dangernene Member


  • Hi all! I hit a blip and piled my weight back on. I've signed up for a charity boxing match in eight weeks so that I have something to train for. CW: 199 (my highest ever!!) GW: 135 STG: around 180 in time for fight night, no alcohol, as much whole food and veg as I can fit in, regular training and gym
  • I've not lost any weight but I've taken responsibility for it. Slacking off with gym visits (twice a week is not enough for me!) and sneaking in chocolate and wine here and there is my problem, not the universe's! My diary is now public and I'm going to better track my exercise from now on too. 100% accountability from now…
  • I love the idea of setting an exercise target by pounds burned! I'm exhausted today after a trying weekend so a bit of a false start but I'm going to aim for 3500 exercise calories burned this week. Thanks for the inspo!
  • Apologies for my inaccurate post above and thanks to those who corrected me! Every day's a school day (and that will teach me not to check my understanding before I go posting all over these things!)
  • How much water are you drinking? Your body will hold on to that fat as best it can if you're not drinking enough water. Make sure you're eating enough calories as well. Too little isn't going to help you either. Hang in there! It'll come off.
  • Hello! I was diagnosed with PCOS about 15 years ago and the main things that have helped me are weight lifting and reducing my dairy, tofu and red meat intake. But weight lifting really is the best thing I've found to help with my symptoms. I can't take oral contraceptive because it screws with my mental health so much but…
    in PCOS Comment by dangernene March 2018
  • It does the same thing but not as quickly. Your body can handle a certain amount of carbohydrate - it's after that that it begins to be stored as glycogen, which needs to be burned off first before the fat gets used. So in a regular "diet" you'd ideally have the appropriate amount of carbs - or I guess if you go a little…
  • Okay so this isn't exactly "healthy" per se, but it's definitely vegan and filling and full of protein (19g): https://minimalistbaker.com/vegan-roasted-red-pepper-pasta-gf/ I also tend to use a lot of Linda Macartney vegan sausages - 212 kcals and 25g protein for three. Would defo love a homemade recipe though!
  • Ooooh I have been struggling recently! I swear my mood and motivation is directly tied to the weather - thanks a bunch cold snap! I spent the weekend eating absolute rubbish and barely moved - so of course I couldn't get to sleep last night thinking about how I failed and I was useless and blah blah blah. Managed to turn…
  • Didn't make it to the gym yet this week as it's been so crazy with work! I've managed to get a day to work from home so I'll be popping out later to lift some nice heavy weights. Also water jogging sounds amazing!!
  • If it helps, I quite often have a box from another sushi place which contains the following: 2 x tuna nigiri 3 x salmon nigiri 3 x salmon rolls 3 x crab rolls 2 x salmon sashimi soy + wasabi Comes to 536 calories.
  • Hi! I weighed myself this morning and am heavier than my previous weight on MFP but about 1lb lighter than I was last week (which I didn't log, stupidly - I might add that in retroactively). I've been keeping up the drinking plenty of water and have stayed under my calories most days this week, plus I've already been to…
  • Get a decent, seeded wholemeal bread. A little more calorific but better for you and will keep you full for longer so worth it. Pop a slice in the toaster. Mash your avocado with salt, pepper and chilli flakes. Poach your egg - make sure your egg is super fresh, crack into a shallow dish, slide into boiling water then turn…
  • I'm at around 194 - long term goal is 130 but I've got to give a big presentation in April so to get to 180 by then would be ideal. Side note: I have drunk 3 litres of water today and yesterday AND I just went downstairs and made myself a proper meal even though I'm working late (usually it would be food delivery time!).…
  • Hi all! PCOS sufferer here too. Mirena coil in situ for the heavy periods but really struggle with my weight (and beard!). Tried metformin even through it giving me terrible tummy issues but stopped when I eventually *kitten* myself :D (am I glad I was working from home that day....!) The biggest helps for me have been…
  • You guys are awesome!!! Thanks!! I think a combination of being a bit easier on myself and getting in mini bursts of steps etc where I can (I've been doing squats every time I've been to the loo today!) will work quite well for me. Unfortunately I work in several premises so standing/cycle desk situations wouldn't really…
  • Giving up Nicorette won't help your chest. Smoking causes respiratory problems because of all the other junk that's in cigarettes, but not nicotine. That's just the bit that keeps you addicted. However it's a good idea to do so. My friend used to cut all her nicotine gum in half before she finally managed to give them up…
  • SW: 176.4 CW: 175.2 GW: 170 Weigh in Dates: 8/1 175.2 8/8 170.8 8/15 170.6 8/22 8/28 End of Month Total weight lost Not a great deal of weight lost this week, but I was fully expecting that. Off for a run tonight!
  • SW: 176.4 CW: 175.2 GW: 170 Weigh in Dates: 8/1 175.2 8/8 170.8 8/15 8/22 8/28 End of Month Total weight lost
  • 3 months from now I'd like to be in a size 14, a size down from what I am now. A year from now I'd like to be at my goal weight of 135lbs. I haven't been that weight since I was about 10 years old, haha! I had come to accept that I was always going to be a big girl. Always have been, always will be, I thought. B*ll*cks to…
  • I won't rehash the basics the people above have helpfully put, but I just wanted to mention an accidental flavour I discovered that I can't get enough of. I was going to do apple sauce and cinnamon, but I'd run out of cinnamon, so I used mixed spice (you know the kind you get in hot cross buns) and it was AMAZING. It kind…
  • Wowzers! That's bloody impressive.
  • SW: 176.4 CW: 175.2 GW: 170 Weigh in Dates: 8/1 175.2 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/28 End of Month Total weight lost: Biggest roadblock: Alcohol! Heavy boozing at the weekends followed by hungover binging on Burger King, full English breakfasts, pizza, Lucozade. I'm going to a wedding this weekend and I've decided not to drink!
  • YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. These are all fantastic ideas, thanks so much!
  • 5'4" (or just under) and looking to lose 40-50lbs. All adds welcome!
  • Hello! I'm from Twickenham, also new. Add away! The more support the better, right?
  • I've only been using MFP a few days but pre-logging feels like a safe way to do things. I've been logging my exercise first so I've got a rough idea of what I can use, then I put in my breakfast and mid-morning/mid-afternoon snacks and some of my lunch, since they stay pretty constant on work days. Then I have an idea of…