New Year...New Us, Closed Challenge



  • fitnfreeme
    fitnfreeme Posts: 102 Member
    My new weight is 202, down two pounds since the start.
  • fitnfreeme
    fitnfreeme Posts: 102 Member
    To clarify, SW 204, week one 204, week two (now) 202.
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    Awesome job everyone! Thanks again, heather for setting this up.
  • ElleC
    ElleC Posts: 37
    Another 1.5lbs lost.

    Week 1: 201

    Week 2: 199.5

    Current: 198

    Well done exeryone!!!! We can totally do this :)
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    awesome job everyone!!! looks like we're all on the right track! Last weekend I had my fiance's birthday, which i've still been indulging in ice cream cake from it. The last piece is in the freezer and I'm saving that for the birthday boy so no more for me lol. I need to work on staying under my cals for the rest of the week. And maybe fit in an additional exercise in the afternoons, nothing too major, just like a half hour of something :) Keep up the great work everyone!!
  • Heather0611
    Heather0611 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    Week 2 already and you are all doing a great job!!! Sorry I've been a little MIA this weekend, very busy with family. Great job motivating each other, keep up the great work!

    9/19: 206
    9/26: 208
    10/3: 206

    Here's the updated link :happy:
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    You are awesome Heather!!! Thank You!!!
  • LMLeu
    LMLeu Posts: 29
    You're doing a great job everyone!!! Congrats on all the losses! This motivation really seems to be helping everyone get down to business!
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    I'm at 196! Way to go, everyone!!! :)

    SW: 196.0
    W1: 197.6
    W2: 196.0
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    I forget to report in on Monday. Had a bad weekend, no weight loss for mew :ohwell:
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    HEY...what kind of horse ya got? Cute profile pic with him (or her?)
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Week's almost over!! Yay!! hope you are all doing amazing this week with eating and exercising :) My eating was not the greatest for the 1st half of the week, yesterday was better and i'm hoping the rest of the week/weekend will be good too! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    It's been a challenging week for me, my knee has been a little sensitive, and TOM (time of the month) was here, so haven't been 100%. Thankfully I haven't eated too many of my exercise calories, and I should be feeling better.

    Anyone else having a hard time coming to terms with how long it takes, and how much work it is to lose weight? I don't know why but it's really getting to me this week.

    Hope everyone else is doing fabulous!!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    I do start to feel like that sometimes. Especially those months where I bearly lost a pound or even gained. The thing that really helped me was reading somewhere on here that we're lucky it doesn't take as long for us to lose the weight as it did to put it on. I know from 2005-2010 I put on 60lbs (12lbs a year). Thankfully it won't take me 5 years to lose all of that or I think I'd really go crazy! You are doing great and losing weight the healthy way, it will still take time, but at least you're on the right track by being on here :)
  • Good morning!

    I went home Monday evening not feeling well...stayed home from work and in bed most of the day Tuesday. I had yesterday off already for some appointments so today I'm back in my routine but not entirely feeling well. It's mainly a stomach thing.... I am hoping that today it gets better and by the time my work day ends I can go work out again. I haven't been to Jazzercise class since Sunday.

    I don't know if I ate some bad yogurt on Monday afternoon or if I have had a bit of stomach flu or what...but everything makes me feel sick to my stomach. I just ate some oatmeal so I'll see how that sits....

    I noticed this morning that my pants were looser as I walked in to work from my car. Well, it's more like they weren't as tight, rather than that they were loose. But, regardless, that was nice to notice. And yesterday my daughter pointed out to someone how my jeans were loose. I didn't even realize it until she said something....

  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    It's been an odd week. I have been sooo good. Always under a 1300 net, getting some form of exercise every day, and the scale didnt move at all when i did my mid week check in-i think I have had pms for a week now and I feel like a bloated angry elephant :explode:

    And of course it is our Thanksgiving this weekend. I love stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. Oh and Pie. Can't forget that. And festive beverages. There is NO way I will be able to stay under my calories, but I am going to log anyhow. I may as well try to get all the stuffing in on one day-leftover turkey would be great but leftover stuffing will just be one of those things i end up eating anytime i see it.
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    miracleminded1 - hope you feel better soon & looser pants is definitely a great NSV!!! Enjoy it :)

    mjshmily - enjoy your holiday!!!!
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm late, but weighed in Wednesday at 342.8. Sorry, I'll be better next week :)
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Hey did you get my mail with my stats? I forgot to post so I sent them to you. I don't see them on the chart yet so I was just wondering. Thanks.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    NEW YEAR CHALLENGE .... all the way to New Year ... I am not sure I can be good for that long. The take-away shops up the road are beginning to call more loudly than ever before! :(

    MON 19/9: 175.5
    Mon 26/9: 173.5 (2lb lost)
    Mon 3/10: 172.0 (1.5lb lost)
    Mon 10/10 169.8 (2.2lb lost)

    Total lost to date: 5.7lb

    Goal: 150.5