emarific Member


  • If you prefer more structured exercise, there are lots of yoga/pilates style videos for free on Youtube - look up 30 day yoga challenge and you can find them. There are also some good zumba instructors posting on Youtube too. Or you can check out your local Goodwill/thrift store for exercise DVDs
  • Coconut water has a ton of potassium, too 460 MG in 8 oz and it's low on calories.
    in Potassium Comment by emarific May 2016
  • Has your doctor checked you for a thyroid condition? My sister was eating under 1200 calories and working out for months without losing weight- turned out that was the result of thyroid problems.
  • Former smoker myself, so I speak from experience. Nicotine is a stimulant which increases your metabolic rate because it increases your heart rate. In addition to the shock to your system that recovering from an addiction causes, quitting smoking causes massive changes to through your whole body- affecting hormones, brain,…
  • Whole Foods is awesome! It really is my happy place :) Definitely not the same as you're describing (at least, not the one I drive an hour to get to in Raleigh). I think at the very least it would be worth your time to check it out at least once. And they have a whole mess of gluten free and veggie/vegan options.
  • I had to add it myself, I give myself 200 calories for 45 min class.
    in Zumba Comment by emarific September 2012
  • Since it's not an all the time pain and you described it as a burning sensation, it sounds like you might have a pinched nerve. Probably best to check in with your doctor though, since it's something involving back/spine. http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/guide/compressed-nerves
  • Get a cup with a straw. You will be amazed how much more you will drink.
  • Nuts are a great source of calories in compact form.
  • Here's a good FAQ about the white whole wheat flour in case anyone is curious: http://www.wholegrainscouncil.org/whole-grains-101/whole-white-wheat-faq
  • I like to use white whole wheat flour when baking. It's made from a dif. kind of wheat grain than regular whole wheat, mostly the nutrients are the same, it just has lower gluten and lower protein content. But it bakes just like refined white flour.
  • I don't know how strict your particular class/teacher is, but the adult ballet classes I've taken don't require tights/leotards like when we were kids. I ususally wear 3/4 length pants and a regular workout top that are form-fitted enough for the teacher (and me) to see my body.