

  • meh... I could go either way
  • Thank you all so much! I know the post was shamelessly self serving but I was just so excited I had to tell somebody :)
  • You'll be ok, sometimes your body just decides it wants to be at a higher weight and you gain like 3-4 lbs over night, at least that keeps happening to me :) The first thing I check is how much sodium I'm eating, I've learned that for some reason even reduced sodium soy sauce makes me hang on to every ounce I eat. Just get…
  • Anyone ever read the book "Born to Run"? or anything about barefoot or minimalist running? I get the idea from researching that changing the way you move when you walk or jog helps a lot more than orthodics or expensive shoes. I can't speak from experience since I've never had a foot injury, but my dad was a huge supporter…
  • I know there are all kinds of opinions about birth control/hormones and weight gain. My personal experience: I was given the shot once - in the 3 month period I went from 154 to 192 lbs without changing my eating or activity level. I also had some pretty uncharacteristic mood swings, that was a pretty bad month for me and…
  • WOW! Thank you for the inspiration
  • Like most kids I grew up eating 3 square meals a day, every day: being told to clean my plate, not allowed to leave the table until I finished etc. I recently started taking health and nutrition classes and the very first part of the very first lecture was dealing with nutrition in childhood development. I learned that a…
  • I would also like to join if you have room - I'd hoped to join the "biggest loser" challenge but it looks like it might be a no go. I've been looking for a bit of a group commitment to help with motivation and accountability. Thanks :)
  • the cake is a lie
  • Totally with you on the leather jacket - thats my goal!
  • Anybody here ever been to a beach in Brazil? Everyone wears a bikini or speedo - regardless of body type, 100 lbs or 300 lbs it doesnt matter there. We are way too hung up on body image in this country. To me, bikinis have absolutely nothing to do with health. If youre "getting healthy" to look good in a bikini and your…
    in "Fatkinis" Comment by nrz242 June 2013
  • I'm in the same boat exactly - I've tracked my boyfriends calories on this site and he eat over 3000 just to maintain his weight. He needs to loose about 30 lbs but still wants chicken wings and burgers every day.
  • Hey all, So far this week has been great! Yesterday was my cheat day for milk but overall I've lost 5.2 lbs which is better than I ever would have hoped. I just got a gym membership so I should be able to be a lot more consistent about my exercise this week. Very much looking forward to sticking with it for the rest of…
  • I'm fairly new but I love checking into the recipes and motivation and support forums - just joined this group: 60 day challenge: eating clean ! I think tomorrow is the end of the first week so we've just started, there's only nine or ten members and they are all incredibly supportive - I'm sure you'll be very welcome if…
  • Hey just added you - my story's VERY similar, but I'm getting lots of accountability and motivation on here! And its great to see some changes just from a much healthier lifestyle in the past 6 days - good luck and lets keep each other going! :D
  • yup thats definitely happening tomorrow!
  • I just started jogging at 219 lbs - just take it slow, I started at about 5 minutes at a time and now I'm only up to 10 or 12 minutes but I intent to eventually do a 5K - If you want running inspiration read this: Its a fantastic book about native Mexican distance runners, super inspiring…
  • I'd like to hear something along the lines of "Thats cool, hey we should go for a hike" - I really appreciate offers of action/productivity and I think its preferable to sympathy/empathy, but thats just me
  • I'm here for the accountability and motivation. I look forward to logging and checking the message boards. Something you should not do naked? Leave the hotel room...
  • Minor cheat: my boyfriend wanted to go for a date - took me out to Taco Bell (because we're broke as hell lol) and I got the grilled chicken cantina bowl - I skipped the creamy vinaigrette dressing but couldn't pass up the guacamole, which I know has some processed sugar and preservatives in it - I'm also sure that the…
  • Twice baked sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, baked carrot sticks with cinnamon, and sauteed kale with a hard boiled egg :)
  • Congratulations! Let me know how you like the weekly Zumba, I've been curious but too timid to start it. Good luck and thanks for the extra inspirations :)
  • Thats really good to hear, thank you. Thats exactly what I have. I put way too much junk food in my body this past year trying to survive school, but I've always had a difficult complexion - I did just start taking a multivitamin on my doctors suggestion and I was considering adding an omega-3... Any thoughts? just curious…
  • Hi there, I'm Nadia - as of this morning I weighed 219. I've decided to weigh every day to see my weight fluctuations over the course of this challenge. After 60 days I'd like to be under 200 but the main reason I'm doing this is to see if my skin will clear up. Ever since I moved to florida I've had horrible problems with…
  • That sounds amazing! I might double up on the jalapeno too - sounds like a great stand by to keep in the fridge for the times I don't feel like making healthy stuff. Thanks!
  • I'm so sorry that you lost your little girl - I can't think of a better way to honor her memory than to live a healthy, wonderful life. I've found this site to be a wonderful place for encouragement and a really good way to stay motivated and accountable - Looking forward to seeing your transformation when you reach your…
  • Always great to have more friends
    in Friends??? Comment by nrz242 June 2013
  • Just finished half a spaghetti squash with fresh mushroom marinara and about 4 oz of lean grass-fed hamburger - I'm under my calories for the day by a lot but I can't eat any more...