lightheartedangel Member


  • At work I drink nothing but water. I talk on the phone all day so I need it so I don't lose my voice. Usually I can get in all eight glasses before I leave for the day, then in the evening I'll have a 8 oz glass of almond milk and some more water. Sometimes I make myself a Crystal Light with dinner.
  • Thanks everyone! I've been eating a ton of veggies lately. I'll try and up my protein a little bit more. :)
  • I know what you mean. I'm feeling lost too. I told my best friend that I gained a pound and his response was "well you need to work out more and stop binging." I got so mad at him. But I know it's not his fault. He doesn't understand the mental process. That's the other thing that makes this so hard.
  • I'm very upset at him. I called my health insurance and filed a formal complaint and asked for a new doctor. I just got my new card in the mail so I can call to make an appointment. Frankly I'm confused about what I should or shouldn't be doing.
  • As of last night (9/4): Me: - 3 The Binge: - 1 I had a moment of weakness last night. Instead of eating half of the personal pizza like I was supposed to, I ate the whole thing, and milk and popcorn. :( I woke up with small cramps. But I'm trying to move forward.
  • I'm up for the challenge. I binged last night, but so far today I've been okay. So! As of Sept. 1st: Sarah - 0 The Binge - 0
  • I know exactly how you feel. My family doesn't get it either. I'm the biggest one out of all of them and they don't understand how I could have an ED. For me, each day is a new battle. I have to always be conscious about what I am putting in my mouth, and really have to resist the urge to just stuff my face sometimes. The…
  • I did day one today for the first time. I could only do the jog/walk for about the first five and a half minutes before I just couldn't jog anymore. I did however walk the rest of it, and only stopped for a 2 minute break to catch my breath. I'll try it again in a few days.
  • Yay! There's one in San Diego on March 24th. This is now my goal.
  • I completely understand where you are coming from on this. My family is the same way. Every time I go to visit them there is nothing but junk, soda, white bread and chips in their house. The best thing to do is try to roll with the punches. My family is constantly offering me things they know I can't and shouldn't have.…
  • Usually when I go there, I get a 6 inch veggie delite on the 9 grain honey oat bread with extra spinach, tomatoes, black olives, pickles and *very* easy honey mustard. It's tasty and low cal. I know there's going to be a little bit of sodium, but I just deal with it and move on.
  • Hello Ladies! I also have 100+ pounds to lose. Feel free to add me if you would like. :)
  • I think I have ED, but I've never been diagnosed. I binge a lot, and while I don't purge I still have all the feelings/guilt/anxiety/depression that goes along with it. I'm trying to figure out how to cope but it's hard since none of my family and friends understand.