Mid September start Body revolution



  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Morning everyone! Workout 4 is DONE for today! Tomorrow is cardio day and then I get to rest. Much needed.

    I am really dragging this week. TOM is here and it's totally jacking up my efforts in pushing myself this week. The number on the scale is UP and I'm trying not to let it phase me. But I'd be lying if I said it's not. :( I know it's probably because of TOM, but still. Ok...enough pity-party for me! Lol

    Enjoy your Wednesday.

    I'm with you on the scale being up today, I have been trying not to get discrouraged as well. I've been losing the same 5 lbs seems for ever now. Just rememeber that the weight lost journey isn't all about the scale it's about feeling more fit, your clothes looser and being able to push harder than you did the day before! :)
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Well let's see today I think I would be at the end of week 2. I have been doing weeks one and two a little bit longer due to not being able to do them every day. Tomorrow I am going to do a really good cardio and then push for work out 3 the next day. I really can see I need to push harder to get this weight off because it seems that I am having a harder time controlling my eating. Feeling my muscles getting stronger tho!
  • Monica_SC
    Monica_SC Posts: 20 Member
    Today is W2D3 (Cardio) -- I can really tell how much I've improved in my cardio workout from Week 1 - yay! Running man is still tough, but I only stopped once today for a few secs to catch my breath. Feeling good!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Good morning. Today is cardio day and I did a Turbo Fire cardio workout this morning. I forgot how much I LOVE Turbo Fire! :) I've decided I'm going to add in extra cardio to JMBR. The weight is not coming off fast enough for me and I have a lot of weight to lose. I think if I supplement with more cardio, it may help. So I'm going to do 4 days of cardio each week, instead of the 2 days that Jillian recommends. Hopefully this extra cardio will help kickstart me losing more weight! Ugh.

    Tomorrow is my rest day and yep, I can't wait. :)
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Morning everyone! Workout 4 is DONE for today! Tomorrow is cardio day and then I get to rest. Much needed.

    I am really dragging this week. TOM is here and it's totally jacking up my efforts in pushing myself this week. The number on the scale is UP and I'm trying not to let it phase me. But I'd be lying if I said it's not. :( I know it's probably because of TOM, but still. Ok...enough pity-party for me! Lol

    Enjoy your Wednesday.

    I'm with you on the scale being up today, I have been trying not to get discrouraged as well. I've been losing the same 5 lbs seems for ever now. Just rememeber that the weight lost journey isn't all about the scale it's about feeling more fit, your clothes looser and being able to push harder than you did the day before! :)

    Thanks for pointing this out and you are so right! I definitely feel more stronger and fit and I can see my body shape and composition changing already. Especially in my abs! I track my measurements too, but it is disheartening to see the scale go up when you know you're working out so hard each morning. But I'm over it! :)
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Today was week 2 workout 2 for me! Getting easier but, I'm a starting to get little scared of workouts 3 & 4 next week!

    I'm sooo jealous of the woman in workout 2 that has had the 3 kids!!!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Today is my 'rest' day. This morning was not a good weigh-in day, nor was it a good measurement day either. I'm up in both weight and also up in measurement, whish is very disappointing. I can understand that weight fluctuations, so I'm not too concerned with the numbers on the scale. But when I see ALL my measurements go up from last week, this is just too much. Especially when I haven't missed any workouts and I track daily. I told myself I would give JMBR at least 30 days, so I have one more week till I hit the 30 day mark.

    I'm just hoping that next week will bring better results. If not, I think I'll be changing programs....
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Today was week 2 workout 2 for me! Getting easier but, I'm a starting to get little scared of workouts 3 & 4 next week!

    I'm sooo jealous of the woman in workout 2 that has had the 3 kids!!!

    *THIS* :) I just finished my last W2 today and have cardio this weekend (sad we are looking at rain this weekend wanted to get some big fast hikes in and enjoy foliage... I'll try) and then start W3 on Monday... scared! Especially because Jillian keeps telling us to 'enjoy' how easy these workouts are!

    I just want to say Good Luck and Great Job to all of us. We are doing it! :)
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Today was week 2 workout 2 for me! Getting easier but, I'm a starting to get little scared of workouts 3 & 4 next week!

    I'm sooo jealous of the woman in workout 2 that has had the 3 kids!!!

    *THIS* :) I just finished my last W2 today and have cardio this weekend (sad we are looking at rain this weekend wanted to get some big fast hikes in and enjoy foliage... I'll try) and then start W3 on Monday... scared! Especially because Jillian keeps telling us to 'enjoy' how easy these workouts are!

    I just want to say Good Luck and Great Job to all of us. We are doing it! :)

    Congrats on finishing your first 2 weeks! :) Be prepared for WO3 - it's challenging, but doable. WO3 has been my favorite so far! :)
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Today marks the start of week 4 for me. I can't believe I'm almost to 30 days, and haven't missed a workout yet. This morning I did workout 3 and Turbo Fire HIIT 15. Whoa, what a combination! As of this point I'll be adding in extra cardio to this program, because I believe that's what my body needs.

