Mid September start Body revolution



  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I have 3's, 5's and 10's that I've had forever. I've been too lazy/cheap to buy 8's. If Jillian says heavy, I'll try to do the 10s for as long as possible and so far it's been ok. I'll drop down to the 5's if it's too much.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    I have 5's, 8's, 10's and 12's. I generally use the 5's and 8's though. When I start phase 3, I'll probably move up to using the 8's and 10's. We shall see! :)
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Workout 5 done! For some reason, workout 5 really kicked my tail this morning. Maybe because I'm coming off a rest day yesterday. Ugh! But I feel great! :)
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Did my measurements today for Phase 1. I will say I've been discouraged lately but wow, I've lost 7 pounds and 8 inches this month! 8 inches!! I took my pictures and am amazed at the back photos! My bingo wings are disappearing.

    My motivation for really starting was this summer at the beach a friend took pictures and I saw the rolls on my back was in the photo... I was mortified seeing that photo under the bright beachy sunshine. Only a third of the way through and I am liking my results.

    Definite motivation to double up my cardio today... thinking I'll do my final Cardio 1 and go right into Cardio 2. (Okay maybe a 10 min stretch/water break in between).

    Good job everyone! Stick with it! Slow and steady will win this race... and without back fat!

    P.S. I have 3, 5 and 8 lb weights. I default to the 5s but I do try the 8s as much as possible.
  • askthedust
    I need some support. I haven't been able to work out this week because I am down with a bad cold that has made me really exhausted and nauseous. I'm eating my calorie goal but I hate not working out :( It makes me feel worse but I know my body needs to heal. Sigh. The guilt is killing me though.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    gatx - congrats on completion of Phase 1. Your results are great :) I was dumb and didn't take pictures at the end of phase 1, so good you did that.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    askthedust - I was exactly where you were right after I finished phase 1 when I injured my back and got sick too. I felt like I was slacking and that it wasn't enough to just watch the eating - like working out was the only way. I took it easy for two weeks and redid those weeks of workouts and now I'm stronger than ever.

    The most important thing is for you to be healthy so you can give JMBR your all when you're ready. I saw a quote yesterday "There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't let yourself be one of them." So please don't feel guilty, you'll be back on your feet before you know it!
  • askthedust
    Thanks for being for supportive, Sweetd! I am actually very glad I listened to my body and took time off because I was very nauseous and doing hard workouts would not have helped that! I am almost completely over my cold now, or at least, I don't feel as dreadful. I am sneezing a bit but I don't feel the fatigue and achiness that I did earlier. Also, my appetite is back so I'm eating properly again. The last few days I ate quite little not deliberately but because my cold totally killed my appetite.

    Today I decided to watch some old episodes of the Biggest Loser and it totally motivated me to work out. I knew I was feeling well enough to exercise, and watching the contestants work out made me CRAVE the sweat and effort. I did workout 8 today and I actually had a really good workout, despite my leaky nose hahaha.

    Notes for today:

    Circuit: 1
    - Last week I was too afraid to do the lat pulldowns in bridge with the 8 lbs so I did them with 3s. Today I did them with 5s. I know that's not what Jillian says but for me, that's still a step up, and next time maybe I'll do them with 8s!
    - I did the butt kicks with 5s!!!! Last week I did them with 3s, but today, I decided to try and though it was VERY hard, and I couldn't get my legs quite as high, I still did it!!!

    Circuit 2:

    - Last week, I couldn't quite do the pelvic thrusts. I always struggle with the cable moves. It takes me a while to figure out how to do them properly. This week, I did them just fine! But I find that I feel some uncomfortable pressure on the resting knee. Does anyone else know what I mean?

    Circuit 3:

    - AHHHH. SO HARD! I find it easier to do the punches in warrior pose a la Kenta in this one!

    Circuit 4:

    - Last week I couldn't figure out the bicycling with the cable move, but this week, I really enjoyed it. I thought it was fun!

    My NSV:

    I have always been quite weak. When I first started working out with the Shred, I used to use chickpea cans because even 2 lb weights were too much for me. Now I am working out with 8s and often 5s seem too light. I never, ever thought I would be saying that. :)
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Been sick for a week but now Im back in the game doing week 6 this week. Workout 5 today was ok even thou I lost some reps here and there.
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Guys hope you don't mind me joining in so late. I'm almost finished week 4 will start phase 2 this Sat.
    Have to say it's kinda scary reading your posts knowing it gets harder but I definitely like the way it changes up every 2 weeks.
    I'm using 3KG and 5KG weights I refuse to buy more so I just struggle through it'll make me stronger in the long run.
    Looking forward to sharing my progress!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Hey all! Today was cardio day and I did Zumba on the Wii for a change of pace. Wow, it was so fun and I burned calories I didn't know I could! Lol I hardly ever use my Zumba for Wii and after this morning, I'll definitely be using it more often.

    Yesterday during workout 6 I used heavier weights in some of the moves. I'm feeling the effects of those heavier weights this morning....my arms are so sore. Gotta luv it! :)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Welcome Jen! yes, Phase 2 seems scary but YOU CAN DO IT! I just finished Phase 2 and am amazed about what I accomplished. You can too!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Well Here is my little check in, I am still on work out 3 and 4 and cardio 1. I will say the work out's are kicking my butt I am shaky and wanna throw up afterwards (well not quite but close) And My goal is to have them atleast to where I am feeling as though I could do cardio 1 again after these work outs because as of right now there is no way. But the inches are going down and that is what matters!

