30 Day Shred



  • I just did my 3rd day. I hate the butt kicks. I cannot do them at all. Hopefully they will get easier as the days go on. :)

    THey hurt my knees, so I keep doing jumping jacks or run in place instead!

    Same here, right knee just wants to give out randomly. I do about half butt kicks then I run in place the best I can.
  • Hi I have repeatedly started 30ds but am vowing to finish it the next time I pick it up (Next week). Question for those with FitBits or logging it in MFP: Without a HRM, how do you log your calories burned?

    I ordered a heart rate monitor/calorie burner/steps counter wristwatch on ebay, should arrive any day now. It was about $7. I have been putting mine under aerobics and I don't know how many calories I really am burning. lol
  • Sarah_Super
    Sarah_Super Posts: 25 Member
    Got through day 3, knees hurting like crazy during the jumping jacks but I gritted my teeth and pushed through it.

    Viva day 4!
  • Sarah_Super
    Sarah_Super Posts: 25 Member
    Day 3 workout due this afternoon. My muscles say no, no, no, NO! Wondering if I should push through the pain?

    Annoyingly, my 'exercise hives' seem to have come back too ... reminding me why I usually stick to swimming. Does anyone else suffer from this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urticaria#Exercise_urticaria

    My Dr advised taking antihistamines shortly before the workout, but the make me sleepy =/

    Hmmm, is your body just detoxing from sweating out toxins?

    Nope, its an allergy. I used to get the reaction to water also, warm weather, sunshine ... my body isn't normal!
  • Maribethw
    Maribethw Posts: 7 Member
    Just finished L1D4! Am starting to notice that things are getting easier but, overall tonight's workout was the hardest mentally.
  • You'll be so proud of me. I did L1D2 last night and although the press ups hurt like mad across my chect muscles I did the whole thing with no breaks. The part I'm struggliing with is the last abs exercise with the alternate knee thing. I can do about four and then I'm dropping my legs to do normal crunches and then going back to it. Do you think this is ok?

    I'm going to stick with doing it everyday because it does loosen your muscles when you feel stiff. I think taking the rest day after day 1 was a mistake
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    You'll be so proud of me. I did L1D2 last night and although the press ups hurt like mad across my chect muscles I did the whole thing with no breaks. The part I'm struggliing with is the last abs exercise with the alternate knee thing. I can do about four and then I'm dropping my legs to do normal crunches and then going back to it. Do you think this is ok?

    I'm going to stick with doing it everyday because it does loosen your muscles when you feel stiff. I think taking the rest day after day 1 was a mistake

    I'm not sure I quite remember that move... But if you're trying, and still doing SOMEthing when you struggle with the move, yes, I'm sure that's fine. Just keep trying. You'll get better at them.

    As far as taking breaks... I don't think that taking breaks is a bad thing. Jillian even recommends taking at least 1 day off per week. I think it's bad when we take a break just because our muscles are sore, because that's why you're exercising, isn't it? To get into better shape? The muscles are GOING to get sore, REPEATEDLY. Since starting in April, minus a week off twice, I've done Jillian's DVDs 5 days per week, done another workout (cardio) one day a week, and rested one day a week. Every now & then I might throw an extra workout in in the evening, but that's not all that often, and has mostly been in the last month or so. So, taking a break isn't bad, but I think that, for the most part, barring injury, rest days should be scheduled and planned for. If you know you have a rest day coming, it's something to look forward to. I rest on Sundays. :smile: And the weeks that I took off were between programs & I was actually on vacation (from work) both times.

    Oh, and good for you for getting back on that horse yesterday! That's awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • I keep looking at your profile pic and am amazed and what a difference 30ds made. You look amazing and all your hard work is definately paying off. I took my photo's on the first day, am going to take them again at the end of the 30 days but re do my measurements after each level.

    I know what you mean about scheduled days off but I'm the kind of person that I have to be strict and stick with it otherwise I'll stop. I have 27 days until I go on holiday when I would like to look half decent in a bikini. In that time I can only really see one day I may not be able to do it because I'm doing a 5k race for life (not running it but pushing my 9 month old daughter round it). I'm hoping that a total of 28 days of the dvd will still have some impact. My main problem area is between my thighs and stomach. I can't beleive how much having a baby can change your body shape! I used to be hour glass, I'm now more pear :embarassed:
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I keep looking at your profile pic and am amazed and what a difference 30ds made. You look amazing and all your hard work is definately paying off. I took my photo's on the first day, am going to take them again at the end of the 30 days but re do my measurements after each level.

