Runner's Cough or Starting with a Cold?


I've decided to try and get into running again (after a brief attempt last summer). I am on week one of Zombie 5K so I am an absolute rookie.

I did week 1/ session 3 last yesterday evening and noticed as I was running that the wind was so cold that it felt like it was burning my nose when I breathed in. After the run I felt fine but started coughing about 10am this morning. The cough was sporadic all afternoon and now I have a sore throat. My colleague mentioned runner's cough but from what I read that would affect me immediately after running - is that right?

I am being particularly cautious because last year I did exercise whilst (unbeknownst to me) I was starting with a chest infection and it floored me for a week.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.


  • Geckoqueen
    Geckoqueen Posts: 20 Member
    I'm feeling a bit better today, I still have the cough but the sore throat isn't as bad. I think I've figured out that it started too late to be runner's cough but my colleague thinks it could be from inhaling cold hair through my mouth whilst running. Has anyone else found this?

    I have skipped tonight's run. Hopefully I'll feel better by Parkrun on Saturday.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Have you considered allergies? Depending on where you live the pollen may be releasing.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I don't get runners cough, never even heard of it.
  • Geckoqueen
    Geckoqueen Posts: 20 Member
    Have you considered allergies? Depending on where you live the pollen may be releasing.

    Part of the run was through my local park so I can't rule out pollen but I walk my dogs in the park quite regularly and don't normally get any reaction. I have had mild hayfever later in the year/ when its warmer though. Could it be a stronger reaction to pollen because I inhaled more? or something like that?