Ok. this is a new one for me guys.... tail bone pain.
When sitting in a chair, and you look down, or put chin to chest, it feels like my tail bone is on FIRE. I have stretched, I have soaked. .. I have not fallen on it .
I run about 2-3 miles at varied elevation @5mph in about 30 minutes. I do Bodyrock once a day. I stretch tons...
WHY, HOW, WHAT... most importantly.. how do you make it stop? :/
Thanks in advance.


  • emarific
    emarific Posts: 12 Member
    Since it's not an all the time pain and you described it as a burning sensation, it sounds like you might have a pinched nerve. Probably best to check in with your doctor though, since it's something involving back/spine.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Since it's not an all the time pain and you described it as a burning sensation, it sounds like you might have a pinched nerve. Probably best to check in with your doctor though, since it's something involving back/spine.


    In the meantime, I would also suggest trying an anti inflamatory, like Aleve, and see if they helps at all. And REST! If you're running, I'd take a week off if you can, and definitely check in w the doctor.
  • kaj44
    kaj44 Posts: 38 Member
    I agree with all of the above. It does indeed sound like to me that you have inflamed a nerve.................if you can't give up all exercise, perhaps walking at an easier definitely don't want to exacrbate whatever is going on...........if it persists even after taking Aleve and resting...................see the doc......................... :sick:
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    Go. To. The. Doctor.