emny86 Member


  • Hi! I'm only on week 4. Loving it though! I've dropped a pant size and am getting stronger! Height: 5'4" Weight: 133 Squat: 70lbs Deadlift: 85lbs OHP: 35lbs Row: 40lbs Bench: 40lbs I've been vegan for 2 years. I supplement with Orgain+greens because I can't always reach my protein goals on lifting days with just food. Add…
  • One of my favorite ways to eat dates. Make a bunch and keep them in the fridge. I usually only use walnuts (omitting the seeds)... They seriously taste like brownies. Yum. http://www.therawtarian.com/raw-chocolate-truffles-recipe/
  • I gained 60 with my first and lost 65 by the time my baby was 10 mo. I'm currently 36 weeks and up 45lbs even though I'm only eating about 1900-2300 cals/day. Not stressing it.
  • How about a couple non-maternity maxi dresses. You can wear them postpartum too
  • What steak cuts do you buy? I crave steak too but neither me nor hubby know much about which cuts to buy.
  • I recommend making it into a sweet tea. mmmm. I'm almost 33 weeks and can't wait until 36 weeks when I'll be drinking 4 cups of my red raspberry leaf 'sweet tea'.. :D for now I'm just doing 1 cup a day
  • Is there any way you can take a short walk at lunch to help increase your circulation? It might also help combat the sleepiness
  • I eat whatever I want (maintenance plus 200-300) but I have a protein goal of at least 70g per day (goal is 100g) and a water goal of 4 liters per day. I started at a BMI of 22 (128lbs, 5'5) and have gained 40 at 33 weeks. With my last pregnancy I gave birth at 37 weeks and gained 60lbs.
    in curious?? Comment by emny86 April 2014
  • 8-10 cups sounds like too little water. When you're pregnant you should aim for 3-4 liters which is close to a gallon a day. My midwife recommended dandelion root tea for water retention. I've been drinking a cup a day this pregnancy and noticed I'm much less swollen than I was with my first pregnancy.
  • Pre-pregnancy: 128lbs, 5'4" At 30 wks I'm up 35 lbs and feeling great
  • I struggle with water retention. I had chinese food for dinner a few weeks ago and gained 5lbs in water weight. crazy! I've been drinking one cup of dandelion tea each day to help reduce bloating. My midwife recommended it :)
  • I followed the Brewer's Diet with my first pregnancy and I did gain a bunch of weight. However I found that the weight came off really easily postpartum.. I didn't have to really exercise or diet at all.. it just melted off. I wonder if gaining weight from healthy eating is the reason why... hm.. This pregnancy I have used…
    in Brewer Diet Comment by emny86 March 2014
  • I think it's normal to have that fear even if you haven't experienced extreme weight loss. But I can see how that would be an even greater fear after you worked so hard to lose weight in the past. I think the best way to tackle the fear is to be really objective about what you're eating by tracking calories and protein, as…
  • I wouldn't worry too much at 12 weeks. I had zero appetite for protein until half way through the 2nd trimester. However you could try experimenting with different proteins that might sound more appealing.. for example, have you thought of nitrate free bacon and sausage, frozen yogurt, kefir, different types of fish (cod…
    in Protein Comment by emny86 March 2014
  • http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003P2VHSE/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1394671483&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40 This is the bra I got while nursing. Fantastic bra. Very supportive, great quality and makes the ladies look fabulous.
  • I'm 28 weeks pregnant and currently a 34FF, so I feel your pain... I was a 32E pre-pregnancy. Have you thought of ordering on amazon? I bought my maternity bras with my son off of amazon and I just bought a new bra for this pregnancy from there too. Just double check your size by measuring yourself.
  • Hi ladies.. I'm due June 8th with my second baby. I am not trying to limit my calories too much. However, I am trying to keep track of my nutrition, especially protein intake. I have my calories set at 2300 and my daily protein goal is 100g. I drink 3-4 liters of water a day.
    in July 2014 Comment by emny86 March 2014
  • It doesn't soften your cervix.. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea tones the uterus