    I am sick of cardio 1 I will have to say it mainly just for boredom, I really don't mind any of the work outs except maybe the mummy kick w/ arm circles I have a hard time getting the form right so that I feel anything in my abs.

    I am committed to finishing this whole program but I think it will take me longer than 90 days to get through these workouts well. I would like to be able to about 75% of the advanced moves before I move on and that is taking a lot of work!

    Total inches lost is only -.5" because of one inche gain back but stil that is a loss even though my weight is up from the last time I took my measurements.

    Where does every one measure their hips at? I'm having a hard time finding a consistent spot to measure from that seems right?
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome Jen! yes, Phase 2 seems scary but YOU CAN DO IT! I just finished Phase 2 and am amazed about what I accomplished. You can too!

    Thanks SweetD

    Workout 3 today finding the exercises a bit easier now apart from the crab thing I literally can't do it with my arms and I'm not sure if I'm wasting my time pushing up off my legs. Anyway it's done now not sure I've I'll see it again.
    Also having trouble with my balance on the tree. Do you guys pause it and try to get all the weights done cos I say I waste half the time trying to not fall over!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Okay, done with WO6 today. I definitely need to spend time on this one. I realized I spent a lot of time watching them to determine my form instead of doing... but I did what I could! It will get easier just some new things that don't "feel" right. Need practice.

    I did Cardio2 on Saturday before my final Cardio1 just to test it out. I read how much people HATE it because of the burpees so I was scared. But my bootcamp class used to do 90 seconds of burpees as Tabatha so 30 seconds seemed quick to me! ha! That will change, I know!

    Getting frustrated with the scale. Had a cheat 24 hours, some wine sat night... okay a little too much wine and woke up hungry, slightly hungover Sunday. Egg whites and turkey bacon weren't cutting it :( So had too many tositos and a big helping of yummy beef stew... and gained 2.5 freaking pounds. *sigh* But I am going for a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. But... ARRRRGGGGHHH. okay, enough, I am going to power through this week and hopefully that 2.5 will go away.
    Where does every one measure their hips at? I'm having a hard time finding a consistent spot to measure from that seems right?

    I used this as a guide: http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=10001&sc=128

    All that being said... good job everyone! Every workout we do is a step in the right direction... some extra wine and chips are gonna happen and the only way to offset it is get off my butt! ;)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member

    Workout 3 today finding the exercises a bit easier now apart from the crab thing I literally can't do it with my arms and I'm not sure if I'm wasting my time pushing up off my legs. Anyway it's done now not sure I've I'll see it again.

    I spent the whole time doing Workout 3 for 2 weeks and couldn't finish the crab. My elbows always felt akward and my upper arms felt like they were going to fall off! But after finishing Phase 2 it really prepares you to do the crab in WO 9 - with weights on your hips! I did it like it was nothing. So keep at it, your body will get stronger!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I did Cardio2 on Saturday before my final Cardio1 just to test it out. I read how much people HATE it because of the burpees so I was scared.
    Haha, by the end we all fly like David doing those burpees! In WO 9, they do side burpees! Not hard, just need concentration so you don't trip on yourself!
    Getting frustrated with the scale. Had a cheat 24 hours, some wine sat night... okay a little too much wine and woke up hungry, slightly hungover Sunday. Egg whites and turkey bacon weren't cutting it :( So had too many tositos and a big helping of yummy beef stew
    Don't worry... Sunday was my rest day AND I went to watch the SF giants game with my friend at a Sports bar. Let's just say that beer is the only thing that tastes good with appetizers. But that's ok, I still logged my calories and Monday was a new day.

    Thanks for this - very helpful!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Where does every one measure their hips at? I'm having a hard time finding a consistent spot to measure from that seems right?

    I used this as a guide: http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=10001&sc=128

    All that being said... good job everyone! Every workout we do is a step in the right direction... some extra wine and chips are gonna happen and the only way to offset it is get off my butt! ;)

    Thank you! Very Helpful!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Starting Phase 2 tomorrow!! Excited and nervous....

    I ran 4 km yesterday (C25K) and my knees are a little sore today... I'm hoping they will be ready for tomorrow!

    I will be taking my measurements tomorrow to see how I have progressed through Phase 1.

    I did take a pic way back in July when I first started... I've been hesitant to take another as my 2 girls (5&6yrs) always play on my phone and got quite a kick out of the picture of Mommy in her underware!! lol!!

    Great job ladies and welcome to the newcomers to the group!
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member

    Getting frustrated with the scale. Had a cheat 24 hours, some wine sat night... okay a little too much wine and woke up hungry, slightly hungover Sunday. Egg whites and turkey bacon weren't cutting it :( So had too many tositos and a big helping of yummy beef stew... and gained 2.5 freaking pounds. *sigh* But I am going for a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. But... ARRRRGGGGHHH. okay, enough, I am going to power through this week and hopefully that 2.5 will go away.

    The extra weight is probably just water weight because of the extra salt, will come off quickly I bet.