30 Day Shred



  • Cindy393
    Cindy393 Posts: 268 Member
    you will do this! Tell yourself that. I'm on day 6 today of lvl 1, and yesterday was a good day-I could feel more endurance during the workout. Be gentle but work through the pain. It's a good pain, a healthy pain. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    Just finished last week. Took me 35 days. I lost 7 lbs and a jean size. I probably could have been more successful had I done the program with only 1 day off (as recommended) and less cheat days, but I am a human who makes mistakes on a regular basis. However, after my wisdom tooth recovery, I am going to start again with heavier weights this time! Good luck, it's an awesome experience :-)
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I've done 23 of the days of it but taking a break til Monday because I've been sick and my lungs are just not having it. I posted the changes in my measurements from day 1 to day 15 in my profile...will update day 30 when I get there :)

    It gets a LOT easier after the first few days. Level 2 is hard on your shoulders if you're not used to a lot of plank work but level 3 gets better (with lots of plyometrics and less plank work).

    My experience was that I didn't lose anything for weight (though I wasn't intending to anyway) but I did find myself dropping inches and fitting into my clothes MUCH better.
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    Started once a couple of weeks ago, then I had surgery and just hadn't gone back. I am going to start again tonight. I will commit my 30 days.
  • Day 3 workout due this afternoon. My muscles say no, no, no, NO! Wondering if I should push through the pain?

    Annoyingly, my 'exercise hives' seem to have come back too ... reminding me why I usually stick to swimming. Does anyone else suffer from this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urticaria#Exercise_urticaria

    My Dr advised taking antihistamines shortly before the workout, but the make me sleepy =/

    Hmmm, is your body just detoxing from sweating out toxins?
  • I wish now I had done it last night to try and loosen my muscles up a bit because today if I sit for too long at my desk my thighs are siezing up. I will be doing it tonight and working through the pain. I will be getting toned while I'm doing it and it will help me to lose weight!!!! :wink:

    I wrote myself some goals earlier with regards to weight/size/fitness. My long term goals are big so will seem a long way off but some of the smaller ones are achievable. One of them in the fitness coloumn is to complete 30 day shred!

    I can do this and by God I will!!!!!

    Push through, just do the routine the best you can. On the first day I was so sore I had to walk around once in a while because I was getting so stiff and it was quite painful to bend anything.

    YOU GOT THIS! Keep up the hard work! Everyone in this thread is feeling the exact same thing. I am on day 4 level 1 and not near as sore as the first few days. :)
  • Started it yesterday. Not really following it as a 30 day thing since I can't repetitively do just one video so I'm adding it to my strength training days.
  • I did 30DS over and over for 4 years and I've loved it. I just finished her Ripped in 30 this morning, too! I also have her six week 6 pack dvd.. I'm a bit of a Jillian Michaels addict. That being said- I paired the videos 5 days a week with 30 minutes of cardio 3 to 5 times a week and I absolutely love my body! I've been maintaining for over a year now and 30DS if perfect for losing and maintaining. It bumps up your metabolism like crazy. I couldn't say how well it works the first time around because the first time I did it I was really lazy about it and only did it 2 times a week so I didn't see results. My results were spread out over a period of about 3 years because of my laziness but man, I swear by it!! Keep with it, it's so worth it! I started stepping it up about 2 years ago and lost about 30 pounds.

    Here's my final result. I'm 5ft tall btw.

    Good luck! :)

  • Just started level one this morning, the results everyone seems to get are incredible!! I just hope my willpower will pull me through haha! (:
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I just did my 3rd day. I hate the butt kicks. I cannot do them at all. Hopefully they will get easier as the days go on. :)

    THey hurt my knees, so I keep doing jumping jacks or run in place instead!
  • 92_sweetheart
    92_sweetheart Posts: 131 Member
    I am on Level 2 Day 2. I am currently down about 5lbs and about 4 inches. For the first couple days of each level you will be sore. If you are not sore you are not pushing yourself hard enough. My tips is just stick with it. You will see your results as long as you push, but don't over do it. Break if you have to. You knees will hurt like heck. So be careful. Make sure your form is current so no injuries. I will link my Level 1 Day 7 pictures. I plan on updating everyone on the 7th day of each level.

