tabithascatena Member


  • Thank you everyone who posted! This is exactly what I needed.
  • I am 6 weeks out and have lost 30lbs. I hit a one week stall at week #2. This group was SUPER helpful in helping me understand they are a natural part of the process. I am currently experiencing a 2-3 week stall. I met with my nutritionalist earlier this week. She said you cannot compare yourself to others when looking at…
  • Congratulations!! That is an awesome accomplishment!!
  • Great topic! Thank you! One of my favorites, Unjury plain protein powder. I add a scoop by my smoothies (21 g). When I add oatmeal this week I plan to add a scoop there as well. Lots of options to add it to just about anything and there is no flavor.
  • At the weight loss center that I go too, the fitness advisor spent an hour reviewing all the different options in our class a few weeks back. The fitbit was the #1 choice for cost and options. I got one for Mothers Day. Hope that helps!
  • Congratulations!! That must have tasted wonderful!! My surgery was on 4/22. Last week I was cleared for refried beans and tofu. Refried beans never tasted that good!!! The tofu with an all zero dressing, also very tasty! I get to add eggs next week. Can't wait!!
  • First congrats on your surgery!! I'm 3 weeks post-op tomorrow. I highly recommend taking the milk of magnesia if your doctor approves, sooner rather than later. My first BM was at day 7 and I felt like I birthed a 3rd child. It was awful!! I wish I had taken the milk of magnesia earlier. Please don't let yourself get that…
  • I'm three weeks post-op and my oldest brought me my water bottle filled with water. LOL! Here's to a healthier Mothers Day!!
  • I agree, My Fitness Pal is the best! I've been using it for over a year and love it. Best of lunchk with your surgery!!
  • Injury makes a plain protein powder with no flavor. You can add it to just about anything, including your yogurt. I purchased it online. Hope that or one of the other ideas help!!
  • I am 15 days post-op and hit my first stall 5 days ago. Ive dropped a total of 20 as well. Saw my nutritionalist today and she said its very normal. She explained the weight loss is more like a stair case. its not linear. Several group members said the same thing a few weeks back on another post. I feel much better about…
  • Everyone, Thank you SO much for all the great advice and feedback! Truly appreciate it! Especially the advice on getting the most of out of the first year. That is a very smart plan! I did the shakes for 6 months prior to being approved for surgery. How soon I forgot all the outside flavorings you can add. Thank you for…
  • Congratulations and best of luck! You will do great! I am 10 days post-op. I had the same fears. I must have asked my husband 5 times before they wheeled me in for surgery if I was making the right decision. He continued to encourage me. I know I did. You can do it! Keep us posted!
  • My surgeon recommended 2 weeks off min as well. My surgery date was 4/22, so I'm into that second week and yes, you DO need it. I sit at my job, always on the computer or phone. I thought I would be back online the second week. Nope. The biggest issue has been fatigue. You are down to approximately 400-500 calories a day.…
  • That is an incredible accomplishment!! Congrats!!
  • Thank you all!! Surgery went great and no nausia which is great! My scan is in a few hours and I've thought about how I'm going to react since that medicine will be the first thing in this new stomach. Going to think positive and pray.