Help!! Suggestions to fit in exercise

Hello all!

I'm a chubby girl who has recently (over the last two years) become a whole lot chubbier since switching jobs from one where I stood and moved around all day to one where I do an awful lot of sitting.

I get a bit of walking in (at least 10k steps daily) and I do have a gym membership which will help me eventually but here is my issue:

I work a LOT at the moment. I leave my house at 7am and I often get home at 10pm. I don't take lunch breaks and I really, truly, cannot get up any earlier. When I get home I'm exhausted and often go to bed within half an hour.

This is likely to go on for a good few weeks while I try to recruit and train people to help me, but I want to try and get exercise in now. I do what I can at the weekends but if I'm honest it rarely involves the gym - partly because I'm so tired at that point, partly because I'm catching up on housework and partly because I'm getting some socialising/downtime in.

I suffer from PCOS so exercise is obviously important and I need to try and get as much in as possible. If I take care of my weekends (starting by committing to getting to the gym at least one), have you guys got any suggestions for what I can do during the week?

Help appreciated, thanks!!


  • Becca_250
    Becca_250 Posts: 188 Member
    Are you able to just get up and move around every so often? If you work on a higher floor, could you take a couple of flights of stairs, up and down then back to your desk? I read on a thread here a while back that someone did squats or a wall sit for thirty seconds in the cubicle every time they went to use the bathroom.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
    Wow, is that even allowed to work such long hours, and without a lunch break??? :o
  • mikeski52
    mikeski52 Posts: 59 Member
    Standing desk? Every little bit helps, and it doesn't take much to accomplish as long as your work allows it.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Honestly? I would get a new job ASAP. Working 75 hours without lunch breaks is no way to live, and lots of things are going to suffer (fitness, friendships, family...)
    If it truly is just a short-term thing and you'll have relief soon, then I wouldn't stress about working out over the next few weeks. Just try to take micro-breaks during the day. Get up and walk for 5 minutes. Do some leg raises at your desk, etc.
    Also like someone else mentioned, I don't believe it is legal to work that long without a lunch break.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    a mini cycle isn't a bad idea, although that one listed is probably too tall for your desk. there are shorter - and better - ones around with magnetic resistance.

    if you're only going to be working like this for a short time, getting sleep is probably going to be better for your health than working out.
  • shagerty777
    shagerty777 Posts: 185 Member
    Do what you can to get those steps and short exercises in during the day and really work hard on your nutrition until you get relief at work. Also spend some time working on developing an exercise program you will stick to when you have the time! You can do it!
  • dangernene
    dangernene Posts: 30 Member
    You guys are awesome!!! Thanks!! I think a combination of being a bit easier on myself and getting in mini bursts of steps etc where I can (I've been doing squats every time I've been to the loo today!) will work quite well for me. Unfortunately I work in several premises so standing/cycle desk situations wouldn't really work.

    And for those concerned folk, that's very sweet, thank you! I adore my job and these hours are definitely short term or I'd have run for the hills by now! Plus I'm a contractor so more hours usually = more money (and no one gets in trouble for my intense shifts!).
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thank you all for sharing wonderful suggestions. Keep sharing useful information. I think exercise is best for health and fitness and everyone should try to do exercise everyday.
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