30 Day Shred



  • I do mine in bare feet because we've got a cream carpet but I'm having some issues with the strain on my ankles so my have to put something on my feet.

    I'm doing day 7 tonight. Should really do 3 days worth with the amount I've been snacking today. Cookies seem to call my name!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Cookies seem to call my name!

    Rice cakes have been doing that to me today..... :/
  • Sarah_Super
    Sarah_Super Posts: 25 Member
    Wore trainers yesterday, much better on my ankles! Knee's are still painful but this is more down to my knees rather than the workout.

    I haven't lost any additional weight since starting (I'm on day 4, with 2 'rest' days where I did other exercise) but I have already lost 5cm on my waist, 4cm from hips and 5cm from my thighs .... which is crazy for just a few days!
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    I just started today and also used canned veggies (well, black beans) and it was definitely effective! I've been doing 45-60 minutes of elliptical at least four times a week for several months, and today's workout DEFINITELY showed me that I need to work some strength training in if I want to see results. i've got strong quads/calves from elliptical, but my arms are like noodles! I also definitely sweat way more in 20 minutes than I ever do during cardio... probably a sign I haven't been working out hard enough.

    For those who've done it before, how important do you think measurements are? It seems to be better to judge progress by those rather than weight, but I don't have any cloth tape. Is it worth getting my hands on some?

    Measure for sure and take pics! I am on day 26 and the scale has only moved 7.4 lbs but I have lost inches and my overall tone is much better. If you are only using the scale, you will be disappointed ...
  • tomorrow i start level 2!
  • I just started today and also used canned veggies (well, black beans) and it was definitely effective! I've been doing 45-60 minutes of elliptical at least four times a week for several months, and today's workout DEFINITELY showed me that I need to work some strength training in if I want to see results. i've got strong quads/calves from elliptical, but my arms are like noodles! I also definitely sweat way more in 20 minutes than I ever do during cardio... probably a sign I haven't been working out hard enough.

    For those who've done it before, how important do you think measurements are? It seems to be better to judge progress by those rather than weight, but I don't have any cloth tape. Is it worth getting my hands on some?

    Measure for sure and take pics! I am on day 26 and the scale has only moved 7.4 lbs but I have lost inches and my overall tone is much better. If you are only using the scale, you will be disappointed ...

    Great. I took measurements yesterday, so I'm all set. For the record, though, 7.4 lbs is still an achievement in my book!
  • I didday 7 level 1 last night. I'm starting to feel like its changing my body already. My bingo wings seem more toned as does my thighs. Can't wait to do measurements after day 10. I have been a bit naughty and taken 3 rest days and find it harder to do it again after a rest day. I think this will be a DVD I will use for a long time in the future.

    I'm still in denial about level 2 I don't want to look at it until I get there in case it puts me off!
  • nadinab
    nadinab Posts: 124 Member
    I am on day 6 today and have had some major changes already! I eat 1200 calories a day, jog three times a week and do this dvd every night! I have lost cm around my arms, thighs and esp bust and waist in 6days, can't wait to see what the 30 days will do! I find it to be quiet tought but well worth it! Give it a crack and stick to it! :)
  • nadinab
    nadinab Posts: 124 Member
  • nadinab
    nadinab Posts: 124 Member
    I do mine in bare feet because we've got a cream carpet but I'm having some issues with the strain on my ankles so my have to put something on my feet.

    I'm doing day 7 tonight. Should really do 3 days worth with the amount I've been snacking today. Cookies seem to call my name!

    I have a yoga mat that I work out on to save my carpet. I would recommend you get one, wear your trainers as that will give your joints support.. otherwise you are exposing them to injury. Happy shredding! :)
  • I didday 7 level 1 last night. I'm starting to feel like its changing my body already. My bingo wings seem more toned as does my thighs. Can't wait to do measurements after day 10. I have been a bit naughty and taken 3 rest days and find it harder to do it again after a rest day. I think this will be a DVD I will use for a long time in the future.

    I'm still in denial about level 2 I don't want to look at it until I get there in case it puts me off!

    Oh my God, "bingo wings"!!! Favorite new slang.
  • I'm slacking!! Didn't do 30DS last night, not doing it tongiht either. Still been pretty good with calories but it's like I need a little break. Will be doing it tomorrow morning to get back on track. Sorry to be a let down! :ohwell:
  • i would love to do the 30 day shred. and i cant wait to see the resolts and to get back into shape.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    I didday 7 level 1 last night. I'm starting to feel like its changing my body already. My bingo wings seem more toned as does my thighs. Can't wait to do measurements after day 10. I have been a bit naughty and taken 3 rest days and find it harder to do it again after a rest day. I think this will be a DVD I will use for a long time in the future.

    I'm still in denial about level 2 I don't want to look at it until I get there in case it puts me off!

    It is much harder after a rest day, huh? I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that also! I know they say you need a rest day, but I dread the day afterwards because it seems 10 times harder. I really need to get up off the couch now and go do it... but my blankets are so warm ;-)
  • purebells
    purebells Posts: 83 Member
    I started yesterday! Wow am I sore!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I've been doing it every day for 7 days and now my husband has started doing it with me :laugh:
  • Just finished day 7 of 30DS and had a mini NSV: my first real pushups! I could only do one set, but still!
  • Just finished day 7 of 30DS and had a mini NSV: my first real pushups! I could only do one set, but still!

    Well done on the full push up, I am still doing the girly ones. I didn't do the shred again last night but legitimate reason as I had my daughter up the emergency doctors. Am back on track today, 30DS being done tonight level 1 day 8
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Just finished day 7 of 30DS and had a mini NSV: my first real pushups! I could only do one set, but still!

    That's brilliant!
    I'm still doing girl ones but I'm feeling much stronger when I do them :smile:

    I do my session in the morning then repeat it at night when my husband does it...:noway:
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    I finished Day 30 yesterday. I am so proud of myself. I did all 30 days in a row without missing one. I feel so accomplished. I started Ripped in 30 this morning. I will take one rest day (Sundays) for this DVD.
    Before and Afters to come!

    We can do this ;).
