I learnt the hard way: SAVE YOURSELF!!

So, you probably clicked onto this out of curiosity, right? What on Earth could I be talking about? Well, it's been said time and time again but some people, people like myself, learn the hard way.. Learn the hard way about taking the number on the scales as the be all and end all of weight loss success.

On January 14th my 'new year resolution' began; a little late.. I know, but better late than never, right? Anyway, initially I did no exercise and just controlled my calories, 2 weeks in I'd already dropped 5.3 kilograms. WOW! I gather a lot of that was water weight, none the less I was happy. Another 2 weeks went by which brought me up to a month and I'd lost 2 more kilos. For a while I was thinking that weight loss was the easiest thing ever and legitimately wondered why I hadn't started sooner.

Well, 2 weeks ago I decided to start exercising on a daily basis, I figured if anything it would speed up my weight loss. I was wrong, so very wrong. Weighing myself everyday had been the best thing initially because I could see the progress in the numbers, however once the exercise started up the scales began fluctuating like crazy. Obviously I wasn't gaining fat, more like retaining water, gaining muscle, etc. but since I relied so heavily on weighing myself I became quite upset when the scales didn't reflect what I wanted them to.

Once I got into the swing of things in regards to the exercise over these past 2 weeks I can honestly say I have noticed 10000x more positive changes in my body with no scale reflection, opposed to when I lost weight sitting on my *kitten* obviously with a constant drop in weight.

Please, please if you were like I was and you're getting discouraged because you're not seeing the scale move walk away and know that your body is changing in bigger and better ways than you could imagine. Also, I learnt the importance of measuring yourself, this will give you a more accurate idea of if you're heading in the right direction.


  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Great post!
  • Especially when you get close to your goal weight the scale is pretty much useless. Measurements can be helpful but what I've found to be the most important for me is progress pictures. I might weigh the same amount a did a month earlier but notice a huge difference in pictures. Even my current picture helped. I'm bulking and I have a picture of my traps from a few months ago. My old picture looks frail as *kitten* next to this one lol.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Awesome post! Thank you for this!
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    Awesome post! Thank you for this!

  • I totally agree with you! And this is important, because while all the health professionals will tell you that the scale is not the best measure of your success, they will continue to weigh you constantly! My story is very similar to yours. I lost a lot at first, scale-wise, without much other change. Then I began exercising, and the scale barely moved. Meanwhile, I dropped dress sizes and picked up compliments like crazy! My heart and lung capacity doubled in four months of exercise, and I'm off two of my meds. I am stronger, healthier, happier and wearing smaller sizes - and FINALLY the scale is beginning to move downwards again. It's like the scale is the last to know that you are losing weight. Don't let the numbers on the scale discourage you from doing what you know is right for you... it will catch up eventually, and meanwhile, you'll look and feel great!
  • Dancer113
    Dancer113 Posts: 8 Member
    Great post! Everything you say is so true and I def needed the reminder this morning!
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    Thank you for the great post. I too am discouraged at times because the scale is barely moving. The differences in my body are huge though thanks to exercise. I see the differences in the mirror and that has made me very happy. I wish you continued success!
  • tomspurway
    tomspurway Posts: 1 Member
    Great post, thank you for sharing this!

  • Cupcakebettiejo
    Cupcakebettiejo Posts: 125 Member
    Well said. Measure and look in the mirror, that's only way forward for me:)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Scales aren't so great for measuring progress, and can be downright frustrating. Glad to hear you figured that out! I like to use a tape measure, photos, the mirror, and the fit of my clothing to judge progress. I weigh myself occasionally, if I'm feeling "light" or something weird like that, but I don't do it on a set schedule and definitely not daily, or even weekly.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
  • msprouse8
    msprouse8 Posts: 85 Member
    You are right! When I started almost a year ago, it took 6 weeks for me to lose the first pound, I started off with couch to 5K. If you are a visual person and need to SEE results, I suggest you measure and weigh. The scale didn't move, but I was noticing I was losing inches because my clothes were telling the tale. You have to just stick with it for sure! Great post! I tell everyone I know starting out on this journey my smilar story. :o)
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    Thank you for this post - and for everyone who "dittoed" it. I needed to hear this today. :happy:
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Great post. I would recommend only working out intensively every other day, or at least having 2 rest days/week. Rest is more important to your body than working out, if you are working out. It needs time to recover.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Good share.
  • autumnsnow786
    autumnsnow786 Posts: 279 Member
    Awesome post!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    This should totally be on the "must read" list for people starting out. I went into a panic when the scale stalled, but when I measured, I felt a LOT better.

    Thanks for posting this. :flowerforyou:
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    so right! i had lost 13lbs down to 154....stuck there for like 2 months with no loss but eating right and exercising. then i began to get discouraged and ate my way to 160 this am :( totally sucks but must jump back on the bandwagon.. sigh.
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks!!!!!! I just got a whole different outlook on my journey