

  • I totally agree with you! And this is important, because while all the health professionals will tell you that the scale is not the best measure of your success, they will continue to weigh you constantly! My story is very similar to yours. I lost a lot at first, scale-wise, without much other change. Then I began…
  • Yep, meds can cause weight gain, and they definitely can make it hard to lose weight. I am on so many meds, and I'm working so hard - eating between 1200 and 1500 calories, doing 3 hours weekly of weight lifting/strength training and another 5 hours of cardio, and I lose about 1 pound a week. The second the doc lowers or…
  • Well, I actually went in Wal-Mart yesterday and tried to hula-hoop with a child's hula-hoop. I didn't do very well, although I thoroughly entertained a small boy who was fascinated with me, lol! But I've heard the weighted ones are actually easier to keep up.
  • I agree, reneelee, working out with Margaret Richards is like working out with a friend. She's so funny and likeable, and her workouts really work! I couldn't do all of every one at first, but I kept at it and got better and stronger every day. I'm glad to see that others on here like her workouts too. I highly recommend…
  • I work on the weight machines at the gym right now, but for a long time I did Body Electric on PBS with Margaret Richards, and she teaches proper technique and form; I really noticed a difference in how toned I was and went down 5 dress sizes even though I only lost about 20 pounds in the same time period. You might be…
  • "The joy of the Lord is my strength!" Doing my workouts at the gym make me feel strong, capable and healthy. It's wonderful to begin to feel healthy again!
  • One of the things that helps me is not to consider any foods as something that I "can't" eat. But I think long and hard about if I really want certain things or not, so that I'm not just mindlessly eating. On the days when I eat enough fiber, in the form of veggies and fruits, and drink enough fluids, and balance my meals…
  • I hadn't heard of this as an actual technique, but I had observed that if I ate "properly" most of the time and sometimes had an item or even a day off the usual plan, it seemed to "shake loose" some weight. My caloric range is between 1200-1500 and I do tend to zig-zag between them, also occasionally going a bit higher or…
  • *Lasagne, meatless or otherwise, freezes very well; really, any pasta-based dish freezes well. And you can use the lasagne noodles that you don't have to pre-cook, to make it even faster when you are making it. *The little Green Giant packages of veggies that you nuke for 5 minutes are really good to go with it. *Chili and…
  • "I'm an RN and I'm so impressed with your A1c!!! I see the effects of obesity in my work every day. I'm so proud when someone takes responsibility for their health! It certainly is my personal motivation. Good luck to you." Thank you, Tanimom, I appreciate the support!
  • This is great! Reminds me of a time my hubby and I went to a fast-food place, and the young cashier took our order, then turned to her supervisor and said, "How do you do the senior discount?" The supervisor looked at us, and said, "Why do you ask?" "Because," said the cashier, gesturing to us, "they look old!" The…
  • Since I've already commented, I suppose I should introduce myself! My name is Tracie (also go by Rosezilla!), and I'm 51 - well, I'll be 52 the end of this month. I have been married almost 34 years to the most amazing man on the planet. We have three sons and two grandbabies. In 2004 my blood pressure was 250/130, and I…
  • I absolutely love the rowing machine at the gym! Works everything, and reminds me of summers on the lake when I was young.
  • My son just returned from a cruise and he said you can get anything you want to eat, and all of it you want. This could be bad, but it also means you can get fresh fruit, crisp salads, lean meats, all the really good stuff. As for the treats you savor, you can walk and walk and walk both on ship and at ports, and swim, and…
  • I am 51 and I've lost 44 lbs so far, but it has been a process. Feb. 2011 I had a 99%blockage in my main heart artery. After that, I began changing my eating habits a little at a time, and dropped pounds, then maintained there for quite some time - more than a year - but in Aug. 2012 I began meeting with a dietician and…