Hey lets see those pics!! :)
make sure you use good supportive shoes!
tomorrow i start level 2!
Do you guys wear tennis shoes when you do the shred?
yes for sure go buy one!! check the sewing section at most stores, the measuring tape is only $1 around where i live
I use general circuit training... it is quite accurate to my heart rate monitor results... has only been 4 calories off. :)
i also did all the bicycle crunches! go us!!!!! we're almost there!
I acutally bought a heart rate monitor on ebay for $7 (wristwatch) and it is quite accurate with circuit training... only 4 calorie difference. hope this helps :)
completed day 7 of the shred, cant believe i am almost to level 2!
Can I ask how much size you changed? I am worried about this too.
I think you need at least one day to help your muscles recover? Idk I'm only resting for one day a week so far.
Who all is taking a rest day today? (Sunday) I am! :love:
What day is everyone on now? Seeing any improvement?
Just completed day 6 of level 1, wow.. I am so proud of myself. I am pushing myself so hard to stick with it!
wow your results are awesome!
I finished day 5 of level 1 today..... keep up the great work everyone! I am able to use the hand-weights more and more! I also found that I am not extremely exhausted today like I have been the previous days. Hope this encourages some!!
I ordered a heart rate monitor/calorie burner/steps counter wristwatch on ebay, should arrive any day now. It was about $7. I have been putting mine under aerobics and I don't know how many calories I really am burning. lol
Same here, right knee just wants to give out randomly. I do about half butt kicks then I run in place the best I can.
whoa you look so good!!!!!!!!!!
Push through, just do the routine the best you can. On the first day I was so sore I had to walk around once in a while because I was getting so stiff and it was quite painful to bend anything. YOU GOT THIS! Keep up the hard work! Everyone in this thread is feeling the exact same thing. I am on day 4 level 1 and not near…
Hmmm, is your body just detoxing from sweating out toxins?
I also take Synthroid...... *twilight zone theme*
Do you guys eat before you do the workout? If so, what? How long do you wait after you've eaten to start?
I don't know what diet goes along with the video, but I have cut tons of calories and am trying to eat as organic as possible. I can already feel the lag from junk food subside. I am using portion control and eating like 6 times a day, not even getting hunger pangs!
I love how you all are so into this like I am! It's all I can talk about, haha. I bought 3lb weights today for like $3 each at Meijer. I think Jillian is using 5lbs? I struggle just with the 3lb... hopefully work my way up.
This is exactly what happened to me. I did take 2 or 3 5 second breaks.. and afterwards I almost vomited. It is so intense, but I am so proud of doing my best! Today was day 2 for me.
WOW! Thank you everyone for your comments!!! I am so inspired by all of you. I would love to keep this thread going for our progress, what about you? petithamu and mariposa224, you gals look incredible! I can only imagine how good it actually feels. I am so impressed!
I found that I have waves of anger during and then at the end I am sad? Idk, like I want to cry or punch a pillow.
Yes, I saw before and after pics on pinterest and that's why I decided to give it a go. 30 days, anyone can do that! One thing led to another and I found this website and actually did my first workout this morning. I thought I was gonna die.. but I still feel the endorphins and it's been a few hours since the workout!…
keep up the hard work! I just started the shred today... looking forward to the results. :) what are you going to do when you've completed it?