my head is spinning >.<

    So I'm only aiming to lose about 6-7kgs and MFP set my 1200 calories for me.
    I'm only on day 3 but am finding that I don't NEED to eat the full 1200. I eat until I feel full and don't believe I should OVER eat, just to get my calorie intake up, especially with the added calories from excercise - yoga 2-3 times a week and a quick paced half hour walk most days.
    I think everyone is different!
  • Prestissima
    Prestissima Posts: 66 Member
    Agreed! Dieting (especially "eat-only-carrot-per-3-days-and-lose-all-you-have-gained-for-3-years") is for a short time. To get strong, healthy and proud of yourself you need to change your lifestyle. If you don't like gym - find something else! If you like desserts - don't prohibit it! If you don't like what you're doing it's useless, you'll find 1000 excuses not to do this.

    You new lifestyle should make you happy.

    p.s.: actually, I like eating rabbit foods, planning my meals and say "No, thanks" to cookies. But firstly because of my teeth, skin and digestion. What comes inside - the same comes outside.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Just judging by the OP's profile pic I'm guessing she's never had a huge amount to lose but I could be WAY off. Who knows? And despite the fact that I am in the "eat more" crowd and it works just fine for me, it doesn't work just fine for everyone. Some people have a huge struggle with moderation so they can't just eat measured amounts of their faves. They actually have to cut out the "bad" foods to avoid them. Some people will be better off eating 1200 calories (or less if medically supervised) in order to get the fat off quickly even at the expense of some lean mass because the fat may very well be potentially causing imminent disease or death. We can't possibly know everyone's situation and despite the fact that we all function in essentially the same way, our goals and needs do differ.

    From my own perspective I wonder why people wouldn't want to eat more, be more satisfied, more energetic and lose weight slowly, but then I don't have an upcoming motivator like a wedding, vacation, surgery, high school reunion or whatnot. I have no reason to rush. Some people would rather try and get it off faster, feel better quicker, and then worry about figuring out how to maintain it later.

    To each their own...

    As for the person wishing to see a success story... there are load on this site. I consider myself a success story - I eat over 2000 calories/day on average (less on rest days) and have lost just over 30 lbs in 7 months. I drink wine, eat chocolate and cheese, run regularly and enjoy my life though I'm not ripped and am not trying to be. There are many just like me.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    No, no I'm not. I'm tired of people thinking they are gods gift as they've had little success. Heck, I get in comp shape 2-3 times a year, coach people into that shape too but you'll never find me posting a thread like this. They usually are at the start of their journey and will learn in time what to do. Its just part of the process. Stop being so judgmental. Help, not hinder! :smile:
  • :happy: Okay, I started at 260 (really 263) and used the Diabetes DTOUR diet from Prevention. It has easy meals you fix, and if you pick one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner, and two snacks off of their meal list -- you end up with about 1600 calories. NOW, that worked really well for me until I plateaued and then my diet buddy and I talked about leaving our limit for the day at 1600, but AIMING for around 1200 or so. If we 'cheated', per se, we kept it within the confines of the other 400 cals.. Feel free to friend me here, and view my diary. Any time you see just calories input? That is a quasi-cheat food that I had a moderate portion of.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    No, no I'm not. I'm tired of people thinking they are gods gift as they've had little success. Heck, I get in comp shape 2-3 times a year, coach people into that shape too but you'll never find me posting a thread like this. They usually are at the start of their journey and will learn in time what to do. Its just part of the process. Stop being so judgmental. Help, not hinder! :smile:

    ^^^^This is the kind of poster I love on here.^^^^

    Someone who can see what others are seeing with the OP.

    (to to OP .......sorry but 4lbs is nothing to lose... I can lose that by next week & still go on yet you don't see me making out like everyone else is wrong in the way THEY do it)
  • bhbarros
    bhbarros Posts: 101
  • raeraeti
    raeraeti Posts: 108
    You speak truth! It's annoying seeing people eat so little for the sole reason that I begin to doubt my own methods. But it seems to me that the girls who are active and eat normal but on the healthy side tend to look the best. Those salad-nibblers don't last.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I'm not tired of anyone, as I don't let the eating habits of random online people bother me. Everyone does things differently - if someone's method isn't working, that's unfortunate for them, but it's not going to make me annoyed or tired. Am I really so unusual in this?
  • I can't quite figure it out. I can't seem to get more than about 1800 calories in...My doc ordered a low carb diet at no more than around 100 carbs a day...still trying to work out kinks. Any suggestions?
  • bhbarros
    bhbarros Posts: 101
    I'm not tired of anyone, as I don't let the eating habits of random online people bother me. Everyone does things differently - if someone's method isn't working, that's unfortunate for them, but it's not going to make me annoyed or tired. Am I really so unusual in this?

