

  • SweetD, we're in a very similar place in the program! I thought I would do WO7+8 for an extra week since I did that with 5+6 (And I am very glad I did) but I am VERY bored of Cardio 2 now (even though I think it's fun/wayyy better than Cardio 1 which I detested) Since I got sick, I won't finish at the same time as you…
  • I am in a very similar position. I had to take half of last week off because I got sick, and I just restarted today. Honestly, this is not a very useful answer, but I would say listen to your body. If you feel like your strength is intact, then continue where you left off. If you feel like the time off made you regress,…
  • Thanks for being for supportive, Sweetd! I am actually very glad I listened to my body and took time off because I was very nauseous and doing hard workouts would not have helped that! I am almost completely over my cold now, or at least, I don't feel as dreadful. I am sneezing a bit but I don't feel the fatigue and…
  • I need some support. I haven't been able to work out this week because I am down with a bad cold that has made me really exhausted and nauseous. I'm eating my calorie goal but I hate not working out :( It makes me feel worse but I know my body needs to heal. Sigh. The guilt is killing me though.
  • I am going to stay on Workouts 7/8 for an extra week, I think. I did the same for 5/6 and I am definitely better equipped to tackle these harder exercises because of that.
  • Workout 7 today. Oy vey. It's a miracle I can type.
  • Oh and the side planks are impossible for me, even with a bent lower leg. Sigh.
  • I just did workout 7 for the second time - I haven't been able to work out every day this week, because of work exploding and because I've been a bit under the weather. OWW my arms hurt as I type...haha. A few notes: - I could do one set of crow pushups on my toes! Yay! - That first circuit hurts my chest like no other! -…
  • thanks for the tip, guys! does anyone else have trouble with those side planks?
  • Cardio 2 this morning. I missed my workout yesterday but I'm trying not to dwell on it. I had a terrible workout today :( I usually love Cardio 2, even the burpees, but today my quads were killing me! And my left calf seized up for some reason - it was really bad during the fast feet and ski jumps :( It got really tight…
  • Haha, Kenta's faces make me giggle. Anita's form is always AMAZING. Natalie tends to slack off sometimes but it makes me like her more! I find Mimi to be annoying. Teri Anne is cute and always smiling, but I find it interesting that she's the only one who never shows her tummy. David is crazy strong/fit.
  • My God, workout 8! What WAS that even? I was expecting it to be easier, but I was SO wrong! I couldn't do the lat pulls with my 8 lb weights, so I only used my 5s. It was still hard for me, though. My knees don't allow me to do lunges, so I substituted with surrenders or stork rows with heavy weights. I also found the…
  • I'm a little ahead of some of you, but I hope you don't mind if I join this thread. I like discussing and reading about other's workouts! So I did workout 7 for the first time yesterday and it was haaaaaaaaaaard, but maybe because I was expecting torture, I was quite surprised that I didn't do worse...haha. Some thoughts:…
  • WOW. So I did workout 7 for the first time yesterday and it was haaaaaaaaaaard, but maybe because I was expecting torture, I was quite surprised that I didn't do worse...haha. Some thoughts: That first circuit! Goodness. I used to be able to do crow pushups on my toes when I was doing RI30, but after trying a few, I had to…
  • Yeah, I found 5 really difficult and stayed on 5/6 an extra week for that reason. I am actually weirdly good at plank stuff, but the cable movements scare me and I find them really challenging. Does anyone else have trouble raising both legs straight in the air? It hurts my back :(
  • Since I posted this, I have seen a change in my body. A skirt that used to be far too tight now fits perfectly and a pair of pants I couldn't get into hangs loose! I upped my calories to 1500-1600 (netting around 1350) and I feel a lot better. Patience has really paid off!
  • I actually am pretty good at the single leg squats - I like all the balance exercises because those, I can do :) I am also good at plank stuff - I have never used cables before, so maybe that's why I find them so hard. The pressups, I couldn't do in RI30 either. I don't think I am doing them correctly or something.
  • Thanks everyone for the great advice. I am slowly upping my calories and I already feel better i.e not like I'm going to collapse all the time :) Thanks again.
  • I am looking to lose between 8-10 kgs. I think they're realistic. I am 5'0" and 65 kgs.
  • Yes, my BMR is 1340 - so I should be netting at least that amount?
  • I get enough sleep, for sure, but part of my symptoms are I am sleepy ALL THE TIME despite getting a solid night's sleep. Water, I am bad at drinking so maybe I should see if that helps...
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