  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    This thread has me pumped. :) I'm planning on adding this to my workout in September. I need help in toning and I can't seem to get into the machines at the gym. I did this video over a year ago and my husband still talks about the changes it made on my body (at that time-lol- of course once I quit everything went with it) so I'm excited to see what it will do this time.
  • sarahbw22
    sarahbw22 Posts: 130 Member
    I started the 30 Day Shred last night and it's amazing!!! I couldn't believe how much work was squeezed into 20 minutes! I was drenched by the end of it. I use 2lb weights and mix it up between the modified and harder versions since a couple of the exercises came a little easier for me. But others I definitely struggled with.

    Anyone feel free to add me if you want a 30DS buddy!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I wish now I had done it last night to try and loosen my muscles up a bit because today if I sit for too long at my desk my thighs are siezing up. I will be doing it tonight and working through the pain. I will be getting toned while I'm doing it and it will help me to lose weight!!!! :wink:

    I wrote myself some goals earlier with regards to weight/size/fitness. My long term goals are big so will seem a long way off but some of the smaller ones are achievable. One of them in the fitness coloumn is to complete 30 day shred!

    I can do this and by God I will!!!!!
    Yeah, see I was always afraid if I took those days off, it would be too easy to just give up altogether. So I would push through it 5 days a week... And doing the workout really *did* loosen the muscles up some, but they were sore for a few days and that should be expected. You're sore in a good way. It means you're doing something right. I've been sore this week from starting 6 Week 6 Pack. It happens pretty much every time you do something new. You *will* get used to it. It's not fun, but it passes. And then you're stronger and closer to your goal, so it really is a *good* sore. :flowerforyou:
  • Just read a motvational saying and think it's extremely apt for the 30DS

    "Pain is weakness leaving your body"

  • Jaidnoire
    Jaidnoire Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I have repeatedly started 30ds but am vowing to finish it the next time I pick it up (Next week). Question for those with FitBits or logging it in MFP: Without a HRM, how do you log your calories burned?
  • Hi I have repeatedly started 30ds but am vowing to finish it the next time I pick it up (Next week). Question for those with FitBits or logging it in MFP: Without a HRM, how do you log your calories burned?

    I log it as circuit training, general @ 20 minutes.
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    Day 4 Level 1! Wow I can feel it today. I really pushed through and I'm hurting now haha! Can't wait till Level 2 now though!
  • claw0416
    claw0416 Posts: 95
    I am on Level 2 Day 2. I am currently down about 5lbs and about 4 inches. For the first couple days of each level you will be sore. If you are not sore you are not pushing yourself hard enough. My tips is just stick with it. You will see your results as long as you push, but don't over do it. Break if you have to. You knees will hurt like heck. So be careful. Make sure your form is current so no injuries. I will link my Level 1 Day 7 pictures. I plan on updating everyone on the 7th day of each level.

    Okay girl! I started this yesterday, slowly walking today..knees are killing me and my arms are heavy..Thought I was jsut gonna take it easy and MAYBE attempt again tonight, which means there is no way in hell I am turning on the TV. Until I saw your first week pics and your reply...That is enough motivation for me..No pain..no gain//or loss.. Thanks for sharing you have made my day...Do have a quick question though..Were you doing other exercises with this or just this? I am walking 2-3 miles everyday on either the treadmill for incline or the walking park to mix it up..
  • I am on Level 2 Day 2. I am currently down about 5lbs and about 4 inches. For the first couple days of each level you will be sore. If you are not sore you are not pushing yourself hard enough. My tips is just stick with it. You will see your results as long as you push, but don't over do it. Break if you have to. You knees will hurt like heck. So be careful. Make sure your form is current so no injuries. I will link my Level 1 Day 7 pictures. I plan on updating everyone on the 7th day of each level.


    whoa you look so good!!!!!!!!!!