    No, I agree with you entirely on this. There have been WAY too many posts like this one lately.
  • The poster has performed a public service to people who are deluded in the belief that the way to lose weight is a very low calorie diet coupled with huge amounts of exercise. If it sounds judgmental, if you don't like her because she's too young, or dislike her maybe because she didn't have tons of weight to lose at the start--too bad. Dislike of the messenger doesn't change the truth of the message.

    I've personally seen some diaries that come out to 200 or 300 net calories for the day after the dieter ate 900 and burned off 600 from an intense aerobic workout.

    Not wise, and if the poster saves just one person from embarking on a path of extreme-calorie-restriction stupidity, she has done a service.
  • mskatee
    mskatee Posts: 33
    I was going to add to this thread before I read to the end. It seems to have turned into something else!
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    I guess we can't be friends since some days I don't net 1200... but I have lost 125 pounds (and kept it off for 7.5 years) eating well and getting active with a variety of athletic pursuits. I have 3 kids (2 with mild special needs), a puppy, I'm starting home school for the first time with 2 kids and I have a ton of doctor/therapy/counseling appts I take kids to not to mention running a house, taking care of my own needs, a husband and everything else that comes with "life"... so yeah, some days (like today) I don't net 1200... but that's ok with me and thankfully, its ok with the people who have made me their friend in the past 10 days since starting MFP.

    This you cannot just stick everyone in 1 category what are you a magical Buddha ? Wtf?
  • Crawflowr
    Crawflowr Posts: 106 Member
    I agree. I must admit I'm happy with my "diet" now. I started trying to lose weight a year ago when I reached 177lb at 5'7" and by cutting my portions and walking and then taking up running I'm happy to say I reached my goal of 140lb by April. Since then my weight is amazingly stable varying only by 1lb up and down for the whole time since. I'm still eating pizza, chips, chinese, curry and having snacks of cakes etc. But i try to hitmy macros and overall calories by managing portions etc. Check my diary I'm sure you'l all be horrified:)

    Sorry I know I'm coming over as smug and it will probably all go horribly wrong soon.
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    exactly my thoughts..."the attitude and not-so-subtle hostility and condescension behind it."

    also - how can you be bothered?? delete the "friends" you are "tired" of that do that, so you won't be tired anymore. i eat 1200 three times a week; eat that!
    I never quite get the point of posts like this. I understand the concern but not the attitude and not-so-subtle hostility and condescension behind it. Everyone isn't starting at the same place. I joined MFP clueless about just about everything related to fitness but I've learned a lot over time. I assume others do the same.

    Also, you're 23. I'm almost twice your age and can tell you it gets tougher with age so maybe you'd want to consider other variables at play aside from just food diaries. :flowerforyou:
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    Well you would hate me then :laugh: I have 500 cals every other day!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    hey, OP....

  • I guess I'm a little confused. I read all the comments to the post... but I guess I'm learning how to take care of myself, so I have some questions. I am currently at my most heaviest weight. I've always ate terrible foods, but I guess it finally caught up with me. I want to stop it, learn how to do it right, and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. But I do need to lose the weight, not maintain what I am now. When I started earlier today, it told me my intake should be 1200 cal.

    I guess my main question is... is 1200 calories really too low? After reading this thread my head is spinning >.<

    So I'm only aiming to lose about 6-7kgs and MFP set my 1200 calories for me.
    I'm only on day 3 but am finding that I don't NEED to eat the full 1200. I eat until I feel full and don't believe I should OVER eat, just to get my calorie intake up, especially with the added calories from excercise - yoga 2-3 times a week and a quick paced half hour walk most days.
    I think everyone is different!

    1200 calories would be your base intake and youd eat more to make up for calories burned during exercise. say you burned 300 calories running 3 miles, you'd eat 1500 calories for the day because your deficit is coming from the reduction to 1200 calories as your base intake.