    I know what you mean about scheduled days off but I'm the kind of person that I have to be strict and stick with it otherwise I'll stop. I have 27 days until I go on holiday when I would like to look half decent in a bikini. In that time I can only really see one day I may not be able to do it because I'm doing a 5k race for life (not running it but pushing my 9 month old daughter round it). I'm hoping that a total of 28 days of the dvd will still have some impact. My main problem area is between my thighs and stomach. I can't beleive how much having a baby can change your body shape! I used to be hour glass, I'm now more pear :embarassed:
    Most people tend to lose in reverse order that they put weight on... So this should mean good things for you, in that if your belly & thighs were the last to gain, they should show the loss first. No guarantees, but that does seem to be the way it works for most. Just keep at it. And when you get back, either start it again or start another one, that way you can keep up your momentum. I have another new Jillian DVD that should be arriving the day it releases (I pre-ordered Killer Abs, which is due out Sept 4), but I'm planning to do that one 3 days per week, after I finish up with 6W6P. I want to get on the 3/week schedule since I'm on maintenance now, but I also wanted to finish 6W6P first. lol I'm sure that you will see enough change in your 28 days to get yourself into a swimsuit. :happy:
  • Frenchyken89
    Frenchyken89 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm intrigued by the 30 Day Shred! I have a gym membership ATM and was wondering should I cancel that and do this? Or should I just keep the membership and do other things during the 30 days? I'm so inspired by all of your guys' posts that I really wanna do it and can't wait until I can go buy it on thursday and start! Any thoughts? :happy:
  • I have a bikini I bought before I was pregnant and didn't get a chance to wear it so my sister borrowed it for her holiday. The photo I took is me wearing it and muffin tops doesn't explain the look at all!! My boobs feel like they are slightly hanging out the side and my hips/waist looks awful. I would really like to be able to wear it with confidence. Fingers crossed! I may even post pics in here (once I've worked out how to do it!):huh:
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I'm on day 9, lost 1.8 pounds so far, i love it!!! sore but worth it I think!!!
  • they DO! 1 or 2 more days, and you'll be fine with them. i was in that boat, too.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I started this today, I'd taped it on fitness channel but it was week two so I thought never mind, I did it and enjoyed it, but then got thinking about utube and I found level 1 on there! So did that one as well :laugh: but I shall carry on for the next 9 days at level 1 then see how I feel..but I LOVED IT!!!
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    I'm intrigued by the 30 Day Shred! I have a gym membership ATM and was wondering should I cancel that and do this? Or should I just keep the membership and do other things during the 30 days? I'm so inspired by all of your guys' posts that I really wanna do it and can't wait until I can go buy it on thursday and start! Any thoughts? :happy:

    I do the 30 Day Shred first thing in the morning and then go to the gym for my regular strength workout or running. I am on Day 20 of the Shred so starting Level 3 tomorrow. I love it and have seen results already. Also, look on Youtube .... Level 1 and 2 I know are on there.
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    Just finished L1D4! Am starting to notice that things are getting easier but, overall tonight's workout was the hardest mentally.

    I remember Day 4 all too well. It seems like that is the hardest day for everybody. I promise, it gets better.
  • Kiinu
    Kiinu Posts: 4
    Had a moment of weakness when I realised I couldn't even do the modified push up and considered stopping (and throwing a tantrum), but pushed through it and felt proud when I got to the end without dying. Anyone else have problems with those?

    Need to invest in a better sports bra for those jumping jacks!!!
    1. You're not alone. I can't even do modified and I see a lot of others can't. I do as many as I can and try not to feel bad. XD

    2. Ever try wearing two? It doesn't matter how excellent a sports bra is; I will always double up because one alone is never enough support for cardio moves.

    I use a cheap sports bra from walmart, and then I wrap my chest with a wide Ace Bandage to hold everything down. works better than anything,
  • Day 3 of level 1 done. I always struggle towards the end of circuit 2. Really felt it in my arms/shoulders tonight x
  • I finished day 5 of level 1 today..... keep up the great work everyone! I am able to use the hand-weights more and more!

    I also found that I am not extremely exhausted today like I have been the previous days.

    Hope this encourages some!!
  • alicia0416
    alicia0416 Posts: 274 Member
    I am COMPLETELY HOOKED on 30DS!!!!!! I am level 2 day 8.... I've seen results too!!!!!!!! I'm EXCITED about that lol...

    About a month before I began 30 DS

    A week ago

    A month before I began 30 DS

    A week ago....

    I still have a ways to go but the results are so nice..... Makes me wanna KEEP GOING!!!!!!