

  • I did the entire program with resistance bands. Usually can buy a set of them that comes with a strap with a little ball in it that allows you to use the band for pull ups on any door.
  • I may have come off a little harsh on carbs. I generally don't push my views on others so vehemently. One of the recent posts hit the nail on the head. If you're happy with where your diet is at and happy with results, then just don't stress over getting the extra few carbs that MFP suggests. Do what your body tells you is…
  • I get on board with any plan that involves drinking Seriously though I think you should just change your MFP goals to lower the crabs down to around 100g a day, and then it will be easy to reach.
  • Thank you! Just be careful in here. These peeople love their carbs!
  • I was talking about all grains, including whole. My qoute above says IF you're going to eat grains at all they should be whole.
  • You're right. I shouldn't have assumed she wasn't a professional athlete. She did mention that she has a desk job later on though so I will stand by my statement that fruit and vegetables will supply all the carbs she would need. Maybe I shouldn't have made sucha wide sweeping statement, but instead just told her that 200+…
  • Well I agree that if you're going to eat grains they should be whole grains and not refined.
  • Don't take it so personally. I'm saying if you want to have carbs then get them from fruit and veggies, but I don't think carbs are an essential part of diet. No big deal.
  • I didn't say fiber was bad for you. Also, be careful who does these studies. The agriculture society has a VERY good reason to make everyone think they should get the majority of their diet from grains. Whole grains will still spike insulin, and they have been associated with vitamin deficiency.
  • Grains are not as good for you as you might think. All carbs become sugar anyway no matter what.
  • There are no "good" carbs. There's no need to eat more then 100g of carbs in a day. Eat plenty of fruit and veggies and you'll get all the carbs you need.
  • After reading a post from someone else above I was thinking the same thing about your calorie intake. If you're only eating 1200 calories AND working out you're going to hit a wall real fast.
  • Yes you would eat back the 500 calories you burned. MFP has already factored in a calorie defecit for you without exercise.
  • You can definitley over do it. I would recommend taking atleast one day off from exercise. Your body needs time to recover! As for not losing weight, don't sweat it. Ignore the scale for awhile and look for other changes in your body like firmer, toner body parts.
  • I think some people still don't get it. Your calorie goal here on MFP is set such that YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT WITHOUT WORKING OUT, just by creating a calorie deficiency between what you eat and the calories you will burn with regular daily activity. Therefore, the calories you burn working out can be eaten back, because…
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