Geckoqueen Member


  • In the end I waited until I could get a new phone. All synced up to MFP now... let's see how this goes.
  • Hi Pixtotts, I've just found it too. Thanks for the suggestion. I have created a playlist using the music app and its still not working :( Never mind, I'd prefer having music but the app its self is still fun. As soon as I shake this cough I start week 2. Vaugirard15, Thanks for the welcome. I'm still a beginner but do far…
  • Regarding tracking, I have Pedometer Pro which syncs directly with My Fitness Pal. I use it most of the time for my walking calories but it also works just as well for working out the distance, speed and calories of runs. Friends have also recommended Map My Run which (I believe) also syncs here. I haven't used it myself…
  • Part of the run was through my local park so I can't rule out pollen but I walk my dogs in the park quite regularly and don't normally get any reaction. I have had mild hayfever later in the year/ when its warmer though. Could it be a stronger reaction to pollen because I inhaled more? or something like that?
  • I'm feeling a bit better today, I still have the cough but the sore throat isn't as bad. I think I've figured out that it started too late to be runner's cough but my colleague thinks it could be from inhaling cold hair through my mouth whilst running. Has anyone else found this? I have skipped tonight's run. Hopefully…
  • This was also my experience of my first Parkrun (I've done 2). Everyone is really encouraging. I was getting cheered as I was lapped. I just starting Zombie 5k (similar to C25K) where I am walking a lot then running intervals to build up my running. I found it easy to incorporate this into Parkrun, you just have to be…
  • I hope your walk/run went OK at the start of the month. I wouldn't let not being able to run the whole thing put you off. I have just done my second Parkrun (1st for a long time). I am in the same situation as you (were), I can't run 5k, so I am building up using Zombie 5K (similar to C25K). The volunteers were OK with…
  • Thanks everyone who has replied and sent me links. I've had a look at them but its going to take me a while longer to take it all in (I don't feel so daft for asking now, LOL). Apologies for opening a can of worms.
  • Thank you everyone for replying. The person I saw yesterday was really good at explaining what cholesterol does and I am definitely not trying to limit it (the opposite in fact), its the numbers and what they mean that I was struggling. I will definitely do some further reading on good food choices - this is something I am…
  • Thanks everyone for their replies, I know it might sound daft - you'd think it'd be pretty basic survival skill - but I appreciate the advice. N - this was really helpful. I work in an office as well and am doing some of this already. I have a pint sized kids cup with a sealed lid (I'm very clumsy) and straw on my desk, I…
  • I'm doing Manchester too. I've downloaded the C25K app but have some catching up to do.
  • I have just signed up for the Manchester one. I'm pretty unfit so have my work cut out. I don't plan to "run" the whole thing, I'll be happy with a time of about 45 minutes (I know its not formally timed). I just have some practical things to sort out now, like how do I get home after - as nether the venue or the station…