New Year...New Us, Closed Challenge



  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    fitnfreeme – awesome job reaching ONEderland!!!
    unicornassassin – great job getting that scale to move for ya!
    purple_punk – feel better soon~

    Everyone else…..keep up the amazing work!!!!! Little by little the pounds are coming off :)
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    I'm still at 204. That makes at least 3 weeks in a row. I've been in a mood lately but getting back on track. Hope everyone else is still doing great!
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    SW: 277
    10/03/11: 270
    10/10/11: 269
    10/17/11: 268
    Check in for 10/24/11 (I’m a couple days late): 268 no change :/

    I guess I can’t be too bummed considering I went on a road trip for a week.... definitely did not plan well for that vacation! Anyway, I learned a valuable lesson: plan and pack for road trips!!!

    There is always this week :)

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!! So proud to be part of this challenge!
  • kaza1948
    kaza1948 Posts: 38 Member
    current weight 178
  • Heather0611
    Heather0611 Posts: 58 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone!!

    Another week down, great job to all of you and again thanks for sticking with me! Sorry for updated the spreadsheet a little late, it was hubby's birthday this weekend and pumpkin carving and planning for Halloween party this weekend, busy busy! But I love this time of year!

    I finally lost a pound this week, yeah! I'm taking tennis lessons for the next 6 weeks and the workout is great! Getting me moving and I've started juicing fresh fruits and veggies to replace some meals, hopefully next week I'll have even more loss!

    Congrats to all of you hitting ONEderland this week! Keep up the great work everyone!

    Here's the updated spreadsheet!
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I was checking the spreadsheet recently, and its great to be part of a group who are so committed to their health and fitness ... hopefully we'll be able to keep it up during the festive season :ohwell:

    Starting Weight for this Challenge - 202 lbs (91.7 kg)
    Goal Weight by 1st Jan 2012 - 177 lbs (80 kg)

    31st October - 191.6 (86.9 kg) - which is 1 kg (about 2.2 lbs) lost this week.
  • Challenge SW: 212.6
    9/26: 211.6
    10/3: 210.6
    10/10: 211.6
    10/17: 209
    10/24: 212
    10/31: 209
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    All the Halloween candy got to me yesterday….oh well…ready to push thru and make this week even better :)

    New Year, New Us…25lb Challenge Weigh-Ins:

    Weight Lost -9.0lbs

    Keep up the fabulous work!
  • LMLeu
    LMLeu Posts: 29
    Stayed the same this week... I ate TERRIBLY at our Halloween Party this weekend. Back on the wagon today.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Well I think I hit that stupid plateau everyone talks about...I am still 198. I can't get past it...been like 3 weeks now...going up and down. Im not happy right now.

  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    212, up one pound but I ate like crud this weekend (lots of sodium) and well, I think that in two days after drinking a lot more water than I did this past weekend, I'll be down to what I really am.
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    TO Purpleiris1114, I completely understand....I keep losing the same 3 lbs....I am currently at 276
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    233 this morning. Happy Halloween!
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    263.4, Down 5.6 lbs this week!! Woah!!
  • Starting Weight = 163.3
    First Week = 163.6
    Second Week = 160.7
    Third Week = 159.6
    Fourth Week = 159.3
    Fifth Week = 158.8
    10/31/2011 = 156.0

    Down 7.3 so far. WHOOPIE! :D
  • librarynerd81
    librarynerd81 Posts: 61 Member
    Updated stats for this week:

    SW (for this challenge): 178.9
    9/26: 180.2
    10/3: 176.4
    10/10: 175
    10/17: 176.4
    10/24: 175.2
    10/31: 173.8

    Despite a shoulder injury and being sick for most of the week, I was still able to lose some- hooray!!
  • hefinator
    hefinator Posts: 260
    SW: 263.8
    9/26/2011: 261.8
    10/3/2011: 262.4
    10/10/2011: 258.8
    10/17/2011: 259.8
    10/24/2011: 259.2
    10/31/2011: 257.8 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

    a lil over a pound lost, and it was a bad week! Today, I started a new workout plan - lets hope I start seeing better results in the coming weeks!
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Good morning! Hope everyone had a great week!

    9-19-11 204.8
    9-25-11 202.2
    10-3-11 200
    10-10-11 198.2
    10-17-11 197
    10-24-11 195.2
    10-31-11 192.6

    Lost 2.6 lbs this week!
    Lost 12.2 lbs total since beginning of this challenge.

    GW at end of challenge: 179.8
    Ultimate goal weight: 125

    Have a great week everyone!
  • 164.2 last week

    161.8 this week! :

    Down 2.4 for the week! :)

    I was hoping to have gotten under 160 by this day, but it just didn't work out that way. I am glad though that I'm at my lowest weight yet since on my most recent mission to slim down and be healthier. My weight seems to take a good drop, then add some back, then drop again but still in a downward trend, over the long haul. I'm beginning to see how it works for me. I'm working out 6 days a week and staying consistently under my calories, so I guess the only thing left is to maybe add in more weight training and to clean up my diet more, rather than just staying under my calories. Overall, though, I'm happy with how things are going, however, I wouldn't mind losing a bit more quickly, of course!
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    Last week I stupidly weighed in after a night and day of being sick. So this wee I weigh 171.5. Looks like a big gain but it's my own fault.