New Year...New Us, Closed Challenge



  • Hi! I'm checking in this morning at 165.8!

    That's down 1.8 from last Monday morning.

    I'm glad we weigh in on Mondays, it helps me to stay more on track over the weekend. I've normally been one to kind of take the weekend off and try to make up for it over the week, which is not really the best way to go.
  • LMLeu
    LMLeu Posts: 29
    Office Potluck today here at work!! Brownies, Cookies, Chili, Green Bean Casserole, Fried Chicken, cheesy potatoes, and lots and lots of dips!!!

    Why do people EAT SO MUCH in this office??

    I'm sitting at my desk eating my leftover stir fry and joining in the festivities later when the food diminishes! Man I hope I can control myself!
  • NO! I gained weight this week~! Back to 234.

    That's a 1.6 lb gain. Well, I guess it was expected. Nasty cold, too much sodium in canned chicken soup and popsicles, not to mention TOM this week. Going to doctor this afternoon, hope to get something to make me feel better. This coming week will be much better! I'm going to work super hard to lose that 1.6 plus I hope I at least one more.

    Good Luck to everyone else getting on that nasty scale today!
  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    Last week 196.5
    10-3 193.8
    Goal 172

  • Sorry, feeling really thick...

    Trawled through until I found a link to the online spreadsheet but there was no column for today so...

    Back to the drawingboard...

    Trawled some more...

    Found another link, copied and pasted...

    Got all nervous at the thought of having to log 'out loud'...

    Still no column for this week on the second link.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Everyone else seems to be logging away merrily! :sad:
  • You can't edit the spreadsheet only Heather can. You just need to message her your weight or post it here.

    Here's my stat update in the right topic post!

    09/19/11: 163.3
    09/26/11: 163.6 (boo!) +0.3
    10/01/11: 160.7 (YEEHA!) -2.6
  • Oh! Thanks for that... I must have been dreaming, thought we'd updated it last week?!

    This week: 190.26lbs
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    I'm glad we weigh in on Mondays, it helps me to stay more on track over the weekend. I've normally been one to kind of take the weekend off and try to make up for it over the week, which is not really the best way to go.

    Me too ... this way I keep really focused over the weekend, otherwise I'd be inclined to give myself a little treat! :smile:
  • Challenge SW: 212.6
    9/26: 211.6
    10/3: 210.6

    Best wishes to everyone for a great week of weight loss!
  • muka9
    muka9 Posts: 12
    Challenge SW: 152
    9/27: 150
    10/3: 146!!!

    4lb this week, 6 lbs overall. I've been doing bootcamp at 5:50 am M-F since April, and usually a workout on the weekend, but hadn't seen any weight loss - just muscle gain. I finally started to except the problem was overeating, and have been really strict about 1200 calories a day (thank GOODNESS for the food and exercise log so I can't cheat myself!!) since the start of the challenge, and I think things are finally falling into place.
    Plus, this challenge is really good for me - I'm really competitive, even with myself, so now I have a goal I have to reach, which is great motivation!! Wowing my friends and family won't hurt either ;)

    Congrats to everyone working hard out there to lose the weight! It takes a lot of discipline! EEK!

  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    (19/09/11) SW: 191.6lbs
    (26/09/11) LW188.4lbs
    (03/10/11) CW: 187.6

    Total loss: 4lbs
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    19th September     179.75lbs
    26th September     179.00lbs
    3rd October.          176.75lbs

    That's 2.25 this week and 3 all together. I'll take that.
  • starting weight 9/26 245
    10/3 243.8lbs
  • DrWhere
    DrWhere Posts: 5 Member
    SW: 160
    9/26: 159
    10/3: 158
  • CW: 235.6

    I believe I maintained this week.
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    SW: 277
    Last Weigh in: 273
    Weigh in 10/3/11: 270


    Hope that everyone is having fun sheading these pounds!
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    277.3 Today, was hoping for more but my TOM was here... Ah well :)
  • eudemonia
    eudemonia Posts: 149 Member
    sw: 178
    9/26: 175
    10/3: 174
  • Hi All~

    SW: 180
    9/26: 183
    10/3: 179.8

    Total lost: 0.2 lbs :huh: Really.. :ohwell: I'll just keep chuggin.
  • brigibooboo
    brigibooboo Posts: 38 Member
    10/3 214.0