Mid September start Body revolution



  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 195 Member
    Morning all! Today was cardio day, and since I'm not a fan of cardio 1, I did Jillian's 6-week 6-pack workout instead. Ok....I wasn't ready for that one! Lol This is my first time doing any of Jillian's workouts and I'm already a huge fan of her dvd's. What I loved about 6-week 6-pack is that its not just an ab workout, but a total body workout, that concentrates on your core. Whew! Cardio day DONE!

    Have a great Monday!

    I hear you about her cardio 1...6W26PK is a great DVD. I did not finish it! I really like Jillian's style...maybe you should keep this in your rotation with this program...
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 195 Member

    Nice idea... I just finished workout 1 and i'm so tempted to skip a week. I would like something a little more challenging. I promised myself that I will work this program from start to finish...I will not skip ahead, but I might add in NMTZ..to intensify it a bit...for this week anyhow! Thanks for the tip!

    Dont skip. Are you really really pushing yourself doing the advanced version on the moves that have one? Just stick with it, its about preparing the body for whats to come.

    I did workout 3 today and still dont get how it can be so hard! Im at the end of phase 1, last week this week, so I took a look at workout 5 and now Im actually a bit scared but Ill really push through the last 5 workouts to gain the strength I need!

    In workout 3 one of the cardio moves are plie hopps. I have a pain in my hip, does anybody know of a good hip stretch that hits this part? The one in the end in the cool down doesnt do it for me.

    Yes...I try to push myself with workout 1! I have even taken a liking to Omar and do what he's doing...poor kid..Jillian keeps picking on him....so I go along for the ride with him. Thanks for the heads up for next week...I'll be patient and do my best with each exercise...thanks for putting my attitude in check...
  • ashley7979
    I just finished my first week and lost 1.8 lbs. I didn't follow the diet plan, but just did the work out.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Day 5 of Kickstart for me. Can I just say how much I hate Running Man! I'd rather do Suicides lol!! Someone please tell me they are not in Cardio 2!!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Sorry cant help. I am doing C25k instead if the cardio workouts.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Day 5 of Kickstart for me. Can I just say how much I hate Running Man! I'd rather do Suicides lol!! Someone please tell me they are not in Cardio 2!!

    They are not i Cardio 2, instead JM has you doing jumping jacks, cross jacks and effing BURPEES that I hate more then anything.

    I learned to love Running man doing Banish fat boost metabolism, there simple wasnt any way around them. And if you think about it, you "only" do the workout 8 times and for each workout you only do the move 3 times, you could be way worse off!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Another day of workout 3 DONE and in the books for today! :)
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 195 Member
    I love every ones consistency...you all have this under control.

    So I caved and did a weight in Today. I was going to do it at the end of the Phase but I was so curious. Thus far from completing week 1 I have lost 3.6 pounds and lost 4.5" overall (these are the places she told us to measure at the beginning of the program). Overall I'm pleased with the results. I have been doing cardio 5X a week and not following the diet plan. Now I'll be patient until the end of phase I.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    I love every ones consistency...you all have this under control.

    So I caved and did a weight in Today. I was going to do it at the end of the Phase but I was so curious. Thus far from completing week 1 I have lost 3.6 pounds and lost 4.5" overall (these are the places she told us to measure at the beginning of the program). Overall I'm pleased with the results. I have been doing cardio 5X a week and not following the diet plan. Now I'll be patient until the end of phase I.

    That is awesome results thus far! I think I need to add-in more cardio to this program too. I'm trying to follow her program as it's designed. I'll see what the end of phase 1 results look like and then determine from there. You inspire me! :)
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    You folks are doing awesome! I just finished my Phase 1, Week 1. Moving on to Week 2 today. Can't wait to push play when I get home.
    Love Jillian and her kick *kitten* attitude. She is great motivator.
    Cheers to all JMBR'ers!
  • sara_adams04
    I just started JMBR yesterday and i am just wondering how you guys are logging the exercise on here, can't seem to bring up Circuit Training in the search bar. Help!!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Just starting JMBR I am loving the program so far but am having a hard time staying as motivated as I should. I also have the 360 Navigator with the Body media FIt arm band and I've lost 4 lbs and Hope to lose 11 more by October 31st Might be being a little over expectant on that one but Gotta go big or go home right. Over all goal for 2012 is to be 150 by 12/31/12 that would be 31 lbs lost.
    The work outs 1 and 2 and cardio 1 i really like so far but the meal plan is nothing something I can eat. I have tried some of the recipes and would like to make the muffins for breakfast as I am not a huge breakfast fan. (Coffee is my breakfast) but I have a hard time with the 10-20 item recipes. Stay at home mom of one with very pick eaters and the they just dont work for me. Is any one else having the same problem?
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    I just started JMBR yesterday and i am just wondering how you guys are logging the exercise on here, can't seem to bring up Circuit Training in the search bar. Help!!