    Anyhow, just wanted to check in. Have a great Saturday! :)
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Today is week 2 day 4 (my last workout 1)... I have to admitt I found wo1 and wo2 not as challenging as her other DVD's (NMTZ, 30DS and RI30). But if it had of been too hard it probably would have scared me off!!

    I was also adding 30mins walking on treadmill but have just decided to take the plunge and start a C25K and am hoping that helps too!!

    Good to see you all keeping up with the posts... I like to know what is coming up.

    I will be checking my progress on Tuesday after finishing week 1 & 2... anyone have any good results so far?
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    haven't missed a workout yet.

    I am on my rest day today (but still going to go for a hike if the rain allows!). Tomorrow is WO3 for me... I got this! (i hope!) This was my kickstart week and I definitely saw that scale move... haven't taken measurements again yet (I shouldn't have weighed in but its always a daily thing for me). I'll be glad to add back some carbs... I really really missed wine! No flour and sugar make Gatx a dull girl! ha!

    Good job everyone!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Hello, hello, hello! This morning was workout 4 and Turbo Jam Fat Blaster. 60 minutes of kicking my own tail! That was 4 hours ago and now I'm so sleepy.....
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Started phase 2 today with workout 5 and make sure to work your triceps cause this workout IS MAD on your triceps! There are a few tricky moves on this one, I didnt get any momentum because I got to confused with technique, a little bummed but I get another chance to improve myself on thursday.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Good morning! It's cardio day for me so I did Turbo Fire 30 workout. I'm not feeling well this morning; coming down with a cold and feel so blah! I wanted to sleep in so badly, but the more I layed in bed, the more I realized I need to get up and get moving. That's a total change for me, because I would have normally just turned over and went back to sleep. So maybe Jillian is having an affect on me after all. :)

    Happy Monday!!
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    I wanted to sleep in so badly, but the more I layed in bed, the more I realized I need to get up and get moving. That's a total change for me, because I would have normally just turned over and went back to sleep. So maybe Jillian is having an affect on me after all. :)

    Way to go and get up. It's a daily struggle, but I got you and you got me and we have Jillian. Keep up the good work!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Today is my last day of week 2!! On to week 3 tomorrow.. yikes!

    I also had my first run with the C25K group and I did much better then I expected!! I totally owe it to JMBR for getting me in to good enough shape for it!!

    So glad to see everyone sticking to it and doing so well!!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Did my first Week 3 this morning. I think I was too tired... feel like I sort of rushed through some of it and wasn't good on my form. I will be better Thursday, I promise! I lost five pounds last week (I did Kickstart week 2 instead of week 1). So there is a big motivation for me!
    I also had my first run with the C25K group and I did much better then I expected!! I totally owe it to JMBR for getting me in to good enough shape for it!!

    I restarted C25k again last night too! I had hoped to get a hike in this weekend for extra cardio but rain rain rain. So a friend asked if I wanted to do a Thanksgiving Trot... of course I want to go for a run and not feel guilty on thanksgiving! So for like the 10th time I am trying C25k... I always wound up back on Couch and never 5k... JMBR is helping us!

    Good job everyone!
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 195 Member
    Did my first Week 3 this morning. I think I was too tired... feel like I sort of rushed through some of it and wasn't good on my form. I will be better Thursday, I promise! I lost five pounds last week (I did Kickstart week 2 instead of week 1). So there is a big motivation for me!
    I also had my first run with the C25K group and I did much better then I expected!! I totally owe it to JMBR for getting me in to good enough shape for it!!

    I restarted C25k again last night too! I had hoped to get a hike in this weekend for extra cardio but rain rain rain. So a friend asked if I wanted to do a Thanksgiving Trot... of course I want to go for a run and not feel guilty on thanksgiving! So for like the 10th time I am trying C25k... I always wound up back on Couch and never 5k... JMBR is helping us!

    Good job everyone!

    You too funny...you have me laughing!

    I just started week 3 and I feel the workouts are getting harder..thank goodness... Unfortunately I'm sick, but I think I can handle JM for 30 minutes. I will have to modify this week but I'm gently pushing forward.
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Nice thread! I am on W2D7 on JMBR. Love Jillian's workouts and the crew of course! I love JMBR not only for the workout I get, but also for the motivation/inspiration I get lfrom istening to Jillian. She just makes me push harder.

    Also, I started on the C25K program last week. Love the app! I recently participated in a 5K charity run with my family. I was huffing and puffing...and somehow made it to the finish line ;) . Anyways, I felt the need to train better this time. So, hoping the C25K program will get me there.

    Just wanted to share my side on the story.