Mid September start Body revolution



  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    oh my goodness -- i just finished my first Workout 4. Definately have to work on my balance - I am pretty wobbly with standing-on-one-leg-while-doing-deadlifts. And then the knee-down-stand-up routine is tough! i'll keep at it - I bet next week will be much better! :)

    I am with you! The one legged really got me! I had to put and extra cusion down for the surrenders and lose the weights hurt my ankles way too bad!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Workout 4 done... I find it easier than 3 except for that damn Hollowman!! lol. I'm hoping to get a little cardio in before having to clean and get Turkey dinner ready!!

    On a side note...I've also decided to try eating TDEE -20% and NOT eat exercise calories (but log exercise at 1 cal just to keep accountable). Anyone else doing this? This would put me at eating 1900 cal /day.
  • Cardio 2 this morning. I missed my workout yesterday but I'm trying not to dwell on it.
    I had a terrible workout today :( I usually love Cardio 2, even the burpees, but today my quads were killing me! And my left calf seized up for some reason - it was really bad during the fast feet and ski jumps :( It got really tight and achy. It's never happened to me before.
    On the bright side, I powered through and substituted with butt kicks every time I felt my calf hurting so at least I didn't stop?
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    askthedust - yeah I like the star jumps in WO 7 too - feel like a cheerleader. I went heavy (10 lb dumbbells) on some of the moves and ooooh weee my arms were dead afterwards.

    I'm doing WO 8 tonight. We'll see how that goes.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    This morning was Cardio 2 for the first time. I really like Cardio 2! Much better than cardio 1. I even did the burpees at the end. I usually punk out of doing the burpees....! But not this morning, cardio 2 done, burpees and all! :)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    High five Poeticmoe!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    High five Poeticmoe!

    Thanks! :)
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Good morning! Workout 5 DONE! And my triceps are killing me again. Ugh.
  • Workout 5 and 6 are kicking my butt! Started on sunday with 5 and 6 yesterday and I am back to being extremely sore. having trouble with form on some of the moves. I hoping that I get a little more flexibility back by morning to hit 5 again. Anyone doing any extra stretches that help with the hip flexor, butt and hams?
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Morning all! Workout 6 done and in the books for today. Goodness, I am sore and exhausted! Workouts 5 and 6 are kicking my tail, literally.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Tried to do Cardio 2 last night but my laptop kept freezing. I went to the gym at my complex and did elliptical instead. Definitely not as intense of a workout :( I did pilates before that and boy do my abs burn.
  • Workout 7 today. Oy vey. It's a miracle I can type.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Cardio 2 day. The best part of this morning's workout is the fact that I get to REST tomorrow!!
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    So envious your week is done. Congrats on completing it!
  • I am going to stay on Workouts 7/8 for an extra week, I think. I did the same for 5/6 and I am definitely better equipped to tackle these harder exercises because of that.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Week 4 Day 1... missed a day... TOM...

    Feeling good, can't believe I'm almost done Phase 1 and I am curious to take my measurements!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    I have just my last WO4 and one more Cardio1 and then its on to Phase 2. I did really well weight-loss-wise with Kickstart. Then TOM and I gained back some... and then the long weekend and three different birthday dinners. (Man, cake is GOOD! :) But I haven't missed a workout. Last week went to Cape Cod and went for a run on the beach and did my stretches on the sand. (I was one of THOSE people :)

    I will weigh in and do my measurements before starting Phase II. I am hoping for big changes but happy regardless... I am in this for the long haul so working out every day is major. I am getting stronger and not panting as much!

    Good job everyone!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    lol, cake IS good! High five for getting your workout in on Cape Cod.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Week 4 day 2 done! I like 4 way more then 3... one more round of them and I'm on to Phase 2... yikes!!

    What weights do you ladies use? I've been using 5lbs... I know I could/should go up but they are the heaviest I have. I'll have to pick up a heavier set this weekend.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well and sticking to it. For those that are ahead of me (most are) I'd love to see your results when you complete the program.

    Have a great weekend!
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    I use the 3, 5 and 8 pound Jillian Michael's brand that she uses on her videos (walmart $33). I had 3 pound weights before I bought them, but when I looked at the cost of the weights, her set was a better deal than buying them (5s and 8s) separately at walmart or target.

    During the workouts I generally use the same weights that Jillian uses. I think we are stronger than we think. Go for the 8s.