MFP and WW

So I have been on WW since November 2011. . .I lost 25 pounds with lots of hard work, but virtually no bumps in the road from November through April. Then for various reasons from April - july I lost my way and stopped tracking and gained back over 10 pounds. . .I got my act back together in August and have been eating and tracking and exercising and staying within points. Basically, I have lost 2 pounds in like 4 weeks. I lose, I gain, I lose, i stay same, etc, etc.

So, a few people suggested that i come on to MFP - they weigh in with WW, but track here. But now I am kinda lost and confused. . .the calories that I have with WW turnout to be a min of 1300 (26 points) but I can have 49 extra points a week and i can earn exercise points that i can either choose to eat or not.

MFP gives me 1200 calories to lose 1 lb per week. . .my gosh, that has been sooooo low and hard for me to stay below. I do earn workout calories, but truthfully, I have no idea if the machines at the gym or my fitbit is accurate and so I guess I have the following questions:

1) If you are on WW and MFP - how do you track and which program do you mostly follow?
2) Does anyone else find 1200 on MFP is harder to stick with than the 26 points plus because its lower or am I doing something wrong/?
3) How do you add in/account for your exercise on MFP?

Any advice or thoughts are truly appreciated. ..


  • dlbinin
    dlbinin Posts: 66 Member
    You can change your setting on MFP to 1300 if you'd like. When you log in your exercise MFP will add those calories in for you to eat if you'd like.
  • HI - thanks for your reply. But I guess if MFP feels it should be 1200, maybe more accurate than WW is? I am just trying to navigate all the new things!! Not sure how to work both programs together. . .
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Have you set yourself to lose 1lb a week on MFP as that's what WW will have you at. With 1200 cals a day I'm assuming you've set yourself at a 1.5 or 2lb loss or set your activity levels to sedentary which very few people are.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    How do you feel on WW? Are you hungry on the 26 PPV/day? Do you always/often eat your weekly extra points or activity points? I would use your WW experience to tweak the MFP recommendations.

    BTW, thanks for asking this question since I'm thinking of doing the same thing. I like weighing in and meetings but the actual program has resulted in veeeerrrrry slow weight loss. I lost faster on MFP but missed the accountability of weekly center weigh ins.
  • Congrats on the weight loss!!! that is awesome!!! Yes, sadly always hungry on 26 points and at a min, I always have 3-5 extra points a day. Not sure how to tweak on MFP to what a "correct" amount is!

    I am sure if I didn't count my fruit and veggie calories I would be fine at 1200! LOL
  • Have you set yourself to lose 1lb a week on MFP as that's what WW will have you at. With 1200 cals a day I'm assuming you've set yourself at a 1.5 or 2lb loss or set your activity levels to sedentary which very few people are.

    HI - I have set myself to lose 1 lb and sedentary. . .is that not correct? Other than my workouts, my job is a desk job (attorney)

    Here is what it says for my goals:

    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,200 calories/day
    Carbs / Day 165 g
    Fat / Day 40 g
    Protein / Day 45 g
    Fitness Goals Goals
    Calories Burned / Week 710 calories/week
    Workouts / Week 4 Workouts
    Minutes / Workout 30 mins
    Your diet Profile Target
    Calories Burned
    From Normal Daily Activity 1,690 calories/day
    Net Calories Consumed*
    Your Daily Goal 1,200 calories/ day
    Daily Calorie Deficit 490 calories
    Projected Weight Loss 1.0 lbs/ week

    * Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned