Do you "pre-log"?



  • hiawathaperez
    hiawathaperez Posts: 71 Member
    Depends on how my day goes....if I feel too hungry in the early afternoon I pre-log that supper so that I may have a little
    talk with myself...

    If I am up up up emotionally not necessary....I just don"t even think about food.

    Guess I am an emotional eater....
  • dangernene
    dangernene Posts: 30 Member
    I've only been using MFP a few days but pre-logging feels like a safe way to do things. I've been logging my exercise first so I've got a rough idea of what I can use, then I put in my breakfast and mid-morning/mid-afternoon snacks and some of my lunch, since they stay pretty constant on work days. Then I have an idea of how many calories I have left for dinner/coffees/etc.

    It's also useful to do in the evenings after I've had dinner. Thinking about what I should eat the next day is almost as satisfying as post-supper grazing so it's a good distraction tactic.

    H x
  • sbarbry
    sbarbry Posts: 38
    I preplan and log in advance and re-adjust as I go throughout the day...

  • hhamilton1203
    hhamilton1203 Posts: 43 Member
    I pre log. i feel that when i do that i tend to stick to my meal plan as desired and less likely to go and eat something i shouldn't. then i know if i am getting enough protein with my meals and snacks. When i don't pre log i tent to just eat what ever and then the whole day is shot.
  • jaybear31
    jaybear31 Posts: 11 Member
    I pre log most of my day since I pack my breakfast and lunch for work the night before. That helps me plan my dinnr and snacks since those are more spontaneous.
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    I pre log my week it helps a lot
  • I kinda mix up the two.. I plan in the beginning of the day what i plan to eat.. and make it small.. knowing I will probably add something later.. and if theres something i really want to eat.. but I'm out of calories.. i add it to the next days snack time.. it works provided my kids dont eat it before I get to it.. lol
  • JodieP13
    JodieP13 Posts: 94 Member
    Indeed! I log my food and excercise in advance. It makes me (hopefully) stick to my plan. Today I have PLANNED to be a hog and have a gyro for lunch! :laugh:
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I pre-log my breakfast, lunch and snacks. As for dinner, I never know what I'm going to be in the mood for, and I always eat it after my work-out, so I try to plan my calories accordingly to make sure I'm still under.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    log as I go
  • Definitely pre-log as much as I can, and then adjust as necessary. I find that planning out my meals in advance helps me eat healthier.
  • Beee_B
    Beee_B Posts: 24
    I have OCD so I pre-log for the next week... it's actually helping my condition be less anxiety-driven.

    This site has done wonders for me x
  • I pre-log to plan my meals/snacks for the day. It helps me to have a plan. It's like a game to stick to the plan all day.

    Sometimes I do have to go in and change things as the day goes on, but it doesn't bother me unless I impulsively ate something "bad," like a donut.
  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    Yes in the morning I prelog breakfast, snacks, and lunch.. then for supper i log as i go. I eat exactly what i bring to work so i know how many calories i have left for the evening.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    I pre-log the night before while preparing/measuring lunch and snacks for the next day. Breakfast is the same every morning (protein shake) so that is an easy pre-log. Dinner is the only meal that does not get pre-logged. I adjust on the fly through the day if I'm more/less hungry.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    i prelog lunch as I'm packing it, because then I can scan the bar codes from the packages that I take things out of and have accurate portions and nutrients without all the work

    How do you scan them? You have a scanner?

    Yes...the MFP app on the smart phones now includes a scanner....I love, love this feature...I scan everything at the store now so I know the exact cals of what Im buying....and most everything I scan has been in the data base and sometimes differ in cals from whats already in the database...

    DUH! :blushing: A smart phone! I didn't even think of that. One of these days, I might buy myself one, but the monthly bill is what keeps me from it. It would be three times what I pay now. That sounds very convenient though. It's worth considering.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I have OCD so I pre-log for the next week... it's actually helping my condition be less anxiety-driven.

    This site has done wonders for me x

    I am not gonna do that regularly, but I *am* doing it for this week. We are moving to a new house and will have to buy some fast food during the process, at least until I get get a cycle or two through the dishwasher and ready to cook at the new house.

    I think that's pretty cool, actually. :drinker: I am more ADD than OCD, so I would be afraid of procrastinating and falling behind doing it that way. :tongue: