AmberBelandria Member


  • Just came back to MFP today and thought i'd join your conversation. I'm 39 just had my first baby a year ago and i'm trying to lose 35 to 40 pounds. How many of you are on the Premium Plan?
  • Thank you all so much for the advice! I will start with walking and go from there.
  • I actually do sit for 12 hours a day. I am a dispatcher and to be honest sitting makes me more tired than when I did physical work. I just need motivation. I asked my husband to go with me but his response was he is not a gym person and doesn't really want to go.
  • That was really helpful!!! :)
  • Thank you CyberTone
  • I am looking for lower carb, If I count all the veggies that will put me over my carb limit.
  • I work 12 hour days with a 40 minute drive to and from work. I dispatch so I sit during my shift. Its hard to get motivated to go to the gym but i am going to try plus the carb cycling.
  • pwrfl1 i have 50 to lose and for me its more about the number going down. My husband and i are going to try to have a baby but i do not want to get pregnant and put weight on top of weight. I have had two ectopic pregnancies so far and I don't know if weight has anything to do with it but I am not trying again until i lose…
  • When you started your diet did the weight and inches fall off easy or did it seem to take a bit before noticing a difference?
  • I can't wait to get my book and read all about this diet.
  • Have you guys thought about making this a group so its easier to find. I use to have a place that let me click if I commented somewhere but that is now gone. I have to search this thread every time i want to comment or read.
  • Awesome ms_Smartypants....helped a ton thank you
  • I am reading through the reviews on Amazon about the book. I am reading a lot of people don't understand about how many carbs grams to eat each meal. Can someone tell me how you calculate your carbs per meal?
  • Can you do this diet with just cardio? I really don't want to lift weights right now. I do want to in the future but right now I just want to do cardio. Does this program work with just cardio?
  • Hey everyone I am just curious about the carb cycling. How well does it work? How fast do you lose? I ordered the book today on amazon so I have to wait until it arrives just looking for a but of information from some of you who are actually doing it now.. My name is Amber
  • What is carb cycling?
  • I am a dispatcher and I sit most of the day. However my Charge HR says I climb stairs all day. I have contributed this to the fact that i move my wrist while typing and it says i am climbing stairs. Not sure how to correct this issue. I thought about wearing it around my pants loop but then the HR won't kick in.
  • My best friend did this and she didn't lose any weight at all. I have heard several people doing this and not losing. I have it but I have not tried it yet. Good Luck if you do get it.
  • I do have some dumbells not a lot and I have wanted to purchase the adjustable ones but will have to be after the new year they are pretty pricey. I don't have enough room for a bench. I don't normally have a lot of time to get out and bike or run and I hate running btw not my thing. Unless its summer no access to a pool…
  • @ Keepcalmanddo Its not from my workouts its from my body preparing for my monthly. They start to swell two and a half weeks prior to my monthly. They begin to hurt really bad. So I can only exercise two weeks out of a month. Before they start to swell and hurt.
  • I don't have to stay in bed just yet but it does hurt to turn over in bed without something pressed against my breast. I hate this so much. I am checking into birth control to see if it will help. Just waiting on my OBGYN to call me back. I have to get this under control and quick or I will never get this weight off. :sad:
  • I have tried medication like Ibuprofen and it doesn't take the pain away enought to be able to exercise. It seems I have tried everything.
  • :drinker: WOW!!! this is motivation right here to keep at it! You look amazing!
  • Thank you all for your responses. I just started T25 yesterday in fact. I didn't have time to do it Monday. I did workout yesterday afternoon. But my schedule is 7am to 7pm. I get up anywhere from 4am to 5am daily. I leave the house at 6am to get to work on time and when I leave work I dont get home till 8pm or later so I…
  • Ashley, I have read several post about T25 reading that people lost inches but not much weight. I also know two different people that did Insanity and only lost inches and not much weight. I am wondering if anyone else had a different result. If you type inT25 in search in Community you will read lots of people lost inches…
  • Damn, you look great. I am starting soon, what I don't understand with Insanity and T25 no one seems to lose much weight. I don't understand why? Can anyone answer this question?
  • I have dated a ton of bad boys and in my book its defined as Arrogant, all about themselves. No concern for you feelings, emotional, mental and physically abusive. I do not ever care to have a bad boy again. However I am attracted to a confident man who takes pride in his appearance. He beams with pride when his girl is on…
  • You all have been a huge help. I will set my calories to my BMR which is 1720 and eat back my exercise calories. I will keep a check on it to make sure I am losing vs gaining. I pray its losing cause I really need to get this fat off.
  • I used MFP BMR calculator and it puts me at 1708 which is the lowest of them all but all are around 1708 to 1722.