Heather0611 Member


  • :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday Everyone! As always, thanks for sticking with me and the challenge! I lost 1 pound this week so I'm finally seeing a little consistancy on the scale, and it's my TOM so I'm hoping for even more next week! One more weigh in before the dreaded Thanksgiving feast! No worries though, it's only a…
  • l updated! have a great weekend everyone! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As54y9PPe8DkdEh5a2pycjJlZ2w3a3hxN3VUazV3Z1E&hl=en_US#gid=0
  • Don't get discouraged Sara, you've already lost over 7lbs, that's great! Even if you dont make it to your goal by the new year, you will shortly after, keep up the great work!
  • :flowerforyou: Hey Everyone, I'm so sorry for the delay in updating the spreadsheet last week. I had a very difficult week and it was hard to get on here. I had two funerals to go to and then traveled this weekend with my husband, it was a nice getaway. So, all is well now and I'm back, all is updated as of now. I'm so…
  • :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone!! Another week down, great job to all of you and again thanks for sticking with me! Sorry for updated the spreadsheet a little late, it was hubby's birthday this weekend and pumpkin carving and planning for Halloween party this weekend, busy busy! But I love this time of year! I finally lost a…
  • Got it Sugar_Berry, great job on the loss!
  • :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone!! So sorry again for my tardiness this week! My husband's bday is this week and since we are newleywed's I'm trying to play "perfect wife" planning a party, pumpking carving, boo at the zoo trip, and other festivites with our family and friends! I don't know about you guys but I'm so ready for…
  • :flowerforyou: Happy Monday everyone! Wow week three already! I know New Year's seems like it's really far, but I think that's a good thing. Just remember, 25lbs didn't come on over night and it won't come off that way either. For those of us that are a little behind (like myself) don't stress, there is stil a long way to…
  • Hi Everyone!! Week 2 already and you are all doing a great job!!! Sorry I've been a little MIA this weekend, very busy with family. Great job motivating each other, keep up the great work! 9/19: 206 9/26: 208 10/3: 206 Here's the updated link :happy:…
  • I've updated everyone in the challenge on the spreadsheet. **Please move your posts over to the new thread, "New Year, New Us...Closed Challenge" Thanks!
  • Great job on the 1lb! keep it up, it will come off :wink: Also, you can find the new thread on my profile or under "New Year, New Us...Closed Challenge" Thanks!
  • Hi Silchi, I'm sorry, I'm not sure what the problem is, everyone else seems to be getting in ok. You just need to open a new internet tab and in the URL box paste: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As54y9PPe8DkdEh5a2pycjJlZ2w3a3hxN3VUazV3Z1E&hl=en_US then hit enter and it should open right up, can't edit though.…
  • All updated! Great job again everyone!!! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As54y9PPe8DkdEh5a2pycjJlZ2w3a3hxN3VUazV3Z1E&hl=en_US
  • Great job again everyone!! I'm so happy to see so many of you excited about the challenge and and putting in all the hard work! I need to up my workouts this week and get back to the gym, you are all motivating me, great job!! Let's take it one week at a time, we can do it!! Spreadsheet updated :flowerforyou:…
  • Got it, thanks and great job! Be sure to start using the new thread :wink:
  • You can post it in the new thread "New Year..New Us, Closed Challenge" or you can message me, either one is fine :happy:
  • Hi, you have to copy and paste the link into a new web page. Thanks!
  • That's ok bpg, big numbers next week!! And thanks tolkie, it's easier for me now too. All is up to date as of right now! :smile:
  • Hello again!!! Sorry to say I had to cut the challenge off with Silchi24 being the last member, I think that was on page 7. I would encourage any of you that didn't get on the spreadsheet to start your own challenge, I missed out on one and that's what prompted me to start this one. *****For all of you that are on the…
  • I just ate there for lunch today. I had the bacon ranch grilled chicken salad (260 calories) with southwest dressing (100 calories). I also bought the fruit and yogurt parfait for a snack later, I love them and at 160 calories with real fruit I don't think you can beat it. I'm full now from the salad and it was very good!…
  • Hi Everyone! Ok, I've added the last few that have requested it....but I really have to cut it off now, spreadsheet is getting big!!! But I'm glad all of you have joined!! I've updated today's weigh in with what I have so far and I'm just checking in so I should be caught up with everyone that has posted before me. Great…
  • Hope you all had a great weekend!! I was not on track this weekend but tomorrow is a new day :ohwell: Weigh in is tomorrow so either post your weight or weight loss in this thread or message me with it. We are officially up to 99 people in the challenge, awesome!! I'm going to have to close the challenge from here on out,…
  • Soooo....I just thought I'd share this with all of you because I'm feeling a litle off about it this week and since I'm leading this challenge I really want to set a good example for everyone..... I got a major wakeup call on Monday night when I went to the gym. My recorded weight of 206 was taken Saturday morning and my…
  • Up to 74 people now!! I've updated the spreadsheet to inlcude everyone, you have to copy and paste the link, sorry can't just click on it. Remember that weigh in is on Monday, 9/26 so either post your weight/lbs lost in this thread or send to me in a message. Make it a great weekend and talk to you soon!
  • Happy Wednesday everyone!! Hope your week is going well! As of today we are up to 66 peole in the challenge!! Below is a link to view all people in the challenge, I will keep track of your weekly weight and/or weight loss on here. Let me know if there are any corrections, talk to you all soon! :flowerforyou:…
  • Hi Everyone, just checking in to let you know I'm working on a spreadsheet now with all names in the challenge, so far we are up to 57 people, wahoo!!!! That means that this group has the potential to lose 1,425 pounds by New Year's!!! I know we can do it, keep up the motivation! Just a reminder, you don't have to provide…
  • Hi All!! Glad to see everyone is joining the challenge, we can do it!! The challenge is posted in a new thread called "New Year, New Us....25lb Challenge" I've never run a challenge (or even been a part of one for that matter) but I wanted some extra motivation myself. Every Monday just check in on that thread with the…
  • Very cool!! You can do it!
  • Ok great!! I'm going to start a new post for the challenge, New Year, New Us....25lb Challenge! (a little corny I know :) If I did the math right there are 15 weeks left until 1/1/12 (from yesterday) so to lose 25lbs would be 1.67 pounds a week, totally doable!! Hoping to do more myself! So, anyone who wants to do the…