    I created my own exercise with the totals of calories burned I found off of Jillians website. After getting my Body Media fit arm band though I realized that I was burning less on work out 1 than i thought and way more on work out 2 and cardio 1 that her site said. I would strongly reccomend getting a heart rate monitor to keep it accurate. If not an option I would stay on the lower end of the calorie spectrum to be safe for logging just for maximum results!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member

    Nice idea... I just finished workout 1 and i'm so tempted to skip a week. I would like something a little more challenging. I promised myself that I will work this program from start to finish...I will not skip ahead, but I might add in NMTZ..to intensify it a bit...for this week anyhow! Thanks for the tip!

    Dont skip. Are you really really pushing yourself doing the advanced version on the moves that have one? Just stick with it, its about preparing the body for whats to come.

    I did workout 3 today and still dont get how it can be so hard! Im at the end of phase 1, last week this week, so I took a look at workout 5 and now Im actually a bit scared but Ill really push through the last 5 workouts to gain the strength I need!

    In workout 3 one of the cardio moves are plie hopps. I have a pain in my hip, does anybody know of a good hip stretch that hits this part? The one in the end in the cool down doesnt do it for me.

    Yes...I try to push myself with workout 1! I have even taken a liking to Omar and do what he's doing...poor kid..Jillian keeps picking on him....so I go along for the ride with him. Thanks for the heads up for next week...I'll be patient and do my best with each exercise...thanks for putting my attitude in check...

    Have you been doing the work out followed by the cardio dvd? Might help put a little extra burn in there if you want? Just a suggestion if the time allows :)
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 195 Member
    I love every ones consistency...you all have this under control.

    So I caved and did a weight in Today. I was going to do it at the end of the Phase but I was so curious. Thus far from completing week 1 I have lost 3.6 pounds and lost 4.5" overall (these are the places she told us to measure at the beginning of the program). Overall I'm pleased with the results. I have been doing cardio 5X a week and not following the diet plan. Now I'll be patient until the end of phase I.

    That is awesome results thus far! I think I need to add-in more cardio to this program too. I'm trying to follow her program as it's designed. I'll see what the end of phase 1 results look like and then determine from there. You inspire me! :)

    You are so sweet...thank you for your support. I think following this program as designed will achieve great results on it's own. I just added in more cardio because I like Turbo Fire. I'll be doing less going forward because I'll be doing the C25K program. I'm here for you...but it seems you've got things under control!
  • calamityshell
    Right I am struggling a bit. I was great for the first two weeks - did all the exercises (sometimes the cardio too when I had time/energy) but I have been away with work since Saturday and have not done it although i have been ok-ish with my food (as best you can be when you are eating out for 3 meals a day). Now i am back to normality and I am not sure whether to go back to week 2 or start on week three like I should have done on Monday. I will be back and on it as of today. Well done everyone on all your successes :)
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Morning everyone! Workout 4 is DONE for today! Tomorrow is cardio day and then I get to rest. Much needed.

    I am really dragging this week. TOM is here and it's totally jacking up my efforts in pushing myself this week. The number on the scale is UP and I'm trying not to let it phase me. But I'd be lying if I said it's not. :( I know it's probably because of TOM, but still. Ok...enough pity-party for me! Lol

    Enjoy your Wednesday.
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    I am on W2D3 and doing the kickstart diet this week (last week was too hectic). I am enjoying the diet but could not imagine doing it more than one week! Salads salads and more salads. Had steak, brussel sprouts and my hardboiled egg I forgot to put in my lunch salad for dinner last night... never thought I'd enjoy that combo so much!

    Cardio is all forms has always been hard for me. I was told I may have exercise induced asthma at one point... I think I am just lazy! :) but this morning I made it through Cardio 1 with only some slight pauses. (I was gulping water and they started on next exercise but I jumped right in!)

    My question... do suicides hurt anyone else's knees and back? I have stopped touching the ground and just reach down slightly. Not sure if I am doing something wrong... but sharp pain in knees and aching back mean 'modify'. Still running like a mad woman though!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Today is Week 2 Day 1 for me!!

    I am also excited about a 'couch to 5K' womens running group I will be joining on Monday mornings. As a kid (12ish) I was a runner... but stopped. Looking forward to another new challenge/change and something for 'just me'.

    I am also sipping on green tea right now as opposed to my usual morning coffee!!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    I am on W2D3 and doing the kickstart diet this week (last week was too hectic). I am enjoying the diet but could not imagine doing it more than one week! Salads salads and more salads. Had steak, brussel sprouts and my hardboiled egg I forgot to put in my lunch salad for dinner last night... never thought I'd enjoy that combo so much!

    Cardio is all forms has always been hard for me. I was told I may have exercise induced asthma at one point... I think I am just lazy! :) but this morning I made it through Cardio 1 with only some slight pauses. (I was gulping water and they started on next exercise but I jumped right in!)

    My question... do suicides hurt anyone else's knees and back? I have stopped touching the ground and just reach down slightly. Not sure if I am doing something wrong... but sharp pain in knees and aching back mean 'modify'. Still running like a mad woman though!

    I did have some pain mainly lower back and hips when I first started I tried to do a little extra stretching and warm baths to help until it went away :)