

  • I have been on it for almost 4 weeks and love it. . .no complaints. . .like another poster said, every diet works, its just a matter of whether the person on the diet likes that diet and can follow it. . .for lots of reasons I am finding this easy and for the first time and I not snacky and full. ..
  • thank you so much!!!
  • Thank you so much - I appreciate your response!!!
  • I don't think any time is better than another - other than what works for YOU. While I prefer to go to Zumba then do other things, I prefer to go early in the morning to get the workout over with before I have 9000000 distractions at the end of the day. So, I try to be at gym by 6:15 - 6:30 and I am home and in shower by…
  • I find this topic so interesting. .I have been doing WW since last November and did very well thru April and then slipped a bit. As of the last few weeks, I am back on track, but someone told me about MFP and now I am trying to play around with both. Intersting that you all say that 26 points is approx 1100-1200 calories.…
  • HI - I have set myself to lose 1 lb and sedentary. . .is that not correct? Other than my workouts, my job is a desk job (attorney) Here is what it says for my goals: Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,200 calories/day Carbs / Day 165 g Fat / Day 40 g Protein / Day 45 g Fitness Goals Goals Calories Burned / Week 710…
  • Congrats on the weight loss!!! that is awesome!!! Yes, sadly always hungry on 26 points and at a min, I always have 3-5 extra points a day. Not sure how to tweak on MFP to what a "correct" amount is! I am sure if I didn't count my fruit and veggie calories I would be fine at 1200! LOL
  • HI - thanks for your reply. But I guess if MFP feels it should be 1200, maybe more accurate than WW is? I am just trying to navigate all the new things!! Not sure how to work both programs together. . .
  • I was doing Zumba at 4:30 or 6:30 during the week at my gym. . .but always easy to find reasons not to go (have to help daughter with homework, have to get dinner ready, blah, blah). ..I now go between 5:30 - 6:30am and am home by 7:15ish M-F and I love it much more. .its done and over with and gives me a good start to the…
  • Thanks sooooooooooo much to both of you. . .I never thought of putting it under cardio. . .lol. . .I knew it was weights, so I assumed under strength. Thank you!!!
  • Thank you soooooooooooooooo much!!!! Very helpful!!!
  • I am on WW and have recently switched to protein shakes in the morning for breakfast. . .I typically workout around 6am and either have nothing or a banana before workout. When I come home, I have 1 piece of 45 calorie toast with 1 teaspoon of peanut butter. Then before I leave house to go to work, I make a smoothie -…
  • I was really struggling with low point WW breakfasts that filled me for more than an hour. ..finally I have discovered herbalife protein shakes!!! With skim milk and a banana and they are only 4 points and sooooooooooo yummy and satisfying - for me! Anyways - I make it and drink it in the car on the way to work and sip it…